
1. 简短唯美的英语句子

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


Never frown, even when you are sad,

because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


The sandflass remembers the time we lost


2. 简短的英文句子

Never say die!永不言败 Diamond cut diamond. 棋逢敌手,势均力敌 No pain ,No gain 一分耕耘,一分收获 Anything is possible. It never rains but it pours. 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。

Many a little makes a mickle. 积少成多, 集腋成裘。 Every dog has its day! Look before you leap三思而后行 Better late than never亡羊补牢,为时未晚 Actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩 A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情 Let sleepingdogs lie. 莫惹是非 love me,love my dog. 爱屋及乌 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人. Saving is getting. 节约等于收入. Where there is a way ,there is a will. Time reveals all things.万事日久自明 Rome wasn't build in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的。

Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。 Live and learn.活到老,学到老。

Kill two birds with one stone.一石双鸟。 It never rains but it pours.祸不单行。

In doing we learn.经一事,长一智。 Habit is a second nature.习惯成自然。

Lifeless, faultless.只有死人才不会犯错误。

3. 有没有唯美英文句子

Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart. 时间可以治愈一颗受伤的心,同样也可以撕裂一颗等待的心.1、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

2、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。3、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

4、We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery; the deepest wound was the most real emotions.我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。 走的最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。

5、Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while. 时间几乎会愈合所有伤口,如果你的伤口还没有愈合,请给时间一点时间! 6、There's a difference between "love" and "like". If you like a flower you will pick it, but if youlove a flower, you will water it every day. 爱与喜欢是有区别的。如果你喜欢一朵花,你会摘下它,但你要是爱它,你会每天灌溉它。

7、No need to have a reason to love you. Anything can be a reason not to love you.喜欢你,不需要理由;不喜欢你,什么都可以成为理由。8、Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy.生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。

9、Never think hard about past. It brings tears… Don't think more about future.Itbringsfears… Live this moment with a smile. It brings cheers.不要太想念过去,因它会给你带来悲伤;不要太思考未来,因它会带给你恐惧;用微笑活在当下,它会带来喜乐。 10、No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting.不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。

不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。 11、Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. it's about learning to dance in the rain.人生不是坐等暴风雨过去,而是学会在雨中起舞。

12、Three solutions to every problem: accept it, change it, leave it. If you can't accept it, change it. If you can't change it, leave it.有三个方法可以解决所有的问题。接受,改变,放开。

不能接受那就改变,不能改变,那就放开。 13、Because the things you're scared of are usually the most worthwhile.每天都尝试去一件你害怕的事情,因为,你所害怕的事情,往往是最值得的。

14、The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.人生的目标就是要好好地活,尝尽世间百态,勇敢积极地去体验新的、丰富的经历。 15、Sometimes, we need a little tears to clear the mist in our eyes, a little assurance to clear the doubts in our head, a little hug to nurse our aching heart.有时候,我们需要一点眼泪去洗掉眼中的迷雾,一点保证去扫去脑中的怀疑,一点拥抱去疗愈受伤的心,一点休息去继续前行。

16、When life give you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. 当生活给你一百个理由哭泣时,你就拿出一千个理由笑给它看。 17、Use your smile to change the world. Don't let the world change your smile.用你的笑容去改变这个世界,别让这个世界改变了你的笑容。

18、When I wake up every morning, the greatest joy is gazing upon you and sunshine, that is the future I desire.每天早上醒来,最大的愉悦就是看到你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。 19、Life only comes around once. So make sure you're spending it the right way, with the right ones.生命只有一次,我们要以正确的方式,和正确的人一起度过。

20、When you wake up in the morning, set a goal that today you must be better than yesterday. Do it everyday, grow better! 早上醒来时,给自己定个目标:今天一定要比昨天好!每天坚持,一定会大有收获! 21、The biggest mistake we have made in our daily life is to be too polite to strangers but too strict to close friends. 人们日常所犯最大的错误,是对陌生人太客气,而对亲密的人太苛刻。 22、There's nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears. - 世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。

23、Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. 做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。 24、If you're brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a 。

4. 英语简短优美句子摘抄

1、For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warmgreetings to my friends whom I miss so much.


2、Never quit because something went wrong; Quit because you tried your hardest and nothing made it better.


3、You can go as far as you want to go.


4、Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge.It's all for myself to live better.


5、Faith: not wanting to know what the truth is.


