
1. 关于五一劳动节的英语句子10句短文(四年级)

1.May Day is very near.


2.Tomorrow is May Day. We are goint to make a day of it.


3.I am stuck with insolence should I wish to fumble among ego, power and my own relativity.


4.They designated May1 as International Labour Day to be observed by the workers of all countries.


5.The long-distance bus station should be mobbed at this time of year because of the coming May Day celebration, which customarily lasts all week.


6.May Day is a pleasant day.What it attracts us most are hard-working,union,coperation and dedication.


7.The American Labor Day


8.International Labour Day


9.S2: The international Labor Day.


10.Ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro has not yet made an appearance at May Day celebrations in Havana Tuesday, despite predictions he might appear in public for the first time since handing over power to his brother Raul last July.

2. 关于五一节的七句话的英语小作文

May Day is an international holiday for thanking to the labourer. There are three days off for this holiday in China. During this period, people like to go out for travrl wich will cause the crawd in many attractiosn. Therefore, I will stay at home with my parents and have a rest. I will have a leisure and comfortable time in these three days. Then, I will go back to school (work) with energy and study (work) hard. Let's enjoy our holiday.。

3. 关于五一的英语名言


—— 马卡连柯 正如树枝和树干连接在一起那样,脱离树干的树枝很快就会枯死。 —— 奥涅格 我们世界上最美好的东西,都是由劳动、由人的聪明的手创造出来的。

—— 高尔基 只有人的劳动才是神圣的。 —— 高尔基 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。

谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦! —— 李绅 我觉得人生求乐的方法,最好莫过于尊重劳动。一切乐境,都可由劳动得来,一切苦境,都可由劳动解脱。

