1. white it dou造句
White造句: To do this, you select some text and change the font color to white. 为了做到这点,你选择一些文本并将字体的颜色改成白色 rabbit造句: A rabbit' s large ears enable it to hear the slightest sound. 兔子耳朵大能听到极微小的声音 black造句: Without altering the selection, you then set the background color to black. 在没有改变选择的情况下,又将背景颜色设置成黑色。
mouse造句: Pointing and clicking with a mouse 鼠标的指向和点击 解析:造句,动词词语,是指用词语组织句子。今亦以指初等学校语文练习内容之一。
词目:造句 基本:[sentence-making] 引证解释: 把词组织成句子。今亦以指初等学校语文练习内容之一。
2. 用why造句 带回答 翻译3个句子
-Why do you go to the store? 你为什么去商店?
-Because I want do buy some salt? 因为我想买些盐。
-Why is she so sad? 为什么她这么伤心?
-Because she lost her cat. 因为她的猫咪不见了。
-Why do they keep running? 他们为什么一直奔跑?
-Because they want to win the race. 因为他们想赢得比赛。
3. 用下列短语造句并翻译句子
1. A policeman find a man walks around.
2. He has a meeting,but he has no time.
3. Don't take photos here.
4. You should do some sports.
5. When he got zhe room ,he looked around at once.
4. {【】}用短语造句
1. He spent a white night missing his girlfriend the day they brokeup. (white night 是不眠之夜) 他和女友分手之后度过了一个想念她的不眠之夜。
2. I am the black sheep of the family as a prisoner. (black sheep是害群之马。我成为犯人,是家里的害群之马。
)3. He became a black dog after losing the game. (black dog是沮丧的人)他输了比赛之后很沮丧。4. Mondy is always a blue day for the workers because it is the beginning of hard week. (blue day是郁闷的、忧愁的一天)周一意味这辛勤工作的开始,所以总是工人们很郁闷的一天。
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