6、Byron: I am never away from you. Even now, I shall not leave you. In another land, I shall be still that one who loves you, loves you beyond measure beyond measure.


7、We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. Andthen begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.


8、If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with you is the award of the lord…


9、I love you, love can not my world without you.


10、east,west,home is the best!


11、Until all is over one's ambition never dies.


5. 求80个优美的英文句子,要带有翻译的

While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。

I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America) 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。(亚伯拉罕.林肯美国) Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能! Nothing for nothing. 不费力气,一无所得。

The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor ) 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.) I will greet this day with love in my heart. 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天 Do what you say,say what you do 做你说过的,说你能做的 I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own. 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain) All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人 A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。

Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill) 永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔) A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore) 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。

直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。(巴里摩尔) You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success.(Charles Chaplin , American actor ) 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

(美国演员 卓别林. C.) One's real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.(Einstein Germany)一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。(爱因斯坦 德国) One thing I know,that is I know nothing.(Socrates Greek) 我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。

(苏格拉底 古希腊) Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔 Victory won't come to me unless I go to it. -- 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

-- 穆尔 We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. -- Mattin Luther King 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 -- 马丁 ? 路德 ? 金 It's great to be great , but it's greater to be human. ---W. Rogers 成为伟人固然伟大,但成为真正的人更加伟大. Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed 不放弃就有成功的机会。

Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .( Thomas Edison , American inventor) 有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。

( 美国发明家 爱迪生. T. ) Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走,水往低处流。 Nothing seek, nothing find. 无所求则无所获。

One needs 3 things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for. 在这个世界我们只需拥有三件事便可真正快乐:有自己向往的事业;有自己爱的人;还有希望. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ( Voltaire ) 我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。(伏尔泰) All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。

Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。 Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did.--------Mark Twain 今后二十年你会因为没做某事,而不是做了某事而失望。

--------马克*吐温 Truth needs no colour; beauty , no pencil. —— William Shakespeare 真理不需色彩,美丽不需涂饰。 ——W?莎士比亚 It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious about?( H.D. Thoreau) 光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。

要看你为什么而勤劳。(梭罗) To err is human, to forgive, divine. -- Pope 人孰无过?心存宽恕,就是圣洁。

--蒲柏 Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。 If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher) 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。

(德国哲学家 尼采. F. W.) If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. ( Edison ) 如果你年轻时不学会思考,那就永远不会。(爱迪生) The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none. -- Thomas Carlyle 最严重的错误莫过于不觉得自己有任何错误。

-- 托马斯?卡莱尔 Even a great life is only a life until you make it. 美好生活,自己创造. Do not know how high the sky is until one climbs up the tops of mountains,and do not know how thick the earth is until one comes to the deep river.(Xun Kuang。

6. 唯美的英文句子~

“我以为 只有被喜欢的人喜欢 才会觉得幸福,如果你喜欢的人 不喜欢你 那么就算全世界的人都喜欢你 还是会觉得很孤独吧?”If the person you like doesn't like you, wouldn't it still be lonely even if the whole world loves you? 诗人继续说“至于小王子 他还太小了 不明白玫瑰的温柔 他的离开也许并不是坏事 ‘爱’有的时候好像 买新衣服 要站在远处才能看清”When you really really like someone, it's easy to think too much, say stupid things and do silly stuff. “不要走得太慢 花会凋谢的 也不要走得太快 那样 花还没有开”Don't walk too slowly, the flowers will wilt; but don't walk too fast either, then the flowers won't be blossoming yet. 那些我本来说好 我很喜欢很喜欢的人那些我告诉他们我想和他们一辈子的人我真的用心对待了么会不会 就在我做别的不重要的事情的时候 把他们忘记的时候他们已经死了 或者说 对我 死了心呢Those that I have claimed that liked a lot, those that I have claimed wanting to spend my life with, did I put my heart into treating them?Will they have died, or lost hope in me while I was doing something unimportant and forgotten them? “不要让那个喜欢你的人,撕心裂肺地为你哭那么一次。


即使她还爱你,可是,总有一些,真的东西改变了。”…… 男人喜欢女人时,会说:你是我的。

女人喜欢男人时,会说:我是你的。我喜欢你的时候,嘴上会说:我是你的,心里会说:你是我的!”…… 想找个保鲜盒把你给我的那些感动都装起来。

当我不那么喜欢你的时候就拿出来回味一下。” 那些陪我一起傻过的人,你们在我身上留下了什么?我要不要死心塌地找回你,还是微笑后坚定地转身,从此变得聪明。”