—— 李大钊 劳动是一切知识的源泉。 —— 陶铸 所有现存的好东西都是创造的果实。

—— 米尔 在人的生活中最主要的是劳动训练。没有劳动就不可能有正常的人的生活。

—— 卢梭 劳动是社会中每个人不可避免的义务。 —— 卢梭 完善的新人应该是在劳动之中和为了劳动而培养起来的。

—— 欧文 体力劳动是防止一切社会病毒的伟大的消毒剂。 —— 马克思 劳动却是产生一切力量、一切道德和一切幸福的威力无比的源泉。

—— 拉·乔乃尼奥里 劳动是财富之父,土地是财富之母。 —— 威廉·配第 有总是从无开始的;是靠两只手和一个聪明的脑袋变出来的。

—— 松苏内吉 我知道什麽是劳动:劳动是世界上一切欢乐和一切美好事情的源泉。 —— 高尔基 要工作,要勤劳:劳作是最可靠的财富。

—— 拉·封丹 既然思想存在于劳动之中,人就要靠劳动而生存。 —— 苏霍姆林斯基 在重视劳动和尊重劳动者的基础上,我们有可能来创造自己的新的道德。

——劳动和科学是世界上最伟大的两种力量。 —— 高尔基。

4. 关于五一劳动节的英文文章

May DayA cornucopia of holidaysby Shmuel RossMay 1st, often called May Day, just might have more holidays than any other day of the year. It's a celebration of Spring. It's a day of political protests. It's a neopagan festival, a saint's feast day, and a day for organized labor. In many countries, it is a national holiday.BeltaneBeltane was a Celtic calendar feast ushering in the start of summer. (It also went by a variety of other spellings and names in assorted dialects of Gaelic.)Bonfires, often created by rubbing sticks together, were common features of Beltane celebrations. Related rituals included driving cattle between two fires, dancing around the fires, and burning witches in effigy. Another tradition was Beltane cakes, which would be broken into several pieces, one of which was blackened. They would be drawn by celebrants at random; the person getting the unlucky blackened piece would face a mock execution.In recent years, Beltaine has been adopted or revived by neopagan groups as a major seasonal festival.WalpurgisnachtSt. Walburga (or Walpurgis), the abbess of the monastery of Heidenheim, helped St. Boniface bring Christianity to 8th Century Germany. She died on Feb. 25, 779. As her remains have been moved on multiple occasions, several days have been designated in her honor, one of which is the first of May.This date coincided with a pre-existing pagan festival, which, in Germany, included rites to protect one against witchcraft. This led to a hybrid legend developing, in which witches were said to meet with the Devil on the eve of May 1, on the Brocken peak. The night of April 30th became known as "Walpurgisnacht," and the annual meeting was dramatized by Goethe in Faust.Fertility FestivalsSome cultures, such as those found in India and Egypt, had spring fertility festivals. The Roman festival celebrating Flora, goddess of fertility, flowers, and spring, was celebrated from April 28 through May 3.Bringing in the MayIn medieval England, people would celebrate the start of spring by going out to the country or woods—"going a-maying"—and gathering greenery and flowers, or "bringing in the may." This was described in "The Court of Love" (often attributed to Chaucer, but not actually written by him) in 1561:And furth goth all the Court, both most and lest,To feche the floures fressh, and braunche and blome;And namly, hawthorn brought both page and grome.With fressh garlandes, partie blewe and whyte,And thaim rejoysen in their greet delyt.(For modern spellings, hold your mouse pointer over unfamiliar words.)Another English tradition is the maypole. Some towns had permanent maypoles that would stay up all year; others put up a new one each May. In any event, the pole would be hung with greenery and ribbons, brightly painted, and otherwise decorated, and served as a central point for the festivities.May Day was also a time for morris dancing and other dances, often around the maypole. In the 19th century, people began to braid the maypole with ribbons by weaving in and out in the course of a dance. Other later traditions include making garlands for children and the crowning of the May Queen.Labor DayIn many countries, May Day is also Labor Day. This originates with the United States labor movement in the late 19th Century. On May 1, 1886, unions across the country went on strike, demanding that the standard workday be shortened to eight hours. The organizers of these strikes included socialists, anarchists, and others in organized labor movements. Rioting in Chicago's Haymarket Square on May 4th including a bomb thrown by an anarchist led to the deaths of a dozen people (including several police officers) and the injury of over 100 more.The protests were not immediately successful, but they proved effective down the line, as eight-hour work days eventually did become the norm. Labor leaders, socialists, and anarchists around the world took the American strikes and their fallout as a rallying point, choosing May Day as a day for demonstrations, parades, and speeches. It was a major state holiday in the Soviet Union and other communist countries.Labor Day is still celebrated on May 1 in countries around the world, and it is still often a day for protests and rallies. In recent years, these have often been targeted against globalization.2006: May Day Protests Return to the U.S.In 2006, United States once again saw widespread political action on May Day this year, centering on the subject of immigration reform. Various groups and communities, under the heading of "A Day Without Immigrants," held rallies, strikes, and consumer 。

5. 用英语介绍一下劳动节,不少于 5句句子、3种句型

儿童节The Children's Day falls on June 1st every year.It is a holiday for all the children under 18 years old.On that day, all kinds of bags, stationeries, and toys in department stores are sold at a very low price. Also, there are many othere activites for children, such as garden party(园游会) and free-visit to museums. Every kid likes this day because they don't need to go to school that day and their parents will buy them some special gifts or take them to amusement part(游乐园). In the street, you can see all the children are very happy, with candy bars and colorful ballons in their hands.这个可以吗?请采纳哈。

