1. 高中英语 句子仿写
1 What do you think why their team can win the football competition?
2 Though he invited me ,I would not go to his party.
3Their not being back home make me annoyed instead of worry.
4Our community do not have such a person.
来自刚考完的高三学子 字这么漂亮一点是学妹了 哈哈 好好学习英语吧 有大用处 答案仅供参考 可以适当修改 有什么不妥之处 请告诉我 相互学习
2. 英语句子摘抄加仿写
why don't you learn to sing English songs?
1.why don't you go out for a walk?why don't you find out about it?
2.Why don't you lend me your book?this kind of contes encourages people in china to speak English.
3.This kind of fish enable the peasents in the village to feed them.Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speak English program?
4.Have you ever reminded me of calling him come here?The singers really came from all age groups and from all over China.The students really came from all the schools and from all over the city.
3. 英语仿写句子,仿写三个句子
4. 高中英语必修4翻译句子
Until now, doctors also on the deadly disease no way.
The period of time after the death of his father, Charlie is very poor.
After the earthquake, the Government provided for the homeless with food and blankets.
Emma (may) is not an ordinary writer.
Daicy to enter the West to wear an old coat.
David after the game waving arms very excited about.
Freddie specifically for this occasion to buy a suit.
Edwards slip on ice at the foot of a loss of balance.
5. 英语句子摘抄加仿写
why don't you learn to sing English songs?1.why don't you go out for a walk?why don't you find out about it?2.Why don't you lend me your book?this kind of contes encourages people in china to speak English.3.This kind of fish enable the peasents in the village to feed them.Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speak English program?4.Have you ever reminded me of calling him come here?The singers really came from all age groups and from all over China.The students really came from all the schools and from all over the city。