




1.agree with同意……意见;符合;一致

2.ask for请求;询问

3.arrive at/in到达

4.begin with以……开始

5.come from来自

6.feel like想要

7.fall behind落在……后面

8.fall off掉下

9.get to到达

10.get on上(车)

11.get off下来;从……下来

12.hear of听说

13.knock at/on敲(门、窗等)

14.laugh at嘲笑

15.look at看

16.look after照看

17.listen to听

18.look for寻找

19.quarrel with吵架








1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级 and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg:I will go along with you.我将和你一起去。

The students planted trees along with their teachers.学生同老师们一起种树。 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助 向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg:ask you for my book 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么 12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时 eg:I am sixteen.I am at the age of sixteen. 14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 eg:At the end of the day 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句 感觉/对什么有信心,自信 eg:I am / feel confident of my spoken English.I feel that I can pass the test. 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原) 能够…… eg:She is able to sing.She can sing. 20 be able to do sth 能够干什么 eg:she is able to sing. 21 be afraid to do (of) sth 恐惧,害怕…… eg:I'm afraed to go out at night.I'm afraid of dog. 22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 eg:I'm allowed to watch TV.我被允许看电视。

I should be allowed to watch TV.我应该被允许看电视。 23 be angry with sb 生某人的气 eg:Don't be angry with me. 24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样 eg:She is as tall as me.她和我一样高。

26 be ashamed to 27 be away from 远离 28 be away from 从……离开 29 be bad for 对什么有害 eg:Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes.在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好。 30 be born 出生于 31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事 be busy with sth 忙于…… 32 be careful 当心;小心 33 be different from…… 和什么不一样 34 be famous for 以……著名 35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好 36 be from = come from 来自 eg:He is from Bejing He comes from Bejing Is he from Bejing.Does he come from Bejing. 37 be full of 装满……的 be filled with 充满 eg:the glass is full of water.the glass is filled with water. 38 be glad+to+do/从句 39 be going to + v(原) 将来时 40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于…… 41 be good for 对什么有好处 eg:Reading aloud is good for your English 42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事 43 be helpful to sb 对某人有好处 eg:Reading aloud is helpful to you.大声朗读对你有好处。

Exercising is helpful to your bady.锻炼对你的身体有好处。 44 be in good health 身体健康 45 be in trouble 处于困难中 eg:She is in trouble.They are in tronble. 46 be interested in 对某方面感兴趣 47 be late for = come late to 迟到 eg:Be late for class 上课迟到 48 be like 像…… eg:I'm like my mother. 49 be mad at 生某人的气 50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料)。


as soon as as…as… as…as possible ask sb. for sth. ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth. ask/tell sb. not to do sth. be afraid of doing sth./ that… 初中英语重要句型 8. be busy doing sth. 9. be famous/ late/ ready/ sorry for… 10. be glad that… 11. buy/ give/ show/ bring/ lend/ send/ pass/ tell…sth to sb. 12.buy/ give/ show/ send/ pass/ bring/ lend/ tell sb. sth. 初中英语重要句型 13. either …or… 14.enjoy/ hate/ like/ finish/ stop/ mind/ keep/ go on doing sth. 15. find it+adj.to do sth. 16.get +比较级 17. get ready for/ get sth. ready 18. had better (not) do sth. 初中英语重要句型 19. help sb. (to) do / help sb. with… 20. I don't think that… 21. I would like to/ Would you like to.. 22. is one of the +最高级+名词复数 23. It is +adj. for sb. to do sth. 24. It is a good idea to do sth. 25. It is the second +最高级+名词 初中英语重要句型 26. It looks like…/ It sounds like… 27. It seems to sb. that… 28. It sounds +adj./ It looks+adj. 29. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 30. It's bad/ good for … 31. It's time for…/ to do sth. 32. It's two meters(years)long (high, old) 初中英语重要句型 33. keep sb. doing sth. 34. like to do / like doing sth 35. keep/ make sth. +adj. 36. make / let sb. (not) do sth. 37. neither…nor… 38. not…at all 39. not…until… 初中英语重要句型 40. One…the other…/ Some ….others… 41. prefer …to… 42. see/hear sb. do(doing) sth. 43. so …that… 44. spend… on/ (in) doing sth. 45. stop to do/ stop doing sth. 46. such a (an)+adj. +n. that… 初中英语重要句型 47. take/bring sth. with sb. 48. thank sb. for sth. 49. The more…the more… 50. There is something wrong with… 51. too…to… 52. used to… 53. What about/ How about… 初中英语重要句型 54. What's the matter with… 55. What's wrong with… 56. Why not… 57. Will( Would, Could) you please…。


