
1. 关于运动的英语好句

ABC的体育新闻~可以研究下~ e. "I don't know how fast I can go. I'm not really worried about that," he said. "I'm just looking forward to going on and doing better things. I hope to improve every year. "I'll definitely be going to the London Olympics to defend my title." Bolt said his win in the 200m, in which he beat American Michael Johnson's 12-year-old record of 19.32 seconds, would stick with him above the others. "People said the 200m world record would be pretty hard to get. I got it and it's going to be hard to (improve it)," he said. "The 100m world record will keep going over and over. The 200m will stay with me forever. "I came out here ready and prepared. When you come to the Olympics, it's the biggest stage. I did my best, the track was great. "I worked hard to get here. It wasn't an easy road." The Jamaican, who will go on to compete in the 100m in Zurich, 200m in Lausanne and 100m in Brussels before the end of his season, said it had come as no surprise that world records were broken at the Bird's Nest. "The track is fast. I said to Asafa (Powell) and my coach (Glen Mills) that anybody who wins is going to break the world record." Revelling in the moment Bolt also said the enjoyment factor and his laid-back demeanour were key to his stunning treble gold medal-winning performance. "A lot of guys came to me and said they've been inspired," Bolt said. "I said to them 'you have to be relaxed'. We know we're capable of doing it. You've got to enjoy what you do. "Yes, I guess I've had a little bit of an impact. People have gone out there and enjoyed themselves. "It's great for the sport," he said, adding: "I wouldn't say I'm a phenomenon, I'm just a great athlete." Bolt, who set world records of 9.69 and 19.30 seconds to win the men's 100 and 200m, ran the third leg of the Jamaican 4x100m relay squad which won a maiden gold in the event in 37.10 seconds, breaking the United States's 15-year-old record. "It might change my life, but I won't change," the Jamaican insisted. "I try and stay relaxed by messing around and not thinking too much about the race. "I don't allow people to put pressure on me. You might not be focused enough. When I enjoy myself I stay focused. "I'll still enjoy myself, I'm still young. I'll still train hard. I'll try to keep on top for as long as I can. "Running is enjoyable. You have to enjoy what you do. "It's a job for us athletes, it's like working. To not enjoy it, it doesn't make sense. "I enjoy it, I love it. Sometimes you think about quitting at training because that's hard. "But it also makes success more great when you work hard for it." Bolt's outgoing and refreshingly honest outlook has won over fans, pundits and other athletes alike. His signature Jamaican "To the world" dance performed during his victory laps, ending with him leaning back and pointing two fingers up into the sky, was widely anticipated by the 91,000-crowd at the National Stadium and has even been mimicked by other winning athletes. - AFP Tags: sport, athletics, olympics-summer, china, jamaica Search Search Olympics News All ABC More » News Just In All StoriesAthletics 2012 torch relay will not leave Britain: report Life ban for drug cheat Blonska Kookaburras' Wells retires Music faked at Sydney opening ceremony: orchestra Rice struck down with pneumonia Ponting backs Twenty20 for the Olympics Phelps considering Bernard challenge Street parade for Tas Olympians Kayaker Davis looks to London Games Pool tribute for Olympic medallist Stoeckel Coach Stirling ponders Opals future Qld Olympians loudly welcomed home。