……… 在每一个地方想你。自己一个人的时候,你更是成了思念的主角。

这样的你,让我羡慕。”……… 爱就好像咖啡,要沉淀一下,再慢慢品尝 他就那样的笑着说,“我们都会一天天变老,然后死掉,多好。”

……… “不知道,如何爱你。看着你,是我唯一的方式。”

……… ”我们为什么要旅行呢?我想,可能是因为有些人,有些事,有些地方,一旦离开就回不去了。或者应该说总觉得自己回不去了。

“……… “所谓人生,就是取决于,遇见谁。”……… “后来,我终于接受,我们不会再在一起这个事实。

我想我唯一能做的就是继承那些,你拥有的让我着迷的品质,好好地生活下去。”……… “我知道有一天我会忘记你。


嗯。”……… “之前那个我和现在的我之间的距离,被许多细小琐碎的事填充着,这些都是你给我的爱吧。”

……… “想,回到过去,将你紧紧抱紧,紧紧抱紧。”………。

7. 求简短的英语句子


这儿有几个句子: 1. How are you doing?(你好吗?) 2. I'm doing great .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我过得很好。) 3. What's up?-------------------------------------------------------------- (出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?) 4. Nothing special .------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (没什么特别的。)

5. Hi . Long time no see .--------------------------------------------------------------------- (嗨,好久不见了。) 6. So far so good .--------------------------------------------------------------------- (到目前为止,一切都好。)

7. Things couldn't be better .--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (一切顺利。) 8. How about yourself?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (你自己呢?) 9. Today is a great day .----------------------------------------------------------------------- (今天是个好日子。)

10. Are you making progress?------------------------------------------------------------------------- (有进展吗?) 11. May I have your name, please?------------------------------------------------------------- (请问尊姓大名?) 12. I've heard so much about you .------------------------------------------------------------------ (久仰大名。) 13. I hope you're enjoying your staying here .------------------------------------- (希望你在这里过得愉快。)

14. Let's get together again .------------------------------------------------------------------------ (改天再聚聚。) 15. That's a great idea!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (好主意!) 16. Please say hello to your mother for me .------------------------------------------ (请代我向你母亲问好。)

17. I'm glad to have met you .------------------------------------------------------------------ (很高兴遇到你。) 18. Don't forget us .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (别忘了我们。)

19. Keep in touch .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (保持联系。) 20. I had a wonderful time here .---------------------------------------------- (我在这里度过了难忘的时光。)

21. Have a nice weekend .----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (周末愉快。) 22. Same to you .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (彼此彼此。)

23. Nice talking to you .----------------------------------------------------------------------- (很高兴与你聊天。) 24. Take care of yourself .---------------------------------------------------------- (自己当心/照顾好你自己。)

25. Thank you for everything .-------------------------------------- (谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。) 26. Thank you all for coming .------------------------------------------------------------------------ (谢谢光临。)

27. I appreciate your help .-------------------------------------------------------------------- (我感谢你的帮助。) 28. You're always welcome .---------------------------------------------------------------------- (别客气/不用谢) 29. Forget it .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (算了吧) 30. It was my pleasure .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (不用谢。)

31. I made a mistake .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我弄错了。) 32. I'm terribly sorry .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (实在抱歉。)

33. I must apologize!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我必须道歉!) 34. I feel terrible .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我感觉糟透了。) 35. It's not your fault .---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (那不是你的错。)

36. Sorry to bother /have bothered you .----------------------------------------- (抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。) 37. What do you do?------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (你做什么工作?) 38. How do you like your new job?-------------------------------------------------- (你觉得你的新工作怎样?) 39. I like it a lot .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我很喜欢。)

40. I like reading and listening to music .------------------------------------------- (我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。) 41. What's wrong?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (怎么回事?) 42. What happened?------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (发生什么事了?) 43. I hope nothing is wrong .----------------------------------------------------------------- (我希望一切顺利。)

44. I know how you feel .--------------------------------------------------------------------- (我知道你的感受。) 45. Sorry to hear that .---------------------------------------------------------------- (听到这个消息我很难受。)

46. Come on, you can do that .------------------------------------------------------------- (来吧,你能做到的。) 47. Use。

8. 英语经典句子(简单点)

1. Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐。)[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。]

2. While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。)

3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。)[从小灌输给孩子的坚定信念。]

4. Storms make trees take deeper roots.(风暴使树木深深扎根。)[感激敌人,感激挫折!]

5. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,无所不成。)[坚持一个简单的信念就一定会成功。]

6. The shortest answer is doing.(最简单的回答就是干。)[想说流利的英语吗?那么现在就开口!心动不如嘴动。]

7. All things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先难后易。)[放弃投机取巧的幻想。]

8. Great hopes make great man. (伟大的理想造就伟大的人。)

9. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。)

10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.(四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!)[比别人多一点努力、多一点自律、多一点决心、多一点反省、多一点学习、多一点实践、多一点疯狂,多一点点就能创造奇迹!]