初中生必背英语词组1 1.初中英语教材中共出现近400个词组,其中有一部分为常用词组,要求能熟练运用。

2.在学习中,要注意词组的积累,特别要注意介词词组和短语动词的积累。 3.对固定词组的意义,切不可望文生义。

例如,动词look愿意为“看”,但look after意为“照料”,look up (a word in a dictionary)意为“(在词典中)查找(单词)”。 4.要十分注意固定词组中冠词的使用。

有时冠词可引起词义的变化,例如,go to school意为“上学”,而go to the school意为“到学校里去”;take place意为“发生”,而take the place意为“取代”。有些词组中须用冠词,而另一些则不用。

例如,in the evening, at night。 一、动词词组(包括短语动词)、介词词组和其他词组 (一)由be构成的词组 1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出 2)be at home/work 在家/上班 3)be good at 善于,擅长于 4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细 5)be covered with 被……复盖 6)be ready for 为……作好准备 7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶 8)be interested in 对……感到举 9)be born 出生 10)be on 在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着 11)be able to do sth. 能够做…… 12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……) 13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气 14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意) 15)be famous for 以……而著名 16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求 17)be from 来自……,什么地方人 18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了 19)be worried 担忧 20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做…… 21)be covered with 被……所覆盖…… 22)be in (great) need of (很)需要 23)be in trouble 处于困境中 24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做…… 25)be late for ……迟到 26)be made of (from) 由……制成 27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意 28)be free 空闲的,有空 29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床 30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……) (二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组。

1)come back 回来 2)come down 下来 3)come in 进入,进来 4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来 5)come out出来 6)come out of 从……出来 7)come up 上来 8)come from 来自…… 9)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业 10)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读 11)do one's best 尽力 12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除) 13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事) 14)do morning exercises 做早操 15)do eye exercises 做眼保健操 16)do well in 在……某方面干得好 17)get up 起身 18)get everything ready 把一切都准备好 19)get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备 20)get on (well) with 与……相处(融洽) 21)get back 返回 22)get rid of 除掉,去除 23)get in 进入,收集 24)get on/off 上/下车 25)get to 到达 26)get there 到达那里 27)give sb. a call 给……打电话 28)give a talk 作报告 29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会) 30)give back 归还,送回 31)give……some advice on 给……一些忠告 32)give lessons to 给……上课 33)give in 屈服 34)give up 放弃 35)give sb. a chance 给……一次机会 36)give a message to…… 给……一个口信 37)go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧 38)go to the cinema 看电影 39)go go bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺) 40)go to school (college) 上学(上大学) 41)go to (the) hospital 去医院看病 42)go over 过一遍,复习/ go over to 朝……走去 43)go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东 44)go home (there) 回家去(去那儿) 45)go round 顺便去,绕道走 46)go up 上去 47)go out for a walk 外出散步 48)go on (doing) 继续(做……) 49)go on with one's work 继续某人的工作 0)go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼 51)(the lights) go out (灯)熄了 52)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上课/开会 53)have a football match (basketball match) 举行一场足球(蓝球)赛 54)have dictation 听见 55)have a try 试一试 56)have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高兴 57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会) 58)have a report (talk) on 听一个关于……的报告 59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水,(一杯茶) 60)have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭 61)have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭(三餐饭) 62)have a dinner 吃正餐 63)have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶 64)have (have got) a headache 头痛 65)have a fever 发烧 66)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒) 67)have a look (at) 看一看…… 68)have a rest (a break) 休息一会儿(工间或课间休息) 69)have a talk 谈话 70)have a swim/walk 游泳/散步 71)have sports 进行体育锻炼 72)have a sports meet (meeting) 开运动会 73)have something done 让人(请人)做…… 74)have a test/an exam 测验/考试 75)have an idea 有了个主意 76)had better do sth. (not do sth.) 最好做……(最好不要做……) 77)have 。


