
1. 英语的节约用水的名言来2个就好

Mother:Oh,my baby,look at your hands!So muddy!Do wash your hands with water. Boy:OK,Mom,but i don't know where is the water. Mother:Oh,no,Why you are so naughty,just go to kitchen or washroom. Boy:Mum,I have cleaned my hands already. Mother:All right.You should wash your hand once dirty from now on. Boy:I've got it!I just remember water to remind myself. Mother:It sounds good!.What's the sound? Boy:Sound?Sorry,Mum,I donot know what you mean. Mother:Just like raining,oh,have you turned off the water faucet? Boy:What a pity!It is my fault since i forget to shut the water. Mother:Never waste water,you know water is the essence of life. since nearly 75 % of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes and others. Boy:i will save the water in the future. Mother:You know when you are saving the water,you are becoming rich,since everyone should form the habit of thriftiness. Boy:Habit is the second nature.I will correct bad habits.Water is simple but invaluable.Thank you Mom。

2. 关于节约用水的英语作文、关于节约的英语句子

Save Water 【Kaiser3344手写】

Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water.

Nowadays, the water pollution phenomenon can be seen everywhere. The factory let the waste into the rivers.People throw the rubbish into the rivers too. At last the water can't be drank.Some places even appear water poisoning. We have to stop these activities.We should step from a small startto protect water resources.

Although about 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water,there are many places in the world still running out of water. So we should protect our water on earth.


3. 有关节约用水的英语名言警句

With the growing of the populaiton and the polution of rivers and lakes, it is now becoming more and more difficult for us to have access to drinking water. The shortage of drinking water has becoming a serious problem in many parts of our country. As a student, we should save water in our everyday life so as to reduce the effect of the drinking water shortage. Saving water should be the responsibility of every student.As a student, what can we do in our daily life to save water?First, we should realize the problem of drinking water shortage. Most of the times we waste water because we do not realize the problem. Once we have realized the problem we will do all that we can to save water in our life. Second, we can buy things that are water saving such as washing machines which are water saving. In this way , we can use less water doing the same thing than before thus saving a lot of water.Third, we can make use of waste water. Often, waste water are not fully used before they are poured off. We can reuse the water in many ways. For example, the water left after washing vegetables can be used to drop plants or to clean the floor.In a word, saving water is very important and we should do as much as we can to save water in our everyday life. With the growing of the populaiton and the polution of rivers and lakes, it is now becoming more and more difficult for us to have access to drinking water. The shortage of drinking water has becoming a serious problem in many parts of our country. As a student, we should save water in our everyday life so as to reduce the effect of the drinking water shortage. Saving water should be the responsibility of every student.As a student, what can we do in our daily life to save water?First, we should realize the problem of drinking water shortage. Most of the times we waste water because we do not realize the problem. Once we have realized the problem we will do all that we can to save water in our life. Second, we can buy things that are water saving such as washing machines which are water saving. In this way , we can use less water doing the same thing than before thus saving a lot of water.Third, we can make use of waste water. Often, waste water are not fully used before they are poured off. We can reuse the water in many ways. For example, the water left after washing vegetables can be used to drop plants or to clean the floor.In a word, saving water is very important and we should do as much as we can to save water in our everyday life.。

4. 用英语写节约用水的句子和短句

1. economize on water; save on water


2. Conservation of water is of great importance.


3. We must economize on water.


4. The government is appealing to everyone to save water.


5. Please economize the water, thanks for cooperation!


6. Saving water is to cherish life.


5. 用英语节约用水的6句话


1. Consumers can start saving water today with three simple steps: check, twist and replace.

2. 我们都知道,不管是对自己的钱包还是对环境来说,节约用水都是很重要的。We're all aware of the need to conserve water, both for our pocketbooks and for the environment.

3. 我们要节约用水。

We should never waste water.

4. 节约用水、循环用水可以节能并减少住宅的碳足迹(碳排放量)。

Saving and recycling water can conserve energy and reduce a home's carbon footprint.

5. 古兰经说水是生命的支柱,命令我们节约用水,因此穆罕默德教导我们这样做。

The Qu'ran says water is a pillar of life and consequently orders us to save [it], and Muhammad instructs us to do so.

6. “我节约用水是因为我觉得我们的星球正在死亡,而我不想成为罪魁之一。”

I conserve water because I feel the planet is dying, and I don't want to be part of the problem.

6. 求5句用英语写的有关节约用水的

1:Water is the source of life, industrial blood, city's lifeblood.

