
1. 求80天环游世界中的好句或最经典的二十句话,要英文的,谢谢

Lord Kelvin: Well done, Salisbury! I shall name a beef-based entrée after you in your honor. Steamer Captain: You had me at the nipples. Phileas Fogg: Here comes Mr. Grumpy。

and the Leather-ettes. Monique La Roche: Where's your proof?Lord Kelvin: This is the Royal Academy of Science! We don't have to prove anything! Lord Kelvin: What's this obstruction blocking my jade reserves? This will certainly have to be demolished.Lord Salisbury: But that is the Great Wall of China sir!Lord Kelvin: 。It's not that great. Phileas Fogg: I am a British Citizen, I have nothing to fear![Gunshot goes off in background]Phileas Fogg: 。

except bullets. Lord Kelvin: What's the point in hiring a corrupt inspector when he can't even abuse the Law properly? Phileas Fogg: This is what happens when you leave home. You meet。 people. San Francisco Hobo: Now, your stink is your most powerful weapon in your begging arsenal. [Monique, Phileas and Passepartout are disguised as women in India]Phileas Fogg: I feel faint.Monique La Roche: Phileas, women are not that weak.Phileas Fogg: No, but I am. [Passepartout is fighting while the caged Phileas coaches him]Phileas Fogg: Watch out to the right![Passepartout misses]Phileas Fogg: No, my right.[Passepartout is hit]Passepartout: Stop helping me! Phileas Fogg: [the Black Scorpion leader threatens him with his bracelet] Your threats do not frighten me, nor does your silly bracelet.[a blade pops out of the bracelet]Phileas Fogg: All right, it's not silly. Phileas Fogg: Well, rules are meant to be broken。

or。 stabbed with spikey shoes. Prince Hapi: You two men may leave but Miss La Roche stays here.Phileas Fogg: Why does she stay?Prince Hapi: She will be my wife. One of seven.Monique La Roche: Surprised. You have seven wives?Prince Hapi: One for every day of the week. Do Tuesdays work for you? Wilbur Wright: Hey, crazy English cowboy wannabe man! Why don't you go and be crazy someplace else, you're blocking the damn path! Phileas Fogg: [after drinking toomuch Chinese sake] I am going to be abominably ill.[running off] Chained Agent: [angry] Give me the Jade Buddha!Passepartout: OK.[pause]Passepartout: What is Buddha? Phileas Fogg: Alms? Alms for the poor?San Francisco Hobo: Arms? You've already got arms. It's money you need.Phileas Fogg: Wonderful; I can't even scrounge properly.Phileas Fogg: Have you seen our companion?Wilbur Wright: You mean the half-naked Chinese man with a cow skull on his head singing Frère Jacques? Phileas Fogg: [about Passepartout hitting buildings and statues of Paris while hanging on the rope of the balloon] Very impressive. I'd have let go by now.。

2. 环游世界80天英文介绍

环游世界80天 Around the World in Eighty Days Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne is a novel about the adventures of Phileas Fogg and his servant Passerpartout. One day while Phileas Fogg is with some friends, he reads in a newspaper that it is possible to travel around the world in eighty days. No one believes this is true, except Phileas. Then Phileas bets them that he could make the journey in eighty or under days, and then leaves along with his servant immediately. The thing Jules Verne concentrates most on during Around the World in Eighty Days is how precise Phileas Fogg is. In the beginning, Mr. Fogg fires his servant because the water he brought him to shave in was four degrees of the correct temperature. I thought this was quite comic. When Mr. Fogg hires Passerpartout, he instructs him exactly when to prepare breakfast, exactly how hot his water should be and many other silly things. When Phileas is talking to his friends after making his bet he told them exactly when he would return and exactly where he would be. One thing about Around the World in Eighty Days, is this entire notion of taking eighty days to travel around the world. When Jules Verne wrote this book, he probably had no idea about how much the world would advance. Today, with the technology we have, we can physically travel around the world in about a day. But also today, we have the power to travel around the world in about eight seconds with computers. "Around the World in 80 Days" is not luckily Jackie's worst film, that is still "Tuxedo".What makes 80 Days such a taunting movie is its unevenness. The film switches between light-hearted to serious and even between various styles of comedy, from Jackie's classic slapstick, to witty, to vain, to gross-out and even Python-style comedy.As far as fight-scenes go, they are well choreographed and Jackie can luckily still kick ass. There were some parts of the film that didn't make a whole lot of sense and because of the massiveness of the plot it feels rather long. Luckily the changes in style keep the viewer on their toes but the climax was not very satisfying however.All in all, Around the World in 80 Days is an amusing film to watch. It has both great and not-so-great moments and may be a little too unconventional for Jackie's fans, but a good movie none the less.。

