1. 翻译一段古文鲁人身善织屦,妻善织缟,而欲徙于越.或谓之曰:"子必
A native of Lu was good at making hempen sandals and his wife at weaving silk taffeta ; and they intended to move to the State of Yue。 或谓之曰:"子必穷矣。
"鲁人曰:"何也?" Someone told them that they would become poor if they should do so。 The native of Lu asked him, "why do you think so?" 曰:"屦为履之也,而越人跣行;缟为冠之也,而越人被发。
以子之长,游于不用之国,欲使无 穷,其可得乎?" The other said:" You know sandals are made for the feet, but the people of Yue are barefooted。 The silk taffeta is for the head, but the people of Yue are bareheaded。
Now you go to a country where your special skill is not wanted。 How can it be that you will not become poor?" 。
2. 用现代汉语说说下列句子的意思:履为履之也,而越人跣行;缟为冠之
这句话出自鲁人>: 鲁人身善织履,妻善织缟,而欲徙于越。或谓之曰:“子必穷矣。”鲁人曰:“何也?”曰:“履为履之也,而越人跣行;缟为冠之也,而越人被发。以子之所长,游与不用之国,欲使无穷,其可得乎?”鲁人对曰:“夫不用之国,可引而用之,其用益广,奈何穷也?”