Treasure the water is to cherish your life

2:The world one billion people lack water! Please put the rivers and water purification for all! : 3:Now, human thirsty have water to drink; In the future, the earth thirsty meeting how?

4;Treasure the water, is to cherish life.

A drop of water, reflects an ocean.

Protection of water resources, with the real feeling warm he, you and I.

Save water, starts from me.

5;Protection of water resources, life true forever.

Please save water from every drop.

7. 以节约用水为话题些写英语作文不少于10句话

As we all know, water is essential in our daily life. We drink water every day, we use water to wash things and cook food, we also use water to make machines. People can't live without water.


Though about 75% of the earth is covered with water, only 3% of it is fresh water. So we must save water by having a shower instead of a bath. We can save water by fixing dripping taps immediately and we can also save water by not washing under a running tap.


8. 关于节约用水的英语作文

First, water conservation tips: 1, toys for children intimate partner. But some toys (such as water spray guns) need to consume water, not worthy of recommendation, particularly in the areas of water scarcity, but also should not be used. There are some naughty young people, leading in the water below a big fight with each other水仗water, water scattered, very happy, insidious, clean the wet ground, in the past, the pedestrian was scared, a large number of Water is also wasted. More bad! 2, washing utensils in the home water-saving washing utensils, the best dishes on the first paper to remove the oil, and then hot water again, and finally with more warm water or cold running water. Second, take a bath of water-saving: With shower nozzle: (1) Institute of regulating temperature. (2) not to head to open water from start to finish, and should not open. (3) as far as possible before you get wet from head to toe, on the whole body soapTu, the last running water. Do not separate shampoo, washing upper body, lower body and foot washing. (4) to concentrate on taking a bath, seize the time, do not refrain from being washed or side chat edge. Let alone in the bathroom and a good friend of a big fight. To remember: Time is the water! (5) not to use the opportunity to take a bath "in passing" the clothes, shoes. Bathing in the bathtub, we should pay attention: Do not over water, pots 1/3-1/4 sufficient. Third, water-saving toilets: (1) If you think that the toilet tank is too large, can be a piece of bricktank filled with water or a large drink bottles, in order to reduce the volume of flushing water every time. It should be noted, bricks or drink bottles of water tanks on the prejudice component of the local campaign. (2) water tank leakage is always the most influent rubber sealing lax than irrigation, water filled with later flow away from the overflow hole; outlet sealing rubber lax devascularization not take water into the pipes do not stopped to water. (3) domestic wastewater collection flush toilets, you can use a strip of water, saving water. (4) garbage regardless of size, thickness, should be clear from the garbage channel, rather than water from the toilet to Chong. protect the water Water is a kind of liquid. It has no taste or smell. It is transparent, too. Water is useful and is important to us. Why? For example, we use water to water the plants. We use water to wash our face or to have a bath. We drink water or we will die…Water is also very important for China. There are 2.8 hundred millions of steres of water in China, but everyone can only use 2300 steres. It is only twenty–five per sent in the world. Not too long ago, there was a man called Jacques Cousteau. He loved the beautiful colors, and the beautiful fish in the sea. However, when he returned some years later, the colorful coral reefs were dead and grey because the factory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jacques Cousteau decided to tell people how important it was to save the environment under the sea. He started the“ Cousteau Society ” to help protect life in the sea. Now there are over 30000 members all over the world. Since water covers most of the earth, Cousteau knew that we should keep the sea clean. We should not litter the sea, and should clean up the dirty parts. As water is very important to our environment, he encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, sea and ocean. There are still a few people who are not protecting the water now in the world. For example, some factories pour waste things into the rivers, lakes or into the sea near by. The water there has become very dirty and we can't use them at all. Although there are seventy–five per sent of water in the world, we can only use fresh water, that there is only a little. So we should use little water when we need to use it. For example, I do not use too much water when I am washing my face or having a bath… It is important for us to keep the water clean. You may ask yourself, have I ever poured or thrown dirty things into the water? If your answer is “No”, that means you have already helped to protect the environment. It is our duty to protect the environment. You may ask yourself again, have I ever helped to clean up the water? If your answer is “Yes”, that means that you have already done something useful to improve the water. If we use up all the water, it is difficult for us to get it from anywhere, including the universe. It is terrible to think that people are too thirsty to live! I believe, that if everyone helps to protect the water, the water must be protected. You do not want to “kill” your son or your grandson, do you? So now let us to protect the water! Please don。

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