11. In doing we learn.(实践长才干。)

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本文主要为您介绍朋友情写长短句,内容包括朋友优美长短句,描写朋友之间真挚友情的诗词m.51test.net,以“朋友情”为题写一篇演讲稿。朋友是什么? 朋友是我们站在窗前欣赏冬日飘零的雪花时手中捧着的一盏热茶;朋友是我们走在夏日大雨滂沱中时












本文主要为您介绍小红帽的故事妙语佳句,内容包括儿童故事小红帽的好词好句,小红帽的好词好句都,小红帽里面的好词好句。童话故事《小红帽》中的好词可爱 乖巧 细皮嫩肉 笑咪咪 哭哭啼啼 张牙舞爪 浑身发抖 急急忙忙 白白嫩嫩 血红 哇哇大叫








本文主要为您介绍囧男孩日记佳句摘录,内容包括男生日记中的好词好句,捣蛋鬼日记好句摘抄,男生日记的好句。正直的 宽厚的 能胜任的 有信心的 认真的,自觉的体贴的 建设性的 好沉思的 有合作精神的 富创造力的有拼搏精神的 有奉献精神的 可靠




本文主要为您介绍草房子名词佳句,内容包括草房子的好词好句,草房子细马里的名言名句,草房子好词佳句修辞。大模大样 红艳艳 兴高采烈 不得安宁 迷迷糊糊 小心翼翼 乌黑乌黑 轻手轻脚 吃惊 黑糊糊 好句 那是一九六一年八月的一个上午,秋风乍








本文主要为您介绍四川风景短句,内容包括赞美四川风景句子,赞美四川风景句子.,描写四川景色的诗句词。《和子由柳湖久涸,忽有水,开元寺山茶旧无花》年代: 宋 作者: 苏轼长明灯下石栏干,长共松杉守岁寒。叶厚有棱犀甲健,花深少态鹤头丹。久陪




本文主要为您介绍一个人想消失的短句,内容包括形容一个人消失没有了音讯的幽默句子,也许有一天我消失了的句子,心情不好想暂时消失一段时间的心情说说。如果有一天 我从你的世界消失了 你会不会在街上走的时候想到我 想到蹲在地上痛哭如果












本文主要为您介绍早心安励志短句,内容包括早起的励志句子,早安励志短句,怎么说早安励志的句子。人生最重要的不是努力,不是奋斗,而是抉择。 2、老板只能给一个位置,不能给一个未来。舞台再大,人走茶凉。 3、意外和明天不知道哪个先来。








本文主要为您介绍朋友情写长短句,内容包括朋友优美长短句,描写朋友之间真挚友情的诗词m.51test.net,以“朋友情”为题写一篇演讲稿。朋友是什么? 朋友是我们站在窗前欣赏冬日飘零的雪花时手中捧着的一盏热茶;朋友是我们走在夏日大雨滂沱中时












本文主要为您介绍100个英语短句带中文意思,内容包括英语句子,越短越好,100个100分,要中文翻译,100个英语句子,初一的带中文,帮我写100个英语短语(带中文)后再造句。越短越好的英语句子:1. This is a ship.(这是一艘船。)2. He is an old worker.












本文主要为您介绍关于名人名言的英语短句大全集,内容包括有关名人名言的英语句子,英语超短名人名言大全,英语名人名言大全。All things in their being are good for something. · 天生我才必有用。 · Diffi




本文主要为您介绍带沈璃的短句,内容包括唐诗中带沈字的句子,含有“璃”字的诗词,包含琉璃的句子。唐 李涉 《题水月台》诗:“水似晴天天似水,两重星点碧琉璃。” 宋 欧阳修 《浣溪沙》词:“溶溶春水浸春云,碧瑠璃滑浄无尘。” 【游长