

给你10句经典的引语:1.“You are the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d'Urbervilles, who derive their descent from Sir Pagan d'Urberville, that renowned knight who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror, as appears by Battle Abbey Roll?( P. 5 Parson Twingham plants the idea in John Durbeyfield's mind that he and his family are better than their neighbors and thus begins Tess's path toward destruction.)2. “Tess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience.”(P.13 At the beginning of the novel, Tess is angry when the villagers attempt to make fun of her prideful father riding home in a hired cart he can't afford. In a state of heightened emotion, she tells her friends that she will no longer talk to them if they laugh at Durbeyfield. From the beginning, Tess demonstrates great love for her family. She will defend them to the death.)3. “I don't know; but I think so. They sometimes seem to be like the apples on our stubbard-tree, most of them splendid and sound—a few blighted.” (P.31 As the youngsters ride along at night to market, Tess pessimistically explains to her younger brother Abraham that stars are indeed worlds and that they have the misfortune to live on a blighted star and that this explains all their family's misfortunes)4. “By this time every couple had been suitable matched…an inner cloud of dust rose around the prostate figures.”(P. 68 Unlike Car Darch and the other crude working women, Tess keeps herself pure and apart from drinking and sexual activity. However, as Hardy would have it, despite her efforts, Tess's fate insures that she will fail to preserve her chastity after she rides off with Alec d'Urberville into the woods.)5.“I wish I had never been born--there or anywhere else. “(P. 87 Tess says this to Alec d'Urberville after he has seduced her and she feels forced to return home to Marlott in disgrace. She will make this wish over and over throughout the novel until she finally gets her wish.)6. “Perhaps, of all things, a lie on this thing would do the most good to me now; but I have honour enough left, little as 'tis, not to tell that lie.” (P. 89 After a month with Alec d'Urberville, Tess realizes she must leave him. Although it would serve her well financially to tell d'Urberville she is in love with him, Tess maintains her honor by leaving him and not becoming his paid mistress.)7. “`Dead! dead! dead!'” he murmured. After fixedly regarding her for some moments with the same gaze of unmeasurable woe he bent lower, enclosed her in his arms, and rolled her in the sheet as in a shroud. Then lifting her from the bed with as much respect as one would show to a dead body, he carried her across the room, murmuring, 'My poor, poor Tess, my dearest darling Tess! So sweet, so good, so true!'” (P. 279 After telling him of her secret past, Tess finds Angel sleepwalking and looming over her in the dark. Pride keeps Angel from accepting and loving Tess, yet unconsciously he remains deeply in love with her and understands her reasoning for not telling him the truth. This scene foreshadows Tess's early death.)8. “Under the trees several pheasants lay about, their rich plumage dabbled with blood; some were dead, some feebly twitching a wing…Tess's first thought was to put the still living birds out of their torture, and to this end with her own hands she broke the necks of as many as she could find… 'Poor darlings—to suppose myself the most miserable being on earth in the sight o' such misery as yours!' she exclaimed, her tears running down as she killed the birds tenderly.” (P. 312 After changing her mind about asking Angel's parents for help, Tess despairs after spending the night outdoors. In the morning she spies the dead and dying pheasants and experiences an affinity for the tortured birds. Then, despite her tortured life at Flintcomb-Ash, she optimistically rallies and realizes that compared with the birds, her life is not bad. Despite her attempts to remain optimistic, however, Hardy's pessimistic views insure that Tess is doomed and that the birds' wrung necks foreshadow her own death by hanging.9. “His father too was shocked to see him. So reduced was that figure from its former contours by worry…you could see the skeleton behind the man and almost the ghost behind the skeleton.” (P. 416 Like his forlorn wife Tess, Angel Clare also undergoes great mental and physical hardship when he is separated from her in Brazil. The price of forgoing his immature judgmental ways comes at great personal cost.)10. “Justice was done, and the President 。

2.帮忙翻译,《苔丝》中的句子 速度~


To her sublime trustfulness he was all that goodness could be - knew all that a guide, philosopher, and friend should know. She thought every line in the contour of his person the perfection of masculine beauty, his soul the soul of a saint, his intellect that of a seer. The wisdom of her love for him, as love, sustained her dignity; she seemed to be wearing a crown. The compassion of his love for her, as she saw it, made her lift up her heart to him in devotion.


Everything has the place which the delightful bird sings, also has poisonous snake hissing sound hissing sound calling

The survival destroys, this is the question which is worth pondering


这里还有很多 你找出来 再翻译成英文就行拉


Important dates came round again:the night of her shame in The Chase, the baby's birth and death, her own birthday.

One day when she was looking at her pretty face in the mirror,she thought of another

date,even more important—her own death.

When it came it would wallow up all her prettiness and everything that had happened to her. When was it? It was a day lying hidden among all the other days of the year, so that she noticed nothing

when it came round,and did not know what week, month,season or year it would be.


