Life is movement, in the busy learning, we need to exercise to relieve the pressure,
生命在于运动, 在繁忙的学习之余, 我们需要适量的运动来缓解压力 so we can greatly improve the efficiency [iˈfiʃənsi]of learning. Sports meeting,it offers us a good Chance. 这样我们的学习效率才会大大提高.运动会,则为我们提供了一个很好的机会 let us in exercise while learn many classroom can not learn things。
让我们在锻炼身体的同时学会很多课堂上无法学到的东西 Last week,our school held a sports meeting once a year, But, because I have something not to watch,that day, The students very early in the playground. 上周,我们学校举行了一年一度的运动会,那天,同学们很早就在操场上集合了。
. But I heard, the students are very excited and thrilled,
competition is also very fierce [fi
但是我听说,同学们都很兴奋与激动,比赛也很激烈, Many students are hurt because violent [vaiələnt] exercise,I am sorry to hear that,but I know They are in order to the class honors. 不少同学都因为剧烈的运动而受了伤,我听到那感觉很抱歉,但是我知道,他们都是为了班级的荣誉. They are good! 他们都是好样的! Through the Sports meeting, It makes me understand the profound meaning of "insisted that victory" 通过这次运动会,它让我明白了“坚持就是胜利”的深刻含义!
Cause athletes
Not for applause annotation,
No wai deliberately to conquer,
Only hard sweat into pursuing footsteps.
Heart conviction,
The pace of feet composed,
You use action recounting a the unchangable truth.
Not compared to foot longer road,
People than not higher mountain,
Hope at the end wave to you.
Efforts! Use your perseverance will,
To meet the end of applause.
Believe that success belongs to you.
The 2013 Oct 13rd on Sunday There is wind
Today is the second day of the sports meeting, during morning independent study we will go to the playground. After a while, is the seventh grade 6 3000m game, we gave contained sweet teacher that class of the student refueling, finally, got the first, we are pleased to。。 A moment to eighth-grade man 3000m game, we'll go to the ChenHao refuel my class, finally ran a fifth, actually is good now, a moment to woman 3000, koryo true enough good, insist on down and got a fourth。。 Finally the teacher also play, although the teacher in charge not tall, but ran up also fast enough. He won at last, We all happy for him.
2013年10月13日 星期日 有风
I believe you
4 this week is a fine day, we A secondary school in this day held the 9th Games. One by one the students are very excited, full of energy. I believe it yourself, you are the best, I believe you will achieve good results !
Generally in line with the meaning of a good translation, and some words if no translation can not translate.
Distinguished leaders, referees, teachers, dear students: Hello everyone!An invigorating autumn climate, osmanthus fragrance, in this golden season, we ushered in the autumn sports meeting once a year in our school.Today, on behalf of all the athletes, I feel very honored.Sport is not only a sport, but also a spirit, a higher, faster, stronger spirit; sports meeting is not only a competitive arena, but also fully demonstrate the stage of self. We want to develop a higher, faster, stronger Olympic spirit, in the field Positive enterprising, tenacious struggle, beyond