6. 关于五一劳动节的英文文章

May DayA cornucopia of holidaysby Shmuel RossMay 1st, often called May Day, just might have more holidays than any other day of the year. It's a celebration of Spring. It's a day of political protests. It's a neopagan festival, a saint's feast day, and a day for organized labor. In many countries, it is a national holiday.BeltaneBeltane was a Celtic calendar feast ushering in the start of summer. (It also went by a variety of other spellings and names in assorted dialects of Gaelic.)Bonfires, often created by rubbing sticks together, were common features of Beltane celebrations. Related rituals included driving cattle between two fires, dancing around the fires, and burning witches in effigy. Another tradition was Beltane cakes, which would be broken into several pieces, one of which was blackened. They would be drawn by celebrants at random; the person getting the unlucky blackened piece would face a mock execution.In recent years, Beltaine has been adopted or revived by neopagan groups as a major seasonal festival.WalpurgisnachtSt. Walburga (or Walpurgis), the abbess of the monastery of Heidenheim, helped St. Boniface bring Christianity to 8th Century Germany. She died on Feb. 25, 779. As her remains have been moved on multiple occasions, several days have been designated in her honor, one of which is the first of May.This date coincided with a pre-existing pagan festival, which, in Germany, included rites to protect one against witchcraft. This led to a hybrid legend developing, in which witches were said to meet with the Devil on the eve of May 1, on the Brocken peak. The night of April 30th became known as "Walpurgisnacht," and the annual meeting was dramatized by Goethe in Faust.Fertility FestivalsSome cultures, such as those found in India and Egypt, had spring fertility festivals. The Roman festival celebrating Flora, goddess of fertility, flowers, and spring, was celebrated from April 28 through May 3.Bringing in the MayIn medieval England, people would celebrate the start of spring by going out to the country or woods—"going a-maying"—and gathering greenery and flowers, or "bringing in the may." This was described in "The Court of Love" (often attributed to Chaucer, but not actually written by him) in 1561:And furth goth all the Court, both most and lest,To feche the floures fressh, and braunche and blome;And namly, hawthorn brought both page and grome.With fressh garlandes, partie blewe and whyte,And thaim rejoysen in their greet delyt.(For modern spellings, hold your mouse pointer over unfamiliar words.)Another English tradition is the maypole. Some towns had permanent maypoles that would stay up all year; others put up a new one each May. In any event, the pole would be hung with greenery and ribbons, brightly painted, and otherwise decorated, and served as a central point for the festivities.May Day was also a time for morris dancing and other dances, often around the maypole. In the 19th century, people began to braid the maypole with ribbons by weaving in and out in the course of a dance. Other later traditions include making garlands for children and the crowning of the May Queen.Labor DayIn many countries, May Day is also Labor Day. This originates with the United States labor movement in the late 19th Century. On May 1, 1886, unions across the country went on strike, demanding that the standard workday be shortened to eight hours. The organizers of these strikes included socialists, anarchists, and others in organized labor movements. Rioting in Chicago's Haymarket Square on May 4th including a bomb thrown by an anarchist led to the deaths of a dozen people (including several police officers) and the injury of over 100 more.The protests were not immediately successful, but they proved effective down the line, as eight-hour work days eventually did become the norm. Labor leaders, socialists, and anarchists around the world took the American strikes and their fallout as a rallying point, choosing May Day as a day for demonstrations, parades, and speeches. It was a major state holiday in the Soviet Union and other communist countries.Labor Day is still celebrated on May 1 in countries around the world, and it is still often a day for protests and rallies. In recent years, these have often been targeted against globalization.2006: May Day Protests Return to the U.S.In 2006, United States once again saw widespread political action on May Day this year, centering on the subject of immigration reform. Various groups and communities, under the heading of "A Day Without Immigrants," held rallies, strikes, and consumer 。

7. 英文的优美短句子(带翻译)五个


If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered.


I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?


No one indebted for others,while many people don't know how to cherish others.

4。命里有时钟需有 命里无时莫强求

You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kvetch for it if it doesn't appear in your life.


When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt.

6。爱情…在指缝间承诺 指缝…。在爱情下交缠。

Love ,promised between the fingers

Finger rift,twisted in the love


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable.

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本文主要为您介绍关于勿忘国耻振兴中华的短句,内容包括勿忘国耻振兴中华好句好句摘抄,关于勿忘国耻的诗歌,短句,关于勿忘国耻,振兴中华的好段短一些急用要短一些,多一些,不要。你们好! 中国人民永远也不会忘记,1937年7月7日日本帝国主义以士




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本文主要为您介绍关于勿忘国耻振兴中华的短句,内容包括勿忘国耻振兴中华好句好句摘抄,关于勿忘国耻的诗歌,短句,关于勿忘国耻,振兴中华的好段短一些急用要短一些,多一些,不要。你们好! 中国人民永远也不会忘记,1937年7月7日日本帝国主义以士




本文主要为您介绍八字短句关于回忆,内容包括关于回忆青春的8字短句,关于回忆青春的8字短句,回忆的伤感八字句子。1. 交人交心 ,浇花浇根。2. 我的快乐 ,望你常在。3. 有你相伴 ,遗世无憾。4. 与友欢笑, 那是极好。5. 友谊不变, 感情不




本文主要为您介绍简短句子霸气伤感的句子,内容包括简短霸气又伤感的一句话,求一些霸气或伤感的句子,一些简短又悲伤的句子。霸气:最穷不过讨饭,不死必定出头!2、我一向以德服人,不服的,是死人!3、我要这天,再遮不住我眼,要这地,再埋不了我心。 要这












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