2. 求一篇关于体育的英语美文

Table tennis is a set of fitness, sports and entertainment as one of the movement. First, it has a high value of training. As a general sports, table tennis unique to the fast changes in the characteristics of many of the participants decided in the following areas can benefit from: 1, the body muscles and joints organizations with the activities, thereby enhancing the speed and the action on the activities of the lower limbs Capacity. Second, the development of extremely effective response, sensitive, coordination and operation of thinking ability. Secondly because the sport is obvious competitive features and entertainment features, and training to become a courageous tenacity, resourcefulness and determination, and so on to maintain the quality of youthful vitality, effective regulation of the movement. As a hearing on the Japanese: "table tennis will become the 21st century's first campaign. For those who want to maintain their youth, fitness and avoid unfortunate incidents happened, if we can increase their interest in sports of table tennis, will undoubtedly be a Of pleasure. " Table Tennis increasingly being enhanced intelligence as increase the efficiency and health, medical and rehabilitation caused by the excellent means of various aspects of attention. A U.S. scientist said this: "If time permits, have a suitable opponent for Peilian, then playing table tennis is to improve the hands, eyes with the best way. You can benefit from the campaign, it requires agility, Complex operations and decisive response of its many nuances, technology, as a whole with rhythm, strategy, the mind and physical requirements are very high. Coexist in the expectations and pressures, the competition will respond fully to you The extraordinary spirit of self-improvement and self-discipline, playing table tennis is a good way to use their brains. "Japan's paradise with a professor:" The table tennis is on the minds of the best campaign. Table tennis speed and complexity of the campaign is not any Incomparable. "Japan's most drought violinist, the famous" bell of the violin to practice law, "the founder of Suzuki, has made for a director:" The workers on the assembly line moves too slowly, how to improve their efficiency » ", Said:" The slower the brain is not their hands, one hour a day playing table tennis to resolve. "Director of the results in the factory built a ping-pong room, in less than two months time, The efficiency of the workers have a big increase. Japan successfully guide a medical school because of a number of accidents caused by alcohol abuse hemiplegic patients in three years to participate in table tennis every day in practice, in order to restore normal social life. Japan had a doctor in his community built more than 100 cement table, the aim is to prevent the elderly memory loss and strengthen community unity, he said: "table tennis can improve people's nervous system and response to reduce serious social problem -- -- The crash occurred. "In China in a park in Shenyang, a non-governmental organizations of cement table Table Tennis Association has absorbed hundreds of members, including professors, cadres, workers, their morning exercises in these long-term cement ball stage, gain the health and Fun. As the table tennis training and the value of these characteristics, making table tennis athletes and enthusiasts of the sport has gradually cultivated a good psychological quality and in certain other areas beyond the ordinary people. According to psychology who use psychological tests of some provinces and cities on China's table tennis players of outstanding children's psychological quality of research results showed that: They generally showed a higher level of intelligence, ability to operate better than ordinary students, emotional stability, self-confidence, count on, and Independence of thinking agility are strong, intelligent factors and personality factors Development Coordination. In daily life, these people often become smart superb, action flexibility, coordination. In short, table tennis does not have some other movement by some unique features, the participants benefit from life First, entertainment 1, Ziyu of the Badminton as a recreational activities, the participants hit the ball on the process, through the non-stop running and physical changes, hard to hit the ball to each other venues. Whenever hit a batter in winning a strike or a ball can make their own excitement, and to achieve a successful joy. At the same time another flight of the ball speed and severity, high and low, near and far, the relentless substance, such as changes to the float, so that the movement itself is 。