the self, never say die. At the same time, we want to develop team spirit, unity, cooperation, and mutual assistance, and comprehensively improve and advance together. In the game, we not only want to race out of style, the game out of friendship, but also To match the level, race results; we should not only have the courage to fight first, dare to shock to the record. Let us in the fight ahead of the game, enjoy the dream of flying their own, fully demonstrate the style of self!Students, as a student in the new era, we have the youth, has the vigor, has the future! As long as we open our hearts and sunshine belongs to us, the blue of the sky belong to us, fresh air belong to us, it will be more excellent results Belongs to us! Here, let the sky for us to testify, let the earth for us to testify, let the court for us to testify, let the results for us to testify: we are good, we are the best!Now, on behalf of all athletes solemnly swear: in games in all competitions, strictly abide by the rules for athletes, and obey the command, obey the referee, solidarity, friendship, fair competition, positive enterprising, struggle and striving for success!In the end, I wish our school will be a complete success in the fall of 2010!Thank you all!尊敬的各位领导、裁判、老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好! 秋高气爽,丹桂飘香,在这金色的季节里,我们共同迎来了我校一年一度的秋季运动会。
今天我代表全体运动员发言,感到十分荣幸。 体育不仅是一项运动,更是一种精神,一种更高、更快、更强的精神;运动会不仅是竞技的赛场,更是充分展示自我的舞台。
我们要发扬更高、更快、更强的奥运精神,在赛场 上积极进取,顽强拼搏,超越自我,永不言败;同时我们还要发扬团队精神,团结协作,互帮互助,全面提高,共同前进。在各项比赛中,我们不仅要赛出风格,赛出友谊,更 要赛出水平,赛出成绩;我们不仅要勇于争取第一,更要敢于向赛会记录冲击。
让我们在拼搏奋进的赛场上,尽情地放飞自己的梦想,充分地展示自我的风采! 同学们,作为新时代的学生,我们拥有青春,拥有朝气,更拥有未来!只要我们敞开胸怀,明媚的阳光属于我们,蔚蓝的天空属于我们,清新的空气属于我们,优异的成绩更会 属于我们!在这里,让蓝天为我们作证,让大地为我们作证,让赛场为我们作证,让成绩为我们作证:我们是优秀的,我们是最棒的! 现在,我代表全体运动员庄严宣誓:在运动会的各项比赛中,严格遵守运动员守则,听从指挥,服从裁判,团结互助,增进友谊,公平竞争,积极进取,奋力拼搏,争创佳绩! 最后,预祝我校2010年秋季运动会圆满成功! 谢谢大家。
运动会诗歌 娇阳抛下无数柔媚的眼神 摇荡运动员的心旌 心湖荡漾着一波波 酷似霜风染过的枫叶 火红的血焰猛烈升腾 谁在台上雄声铿锵 谁在台下心内呯呯 攒动的每颗激动的人头 牵动着兴奋的心 兴奋里漫长等待 等待台上动听的一语 运动会开始进行! 春天的筋骨随春强壮 炎夏三伏的苦练更加坚强 金秋的飒爽英姿冲动着招展 胜利的果实 沉甸甸地挂满心头 品尝的心思在疯长 运动员们送来镇定的微笑 微启的双唇衔住了信心 运动健儿如急箭 强弩的瞬间离弦 突鸣的枪声烟雾未散 运动员已到达终点 哦,短跑的健将 可是刘翔光临现场 比跑更快的是箭 比箭更快的是你的一闪 你只在我眼中一闪 助威的嘴才张开一半 哦,短跑的健将 可是第二刘翔 人生的路上 有微风吹拂的舒爽 有强风阻挡的野蛮 在人生的环形跑道上 周而复始一圈又一圈 不是汗水的流淌 是那微风柔吻后湿润的痕光 不是你累得吁吁气喘 是那强风初次拥抱的紧张 人生相爱一场 从起点跑到终点 从终点跑向起点 轮回里进入美妙甜蜜的殿堂 沉沉生锈的铁饼 落入人间的玉盘 轻轻地托在手掌 用粗手缓缓地摩挲着 我要你为我悬在天上 洒泻我成功的光茫 振挥强劲之手 奋力地扬起手掌这风帆 你在明空中旋转 神奇的飞碟出现 看! 铁饼落进我的梦想 五千米五千米愁肠 愁肠终点在何方 酸软的双腿灌进了重铅 每一步心里一声忧叹 干涸的心房龟裂成粉沙 每一杯水蒸发汽散 身上开出无数的细流 流水涓涓 衣物凝成柔硬的刀片 身上磨刮更多活泉 五千米五千米渺茫 渺茫胜利在何方 你是不屈不败的船 汗水的河流上奋勇 划起腿这双桨 成功就在彼岸 彼岸的成功在呼唤 我不会写诗 我不会歌唱 但我有颗火热的心 溶入七月的太阳 用心为你助威 用心为你呐喊 每一份能量 注入你强壮的身上 为你成功的光环 增添我星豆的萤光 太阳观尽场上的表演 醉意盈满脸庞跌倒在西山 西边的霞幕里 定为我们排下庆祝的盛宴 彩云在欢情共舞 飞鸟竞先歌唱捎给未知的远方 手中的奖状贴满金灿灿透明的笑脸 里中有我里中有你 里中有集体的力量 胜利 看到深秋的飒爽 致百米运动员 起跑线上 你们一字排开 健美的肌肉蕴含着爆发力量 坚定的目光中充满了自信 枪响了 你们开始了并不长的征程 笔直的跑道上 有你们稳健的足迹 不远的终点 将留下你们冲刺时矫捷的背影 加油吧 掌声将为你响起 加油吧 胜利和鲜花终将属于你们 致短跑运动员 踏上跑道, 是一种选择。
离弄起点, 是一种勇气。 驰骋赛场, 是一种胜利。