初中英语词组总结 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级 and 比较级) 表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个 世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助 向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg : ask you for my book 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么 12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时 eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen 14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 eg : At the end of the day 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句 感觉/对什么有信心,自信 eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原) 能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing 20 be able to do sth 能够干什么 eg :she is able to sing 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕…… eg : I'm afraed to go out at night I'm afraid of dog 22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 eg: I'm allowed to watch TV 我被允许看电视 I should be allowed to watch TV 我应该被允许看电视 23 be angry with sb 生某人的气 eg : Don't be angry with me 24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样 eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高 26 be ashamed to 27 be away from 远离 28 be away from 从……离开 29 be bad for 对什么有害 eg : Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好 30 be born 出生于 31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事 be busy with sth 忙于…… 32 be careful 当心;小心 33 be different from…… 和什么不一样 34 be famous for 以……著名 35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好 36 be from = come from 来自 eg :He is from Bejing He comes from Bejing Is he from Bejing ? Does he come from Bejing ? 37 be full of 装满……的 be filled with 充满 eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water 38 be glad+to+do/从句 39 be going to + v(原) 将来时 40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于…… 41 be good for 对什么有好处 eg : Reading aloud is good for your English 42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事 43 be helpful to sb 对某人有好处 eg : Reading aloud is helpful to you 大声朗读对你有好处 Exercising is helpful to your bady 锻炼对你的身体有好处 44 be in good health 身体健康 45 be in trouble 处于困难中 eg : She is in trouble They are in tronble 46 be interested in 对某方面感兴趣 47 be late for = come late to 迟到 eg: Be late for class 上课迟到 48 be like 像…… eg : I'm like my mother 49 be mad at 生某人的气 50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料) 51 be made of 由……制成(制成以后还看得见原材料) 52 be not sure 表不确定 53 be on a visit to 参观 54 be popular with sb 受某人欢迎 55 be quiet 安静 56 be short for 表**的缩写 eg: 陶 is short for 陶俊杰 57 be sick in bed 生病在床 58 be sorry to do sth be sorry for sb eg : I am sorry for you 59 be sorry to hear that 60 be sorry to trouble sb eg : I am sorry to trouble you 61 be strict in doing sth 严于做某事 eg : He's strict in obeying noles 62 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 eg: Some students are not strict with them selves 这些学生对自己不严格 63 be strict with sb in sth 某方面对某人严格 64 be supposed to do 被要求干什么 65 be sure 表确定 66 be sure of doing sth 对做某事有信心 eg: He is sure of winning I am sure of learning English well 67 be sure of sth 对做某事有信心 eg: I'm sure of my head (my teacher 我相信我的大脑(老师) 68 be sure that sth 对做某事有信心 eg: I'm suer that he can pass the test 我相信他能通过考试 69 be sure to do sth一定会做某事eg: We are sure to pass the test 我们一定会通过这次考试 We are sure to learn English well 我们一定能学好英语 70 be terrified of + 名/动doing 害怕…… 71 be terrified to do sth 害怕做某事 72 be the same as … 和什么一样 73 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 eg: My father is used to getting up early 我爸爸习惯早He is used to sleeping in class 他习惯上课睡觉 74 be worth doing 值得做什么 75 be(feel) afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of sth 害怕某物 be afraid that 丛句 76 because+句子 because of +短语 eg : He was late because he had a headache He was late because of his headache 77 begin to do = start to do 开始做某事 start…with…=。


1. Walk along this road, and take the fourth turning on the left. 沿着这条路走,在第四个路口向左拐。

2.. Lily fell off her bike and hurt herself badly.3.. Go on until you reach the end. 一直走,直到你到达终点。4. Thanks a lot for inviting me to your party. I'd love to come.5.. Either my father or my mother cooks dinner on weekdays.6.. I like Chinese tea without anything in it. 我喜欢中国的清茶,什么都不加。

7.. Sooner or later you'll find it somewhere. 你迟早会在某个地方找到它的。8. I keep a diary to help me remember things. 我写日记以帮助自己记住事情。