和六个便士 ————The Moon and Sixpence蛋糕跟麦芽糖 ————Cakes and Ale青年艺术家的肖像———— A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man尤利西斯———— Ulysses儿子与情人 ————Sons and Lovers虹 ————Rainbow恋爱中的妇女———— Women in Love红字———— The Scarlet Letter七角楼 ————The House of the Seven Gables镀金时代 ————The Gilded Age汤姆。

索耶历险记 ————The Adventures of Tom Sawyer哈克贝里。芬历险记 ————The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn过错 ————At Fault觉醒 ————The Awakening狼的儿子 ————The Son of the Wolf白牙———— White Fang海狼 ————The Sea Wolf马丁。

伊登 ————Martin Eden太阳照样升起 ————The Sun Also Rise老人与海———— The Old Man And The Sea。


Everything has the place which the delightful bird sings, also has poisonous snake hissing sound hissing sound calling The survival destroys, this is the question which is worth pondering /s?ie=gb2312&bs=%B5%C2%B2%AE%BC%D2%B5%C4%CC%A6%CB%BF&sr=&z=&cl=3&f=8&wd=%B5%C2%B2%AE%BC%D2%B5%C4%CC%A6%CB%BF++%BE%AD%B5%E4%D3%EF%BE%E4&ct=0这里还有很多 你找出来 再翻译成英文就行拉。


评论 "Tess of the Tess" is a famous English novelist and poet Thomas Hardy • Creation of the representative of one of more than 100 years have passed, the heroine Tess also has long been a gallery in the world of literature, not only because of the people To go beyond traditional morality, because the main character works owned by the depths of human nature and the soul of the great charm to become the most touching one of the female image. Tess's fate is tragic, she has produced some of the causal factors, But the tragedy itself is inevitable. The reason may be summed up as follows: External factors. Including the social environment, family status, contact the social groups, the matter of chance, and many other factors. Internal factors. Tess itself mainly refers to the character. External factors: Social environment. It is undeniable that the people exist in every society, social ideology will always affect the majority of the community and their thinking is precisely these people and thinking, directly or indirectly led to the tragic fate of Tess. First of all, when Tess's father know they are descendants of noble, more Lanyu, drinking and drunk the day, Tess had to Go through the night, resulting in Youju old horses were killed, making the family's economic crisis More serious. Secondly, the ideological Pan Fu aristocracy, Tess's parents forcing Tess to boost recognition Benjia town, which prompted the circumstances of the tragedy continue to develop. Ya-lei in Tess was killed virginity later, I was not her fault, but unlikely to be accepted by other people, even her parents, are concerned about the Ya-lei will only marry Tess. In fact, Tess hurt the most is not the Ya-lei, or other people, but her favorite of her husband - Klein, Tess said Ya-lei to the physical harm, then, Klein is to give to the spirit of Tess The devastation. Secular so that she could not accept the concept of Tess, Tess home ignored, much of the country. This is undoubtedly increased by Tess pessimistic mind, leading to marry before the Ya-lei Wannianjuhui! Family factors. The deterioration of family poverty is leading to the tragic fate of Tess began the most direct factor! If the family is not poverty, Tess would not have to Go through the night, if not poverty, there will be no forced her parents to recognize the pro-if not poverty , Klein did not return in the period will not be so many humiliations, will not marry under the Ya-lei. This shows that poverty is indeed lead to tragic fate of Tess of the most important one of the conditions. Contact with social groups. Life than society, can not be divorced from social groups, sometimes we will be some stupid asked: Why do so Tess points back of the Ya-lei encountered such despicable people then, why there is such ignorance of their parents, why do so Clear the Air's husband is not, why did Keqi neighbors? But no way, Mr. Hardy Since this arrangement has no way to change. It is such a complex social groups, to a beautiful, strong, kind-hearted girl , Step by step to death! The incidents chance. In the entire novel, most of the feeling of anger in the story is how so many accidental. I think the most important of the four accidental. (1) Tess's father inadvertently aware of their family is the oldest family in Dichuan descendants of the Cavaliers, is noble, so that in his legs after Shuaiduan only to Tess, "the pro-recognition." This is the first step in the tragedy. (2) When Tess decided to tell all of the previous Clerides, to be honest he has done real time, she had a long letter Sedao the subglottic Klein. But is willing to Zhuonong fate, the letter was just Sedao under the carpet, so Klein did not see, so that the next day Klein Ruowuqishi expression (because have not seen the letter), that makes Tess Klein know their past, but also and step so that they Huan The joy joy promised to marry him in the Klein. This may seem a happy marriage, the future is doomed on the sad! (3) Tess father's death. Tess Tess's father in the home increasingly difficult scenarios died this way, the whole family all the burden on Tess, who has landed. Clerides in a non-Yinxin, Extremely Jiongkun family circumstances, Tess finally married Driven to the Ya-lei. This is really sad, and sad ah! (4) Klein actually back! This dramatic scene, we would like to see both readers and Burenxinkan to. Tess does not want to see their favorite people miss the pain and Shangbei, we hope that Klein Back, but Klein's return also means that Tess short of the Mood for Love to be passing away, I think, "Huiguangfanzhao" to describe the fate of Tess, should be the most appropriate at all. It can be said that the coincidence of these factors is Tess of the 。

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