朋友, 用你的实力, 用你的精神, 去开拓出 一片属于你的 短跑天地。 致200M运动员 200M,有一个人生的起点 200M,有一个人生的弯道 200M,有一段人生的冲刺 200M,有一个辉煌的胜利 200M,只刹那一瞬间 却成就一段永恒的胜利 200M,只弯过一个转折 却折出多少汗水 冲向你那光辉煌的胜利吧 跨过那一瞬 转过那道弯 胜利在向你招手 飞翔 --致200米运动员 夏日的操场 竟是如此美丽 美丽地几乎令人绝望 你蹲在起跑线上 每一块肌肉都固执得顶起 像一尊雕像 慢慢地 慢慢地 你抬起了头 坚毅的目光中透出了贪婪 汗湿的发丝终于飞了起来 冲吧冲吧 化作勇敢的苍鹰 去寻找我心中的太阳 百米跑 惊天枪后疾如飞 勇往直前不后退 风驰电掣似闪电 勇士出发何言诲 致100米运动员 枪声伴你踏上征程,你昂着自信的头,带着必胜的信念, 冲去,奔去。
那一刻时光仿佛都为你停住,你的勇气振动了一切, 震撼了每一个人的心灵。终点。
你赢了。 虽然只是那短短的十几秒,但你在我们心中留下了永恒。
瞬间的成败 —致百米运动员 红色的跑道,承载着多少汗水,一条红线,记载着多少成败。 一次起跑,是瞬间的爆发,成败,即决定其中。
瞬间的瞬间,闪电的闪电,即是成功的起步。 致百米运动员 枪声响了,你们冲向前,不为别的,就为班级一马当先,没有昔日的汗水,怎见今天的胜利?相信自己,鼓励自己,超越自己。
致百米运动员 最想目睹的是你的风姿, 最想倾听的是你的呼吸, 最想感觉的是你呼啸而过的骤风, 今天,你们是焦点; 今天,你们是骄傲; 今天,我们看你们创造辉煌。 致百米运动员 跑道上,无数次站在雪白的起跑线上, 无数次抬眼望着前方,无数次品位失败的苦涩, 无数次品尝胜利的甘甜。
这就是你??百米运动员。 辉煌的背后是汗水,成功的背后是艰辛, 为了这短短的一百米, 你曾无数次的起跑与冲刺。
这一片天地属于你,百米运动员。 致100米的运动员 一声枪响班着飒爽的秋风, 你们亮出自己的风采, 在这短短的100米中, 你们与时间争分夺秒, 只为了??那最后的冲刺。
不管结果如何,你们都是胜利者。 因为,你们曾与时间竞赛。
致长跑运动员 磨炼的是非凡的毅力, 较量的是超常的体力, 拼搏的是出类拔萃的耐力. 把长长的跑道跑成一段漫漫的征途, 听!呼啸的风在为你喝彩, 看!猎猎的彩旗在为你加油, 加油吧! 为了到达终点时那一刻的辉煌! 致中长跑运动员 倘若力量来自呼吸,呼吸来自生命 生命的真谛注释力量的永恒 呼吸的瞬间注释生命的价值 南无呼吸的艰难,力量的渐逝在此刻都可得到最美的解释 将这美坚持到底,即。
There was a sports meeting in our school last week, It began on Thursday and was over on Friday. Zhang QiIang is in Class One. He is taller than any other boy in the school. He jumped highest of all. Yang Mei ran fastest, but she hurt her right foot before the sports meeting. She couldn't take part in the race . She was very sorry . There are twenty-five boys in Class Three. Some of them are strong. Miss Zhao chose four from them. They ran very fast and won the boys' 400-metre relay race. Zhang Hong ran fast, too. When the girls' 200-metre race began, she was in front. Bad luck! She fell to the ground and fell behind. And Huang Xiao feng was the first to pass the finishing line.
Last week we had the school sports meet on our school sports ground. All my classmates took active parts in it. Sometimes we watched the sports games closely.Sometimes we gave loud cheers to the sports members.
John took a part in 1500-metre race. He was the fastest runner in the race and won the first place. Lisa did not do well in high-jump, so we said “come on” to cheer her up. I took part in 200-metre running race. As soon as I heard the starting PANG, I tried my best to run faster than others. As I was running I could hear “Come on! Come on!”from my classmates.This gave me great strenth. Finally I was the first person to get to the finishing line.I was number one.
As a result, my class won the first prize in the sports meet. How proud we were! It was really an exciting day.
Our school holds the sports meeting today.There are a lot of students and they are very happy.The athletes are very nervous. They take part in the high jump,long jump and so on. The competition begins.The students run very fast on the playground.The others are saying come on to their classmates and couraging them. We lost the game at last,but we are still very happy. 今天学校举行校运会,来学校的学生很多,大家都很高兴。
参加比赛的学生很紧张,有参加跳高,跳远的,,, 比赛开始了,同学们在操场上快速的跑着,别的同学也都为比自己同学加油,可是比赛结果我们班输了。 但是这次给我们带来了快乐。
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