9. He often asks policemen for help. 他经常向警察求助。10.. You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor. 直到看了医生你才能吃东西。

11. You'd better catch a bus. 你最好去坐车。12. Why don't you make him a card? 你为什么不给他做张贺卡呢?(你还是给他做张贺卡吧!)13.. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to eat less food and take more exercise.如果你想减肥、想更健康点的话,那你就必须少吃食物多锻炼。

14.. Nobody taught her. She taught herself. 没有人教她。她是自学的。

15. Many families eat their dinner outside in the open air. 许多家庭在露天吃晚餐。16. Can I take a message for you? 我能为你带个口信吗。

17.. Liu Mei is on her way to the cinema. 刘梅正在往电影院去的路上。18. You must look after yourself and keep healthy. 你必须照顾好自己,保持健康。

19.. It's between the post office and the hospital. 它在邮局和医院之间。20. They have some problems getting there. 他们想要到达那里是有一些困难的。

21. For example, Jim is short for James. 例如,Jim就是James的昵称。(be short for是。

的缩写)初中英语必背句子初中英语必背句子22. He does not want to do it any more. 他不想再做那件事。23. I make lots of telephone calls. 我(经常)打许多的电话。

24. Good luck with your Chinese. 祝你的汉语(学习)能有好运。25.. They both lost themselves in the beautiful music. 他们都陶醉在优美的音乐中了。

26.因为饿极了,他们很快就吃光了所有的食物。27.. I can't leave my baby by herself. 我不能把我小孩单独留下。


29.. To his surprise, he found the girl was blind.30.. You can keep these books for two weeks. 这些书你可以借两个星期。31.感谢你邀请我参加你的晚会。


33.在工作日时,要么是我父亲要么是我母亲做饭。34.. Don't leave anything behind. 别把东西落下了。

35.. Help yourself to some soup. 随便喝点汤吧。Help youself. (请慢用;别客气。)

36. Last month we helped them with the rice harvest. We really enjoyed working on the farm.37.. I can't find the key to my bike. 我找不到我自行车的钥匙了。38. Here is a card for you with our best wishes. 送您一张卡片,表达我们最良好的祝愿。

39.. She didn't feel like eating anything. 她不想吃任何东西。40. Why not meet a little earlier? 为什么不早一些见面呢?41. You can give him your best wishes. 你可以向他致意。

42. I feel sorry for them. 我为他们感到难过。43.. Half an hour later she woke up and began to cry. 半小时后她醒过来然后开始哭了。

44. Jill often goes the wrong way.常常走错路。45.. Let's put our boat out of the water. 让我们把船从水里拖上来。

46. Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?47. Let's make it half past nine. 让我们把时间定在9:30吧。48. Good luck to you. 祝你好运。

49. East Lake has many different kinds of fishes. 东湖有许多不同种类的鱼。50. We'll have a lot of fun. Oh, I can't wait! 我们将过得很开心。

哦,我简直等不及了。51. I am working hard on my exams. 我在努力应对考试。

52. Thank you for making English fun! 谢谢你把英语课变得如此有趣!初中英语必背句子好词好句好段-一句话-名言警句-格言-成语-伤感句子-优美诗句-唯美句子53.. We'd better catch a bus. 我们最好乘公共汽车去。54.. Everyone laughed at the woman's mistake. 每个人都嘲笑那女人犯的错。

55.. He can take good care of your babies. 他能很好地照料你们的孩子。56. Welcome back to school. 欢迎返回学校。

57.Lily从她的自行车上摔下来,并伤得很厉害。58.. Take the second turning on the left. 在第二个路口向左拐。

59.. I began to make faces and the baby didn't cry any more. 我开始做鬼脸,接着小孩就不再哭了。60.. May I take your order now? 你现在要点什么菜吗?61.. Would you like to come along? 你想一起去吗?62.. As they were very hungry, they ate up all the food very soon.。


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本文主要为您介绍比较有哲理的英文短句子,内容包括有哲理的英语句子,短一点,有哲理的英文短句,有哲理的英文句子比较励志的。1.A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 2.Accidents will happe