3. 八十天环游地球的英文版读后感,和其中的一些英文的好词好句

" Around the world in eighty days" protagonist Phileas Fogg took servants Road, it took 80 days to travel around the earth once a story.Fogg is improvement club, he is a rich man, but no man knows his money is here. He is a good man, always keen to charity, also do not go down. He only pastime is reading and playing " whist", he always wins, but to win the money never into his pocket. The money in his charity expenditure budget, account for an important part.One day Mr Fogg and" whist" fans talking about the United Kingdom newspapers argued to be in full swing when the problem, he and friends bet eighty days to travel around the earth a week. Then, he left and began his journey.Phileas Fogg left London, travel around the earth, a national sensation, twenty prestigious newspapers scouted Mr Fogg, only" the Daily Telegraph" hesitatingly support.He is not afraid of the machine is out of order, the derailment of a train, train crash, climate is harsh, ice and snow resistance road and other possible roadblocks, he is not afraid, believe you will" win".The various evaluation, making the " Phileas Fogg" name was like a racehorse was printed in a gambling Handbook, in exchange, also has his shares, betting he can finish the task successfully.As a result of this event causes a royal bank robberies, Fogg was considered to be theft, and travel around the world when pretense, when a police tracking in dozens of countries.In order to prove herself to travel around the world, he must each to a country, get the Consulate with visa. He experienced all sorts of difficulties, finally traveled to every nation on earth, on the way, he maintained a gentleman demeanor, also continue to do charity work. Although his servant -- road through always make some condition, that he nearly lost his life, but he has a strong, optimistic, with his gentleman to resolve all difficulties. Finally he returned to london.Look back on his path, encountered difficulties, but Fogg does not flinch, difficulties not panic, calm manner according to the original plan, even during the trip to save his future wife Ai Eda. They go through all kinds of natural calamities and man-made misfortunes, whenever a smooth ride out the storm, the new block would come again, but with their own wisdom and courage, a day early to return to London, win the final victory.By reading this book, I understand the difficulties not easily give up, be strong and brave, but calm to conquer it, I believe we will find a solution!。

4. 英语大侠们,我求八十天环游世界英文简介翻译,尽量简单,注意(不


A British gentleman, Mr. Fowke made a bet for 20,000 pounds with his friend, that he could make a global tour and be back to London within 80 days.

Then he and his servant Lu Lutong overcame a great deal of difficulties during their tour and stopped in many places in path such as, Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Japan and America.

When returned to London after a global round tour, actually it was just being late for only 5 minutes, he threw in the towel. However, to his surprise, he finally won the bet - - the reason was he had toured around the Earth from west to east, it just happened to save one day off !

On the way of his adventure, Fowke has proved his full gentry manner with his wisdom, bravery and persistence.

