1. 找个中意的女孩过一辈子 的英文翻译是什么啊 学霸们
To find the desirable girl and to live together with her for a whole life.
To find the favourite girl and to live together with her for a whole life.
To find the girl who you love most and to live together with her for a whole life.
2. 英语 用一英文短句描写男女近距离四目相对的情景
Before you came, i want to explore the whole world; but as soon as i ran into you, dear, i can't see nothing but you.You know? You are my world, my sun and my universe.
3. 找个中意的女孩过一辈子 的英文翻译是什么啊 学霸们
To find the desirable girl and to live together with her for a whole life.To find the favourite girl and to live together with her for a whole life.To find the girl who you love most and to live together with her for a whole life.都可以的希望可以帮到你望采纳。
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