本文主要为您介绍激励人气势的短句子,内容包括激励士气的短句.就是工会之间进行对战,时我希望能有一些能激励人的,正能量激励人有气势的好句子,激励人心的句子简短。1. 理想并不是没有目的的去空想,而是需要以奋斗为基石,没有理想的奋斗是不








本文主要为您介绍现代美文短句,内容包括优美的现代的句子,现代美文佳句,现代人伤感优美的句子。偶然,当我想你在深秋 彼岸的繁华三千,却找不到一只可以泅渡的船。 记忆挣扎,我在演唱一曲悲歌 记住那些美好的回忆 只愿来生,得玲珑心、




本文主要为您介绍英语摘抄短句子带翻译,内容包括摘抄简单的英语句子,有翻译,短的,英语句子摘抄及翻译,英语好词好句好段摘抄大全带中文句子短一点。Though I avoid seeing you, I still miss you. 虽然对你避而不见,可是心里仍然想念。其实,
















本文主要为您介绍夏季下雨佳句赏析,内容包括描写下雨的优美句子是夏天下雨的优美句子,写夏季雨的句子,夏天下雨的诗句。描写夏天下雨的句子雨滴就像千万个伞兵,从空中跳下来,安全地降落在地面上。雨点连在一起像一张大网,挂在我的 眼前。微风




本文主要为您介绍八月十五好词佳句,内容包括中秋节好词好句好段,中秋节的好词好句有什么,关于中秋节的好句。中秋节到了!月亮圆圆的!家家的灯光都很亮,周围的环境非常的暗,但到处都有人.欢笑声早已打破了寂寞的环境! 中秋节是农历八月十五日,是我




本文主要为您介绍朝花夕拾中藤野先生的佳句,内容包括朝花夕拾中藤野先生的好词好句,朝花夕拾中藤野先生的好词好句,朝花夕拾之藤野先生中的优美语段。读书笔记 书名:《朝花夕拾·藤野先生》 作者:鲁迅 佳句摘抄: 1. “你看,你将这条血管移了一




本文主要为您介绍告别感言佳句,内容包括伤感离别句子大全,离别的好词好句,离别感言有那些。伤感离别句子大全夜色在笑语中渐渐沉落,朋友起身告辞。没有挽留,没有送别,甚至也没有问归期。 已经过了大喜大悲的岁月,已经过了伤感流泪的年




本文主要为您介绍赞美紫色的花佳句,内容包括赞美紫色花的句子,赞美紫色菊花的句子,赞美紫色花朵。在茂密的叶子里,透出一朵朵紫红色的小花,它的样子和颜色真像大公鸡的冠子,在阳光下,显得那样鲜艳,那样美丽。 “丑菊”的花虽然很小,但颜色








本文主要为您介绍比较有哲理的英文短句子,内容包括有哲理的英语句子,短一点,有哲理的英文短句,有哲理的英文句子比较励志的。1.A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 2.Accidents will happe




本文主要为您介绍激励人气势的短句子,内容包括激励士气的短句.就是工会之间进行对战,时我希望能有一些能激励人的,正能量激励人有气势的好句子,激励人心的句子简短。1. 理想并不是没有目的的去空想,而是需要以奋斗为基石,没有理想的奋斗是不








本文主要为您介绍现代美文短句,内容包括优美的现代的句子,现代美文佳句,现代人伤感优美的句子。偶然,当我想你在深秋 彼岸的繁华三千,却找不到一只可以泅渡的船。 记忆挣扎,我在演唱一曲悲歌 记住那些美好的回忆 只愿来生,得玲珑心、




本文主要为您介绍英语摘抄短句子带翻译,内容包括摘抄简单的英语句子,有翻译,短的,英语句子摘抄及翻译,英语好词好句好段摘抄大全带中文句子短一点。Though I avoid seeing you, I still miss you. 虽然对你避而不见,可是心里仍然想念。其实,








本文主要为您介绍新学期名言短句,内容包括激励自己的格言警句,要是关于新学期的要求的警句,有关新学期的名言警句,有关新学期的名言警句。百金买骏马,千金买美人;万金买高爵,何处买青春? 屈原 青年者,人生之王,人生之春,人生之华也。 李大钊 白