5. 求《环游世界80天》的英文概述

London in 1872.A gentleman which nameds a blessing gram heel friends threatens while talking away in club own"can within 80 days the week swim world", and make a bet by 30,000 pounds.The blessing gram in a hurry takes the attendant Ba Si Pa4's diagram, embark a balloon ship to arrive at French south, want to catch the train at first and afterwards see a train crowded can't open, and then multiply by spirit steamer to arrive to Spain.Coincidentally meet with bullfight performance, two people would rather delay and also want big and satisfied once chance to enjoy seeing. Proper when they go to Switzerland, is didn't expect stare at by the spy of Scotland Yard(namely London police station) up.Originally the blessing gram leaves London soon, 1 happenned to rob a bank case there, two people are waded Yi, and the spy follows to come over all the way.Blessing gram they have to escape India, the Ao which rescues to prepare to dies for love but die reaches a princess, and three people became travelling companion.They sail across ocean, faraway arrive at San Francisco, through North American Continent, finally arrive New York.Which anticipated to just drive a clearance to the periodical number of steamer of England, three people night one step. Leave the term onlied have for several days and the blessing gram Qing bag bought a dirigible airship, cross Atlantic Ocean of very rough sea and land on the Blighty.However, greet their but is 1 to rejoice too soon;Wait for a personal long police three people Lang Dang to wear the stripe them.80 of make a bet soon arrived.The blessing gram spends a very great strength, fee many arguments.Prove own not guilty toward the police, just have to get to release to go home.The Ao reaches his braveness and tactful of princess' heart set on, two people prepare matrimony, be also the last day for 80 days before hold wedding, the blessing gram ocean ocean satisfiedly arrives at club, many friends are shocked, and the blessing gram bet won, and then married a beautiful wife.But his fare exactly 30,000 pound.Money of win equals and take.。

6. <环游世界80天>英文的主要概括

Around the World in Eighty Days Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne is a novel about the adventures of Phileas Fogg and his servant Passerpartout. One day while Phileas Fogg is with some friends, he reads in a newspaper that it is possible to travel around the world in eighty days. No one believes this is true, except Phileas. Then Phileas bets them that he could make the journey in eighty or under days, and then leaves along with his servant immediately. The thing Jules Verne concentrates most on during Around the World in Eighty Days is how precise Phileas Fogg is. In the beginning, Mr. Fogg fires his servant because the water he brought him to shave in was four degrees of the correct temperature. I thought this was quite comic. When Mr. Fogg hires Passerpartout, he instructs him exactly when to prepare breakfast, exactly how hot his water should be and many other silly things. When Phileas is talking to his friends after making his bet he told them exactly when he would return and exactly where he would be. One thing about Around the World in Eighty Days, is this entire notion of taking eighty days to travel around the world. When Jules Verne wrote this book, he probably had no idea about how much the world would advance. Today, with the technology we have, we can physically travel around the world in about a day. But also today, we have the power to travel around the world in about eight seconds with computers. "Around the World in 80 Days" is not luckily Jackie's worst film, that is still "Tuxedo". What makes 80 Days such a taunting movie is its unevenness. The film switches between light-hearted to serious and even between various styles of comedy, from Jackie's classic slapstick, to witty, to vain, to gross-out and even Python-style comedy. As far as fight-scenes go, they are well choreographed and Jackie can luckily still kick ass. There were some parts of the film that didn't make a whole lot of sense and because of the massiveness of the plot it feels rather long. Luckily the changes in style keep the viewer on their toes but the climax was not very satisfying however. All in all, Around the World in 80 Days is an amusing film to watch. It has both great and not-so-great moments and may be a little too unconventional for Jackie's fans, but a good movie none the less.这里有英文全文:/study/novel/80days/eindex.htm。

7. 80天环游世界好词好句






8. 环游世界80天观后感英文版

After reading this book, I feel at a very good person, he has many places worth studying.

He was in a planned way. He put all the places and to pass from one place to another place to need to spend time in a small notebook, each place after a stroke, so he has to finish the program is very clear.

He finds a calm. When you know his mistake from Hong Kong to the ship, yokohama, Japan is not panic, hesitation hired a boats to Shanghai, adventure boarded another bus to Japanese ships.

He helpful. After India, his wit bravely put the wrecked woman saved at odds, win, not delay is very precious time, his servant and peer scopus bud back.

These are the good in people. Each one of us has many advantages, must learn from each other and help each other.


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本文主要为您介绍画杨桃有关的名言佳句,内容包括画杨桃的名言,十一课画杨桃找出里面的好句子,关于杨桃的句子。好句:我们应该相信自己的眼睛,看到是什么样的就画成什么样。画杨桃作者:岑桑 我读小学四年级的时候,父亲开始教我画画。他对我要求








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