3. 关于体育运动的英文,越全越好

sdoubles男子双打 women'women-470男子/,000m,10;women-Mistralonedesign男子/女子帆板米氏级 Single-handedDinghyWomen-Europe女子帆船欧洲级 Single-handedDinghymen-Finn男子帆船芬兰人级 Single-handedDinghyopen-Laser激光级 Double-handedDinghymen/,10,000米 110mhurdles,400mhurdles110米栏 Aquatics(水上运动) Swimming游泳 freestyle自由泳 backstroke仰泳 breaststroke蛙泳 butterfly蝶泳 individualmedley个人混合泳 freestylerelay自由泳接力 medleyrelay混合泳接力 Waterpolo水球 Diving跳水 10mplatformevent十米跳台 3mspringboardevent三米跳板 synchroniseddivingfrom10mplatform双人十米跳台 synchroniseddivingfrom3mspringboard双人三米跳板 Synchronisedswimming花样游泳 Archery(射箭) Individualevents个人赛 Teamevents团体赛 Athletics(田径) Track径赛 100m,200m;sdoubles女子双打 mixeddoubles混合双打 Baseball棒球 Basketball篮球 Football足球 Handball手球 Hockey/FieldHockey曲棍球 Softball垒球 TableTennis乒乓球 Tennis网球 Volleyball排球 BeachVolleyball沙滩排球 Cycling(自行车) Roadcycling公路自行车赛 Trackcycling场地自行车赛 sprint追逐赛 timetrial计时赛 pointsrace计分赛 pursuit争先赛 Mountainbike山地自行车赛 Equestrian(马术) Jumping障碍赛 Dressage盛装舞步 Eventing三日赛 Fencing(击剑) Foil花剑 Epee重剑 Sabre佩剑 Gymnastics(体操) ArtisticGymnastics竞技体操 FloorExercises自由体操 PommelHorse鞍马 Rings吊环 Vault跳马 ParallelBars双杠 HorizontalBar单杠 UnevenBars高低杠 BalanceBeam平衡木 RhythmicGymnastics艺术体操 GymnasticsTrampoline蹦床 ModernPentathlon(现代五项) Shooting射击 Fencing击剑 Swimming游泳 Riding马术 Cross-countryrunning越野跑 Sailing(帆船) Windsurfermen/,400米 800m,1,500m;女子帆船470级预赛 Double-handedDinghyopen-49er49人级 Multihullopen-Tornado龙卷风级 Keelboatmen-Star男子星光级 Keelboatwomen-Yngling女子索林级 Shooting(射击) 10mairrifle10米气步枪 10mairpistol10米气手枪 Men's10mrunningtarget男子10米移动靶 Men's50mrifleproneposition男子50米步枪卧射 50mriflethreepositions50米步枪3种姿势 Men's50mpistol男子50米手枪 Women's25mpistol女子25米手枪 Men's25mrapidfirepistol男子25米手枪速射 Trap多向飞碟 Doubletrap双多向飞碟 Skeet双向飞碟 Triathlon(铁人三项) Swimming游泳 Cycling自行车 Running跑步 Weightlifting(举重) Snatch抓举 Cleanandjerk挺举 Wrestling(摔跤) greco-roman古典式摔跤 freestyle自由式摔跤 Rowing(赛艇) Boxing(拳击) Canoeing(皮划艇) Judo(柔道) Taekwondo(跆拳道),5,400米栏 3,000msteeplechase3000米障碍赛 4x100mrelay,4x400mrelay4*100米接力,4*400米接力 Jumping跳跃 highjump跳高 polevault撑杆跳高 longjump跳远 triplejump三级跳远 Throwing投掷 shotput推铅球 discus掷铁饼 hammer掷链球 javelin标枪 Decathlon男子十项全能 Heptathlon女子七项全能 Roadevents公路赛 marathon马拉松 walk竞走 BallGames(球类运动) Badminton羽毛球 men',000m800米,1500米,5,000米;ssingles男子单打 women'ssingles女子单打 men',400m100米,200米。

4. 关于体育运动的英语作文20字

Basketball is my favorite sport. It's easy to play basketball. I often play it with my friends on weekends. We can play basketball in the park or on the playground. I made many friends by playing basketball. It's great. And playing basketball makes me very healthy and energetic. It is also good for my study. Only when you play well ,can you study well. I think basketball is my best friend. It will be with me in my future.。

5. 关于体育运动的英语作文(60词)

All over the world millions of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy. Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do at times when they are not working. But in fact sports and games can be of great value, especially to people who work with their brains most of the day. They should not be treated only as ammusements. Sports and games build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. They also give us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brain and muscles to work together. In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pass the information on to the brain. The brain has to decide what to do and sends its orders to the muscles of the arms legs and so on, so that the bah is met and hit back where the player wants it to do. All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice can do this successfully. Sports and games are also very useful for character-training. In their lessons, boys and girls may learn about such virrues as unselfishness courage disciple and love of one's country, but what is learned in books can not have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned through practice. Most of students' time is spent in classes, studying lessons. So what the students do in their spare time is of great importance. If each of them learns to go all out for his team and not for himself on the sports field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of society, for the good of his country.。

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本文主要为您介绍关于时间的英文佳句,内容包括关于时间的英语句子,写15个关于时间的英语句子,(有汉语),关于时间的英语名言。1. Time flies.时光易逝。2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。3. Time and tide wait fo




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