

Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.

Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.

People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.





2.保护环境 英语短句

I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution.


We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars are still a major source of them. Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced.



题目:Protect the environment of Huangshan Mountain

正文:Huangshan Mountain is a tourist attraction and large quantity of visitors will pay a visit to it.A few years ago,because visitors didn't pay attention to the environment of it,it was seriously polluted by them.The visitors threw waste paper,plastic sack,tin cans about,and some of them even killed the animals and did damage to the plants.Even worse,someone made fire to cook a meal in the woods which may cause fire disaster.Duo to these actions,Huangshan Mountain changed into a scene of devastation meets the eye everywhere.

However,visitors have been changing a lot.They take away the rubbish they make and don't hunt the wild animals any more.Besides,they start to protect the plants of it.Besides,they bring their own lunch in case of the forest-fire.


White Pollution

White pollution refers to plastic pollution. It is a new member of pollution family, but it grows fast. Unrecyclable plastic lunch boxes line along railroads. Plastic shopping bags dance in the wind. When leaders are busy mapping out blueprints for the future, one colour WHITE from white pollution becomes their headache.

Everything in the life circle deserves its place on earth. If we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic productsmwhat would happen Ⅱ One day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbishg Then the earthmour common home, would be a dustbin.

To prevent this nightmare from coming true, governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. However, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do to get rid of white pollution, we must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do to colour the earth green instead of white.

范文分析 文中出现了大量比喻性用语,如a new member Of pollution family,mapping out blueprints(描绘蓝图),headache, an ocean of white rubbish(白色垃圾的海洋),dustbin(垃圾箱),common home,nightmare(恶梦),to colour the earth green instead of white等。这些生动贴切的比喻并未使人感到莫明其妙,而是增强了文章的表现力,体现了作者对唤醒大众关注这一难题的紧迫感。


如何保护环境 How to save environment? I think we should do the followings: First, it's best to ride a bike to school, don't take a bus or a taxi. Second, I will remember to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. Third, in my free time, I will collect the empty bottles and waste paper for recycling. The fourth idea is turning off the shower when I 'm not using it. Fifth, it is imporment to save water and money. Also, I won't spend too much money on expensive things. Last, we had better not cut down the trees, we have to take care of the trees . I'll try my best to save the energy, I hope I can do something for our country.The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling. Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. Finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. Causes the city's appearance to be neater. For Earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in bags. Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources.The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling. Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. Finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. Causes the city's appearance to be neater. For Earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in bags. Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of 诉讼waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources.money on expensive things. Last, we had better not cut down the trees, we have to take care of the trees . I'll try my best to save the energy, I hope I can do something for our country.The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better.如何保存环境?我认为我们应该做到以下几个方面:首先,它是最好骑自行车上学,不坐公车或出租车。











1) Water proud - always turn off the tap, do not let the water flow in vain -. Save water 2) water source protection is to monitor the protection of life 3) a water use - to let the water re-use 4) to prevent leakage - inspection, maintenance and tap 5) cleaning agents be used with caution - as much as possible with soap to reduce water pollution 6) concern for air quality - do not Forgot your breath all the time 7) turning off lights - Province of electricity and less pollution 8) of electrical appliances - to mitigate global warming, out of a force 9) reduce the use of air conditioning - to reduce energy consumption 10) support the green light - everyone with the energy-saving lamps of 11) use of renewable resources - do not wait until the day that the energy depletion of 12) do "bus family" - to be proud of by public transport vehicles of 13) when the "bike heroes" - protection of the atmosphere, begins with one step 14) reduced tail gas emissions - the responsibility to drive 15), unleaded gasoline - the choice of driving people 16) Use recycled paper - to reduce deforestation 17) Alternative greeting cards - to reduce the burden of the Earth 18) saving food new fashion - let frugality become into the glory of 19) to control noise pollution - to protect the land we monitor each other 20) to maintain peaceful environment - let us start from their own 21) identified "environmental label" - buying green 22) with CFC-free products - to protect the ozone layer 23) election phosphate-free washing powder - to protect rivers and lakes 24) to buy environmentally friendly batteries - to prevent mercury cadmium 25) Select the green packaging - reducing waste disaster 26) recognized green flag - to protect their health 27) to buy pollution-free food - and maintaining the environment 28) less Disposable products - saving the earth's resources 29) Bring your own shopping bags - use less plastic bags of 30) bring their own lunch boxes - to reduce white pollution 31) less disposable chopsticks - Do not let the change of forest wood chips 32) clever use of old materials - for limited resources extend the life of 33) to exchange donated extra items - waste of donated glorious 34) recycling of waste plastics - development of the "second oil" 35) recycling of waste batteries - to prevent the tragedy of 36) waste paper - recycling of forest resources 37) recycling biological waste - adoption of renewable green manure trees - make green Lin Weishi 39) recycling all kinds of waste - all waste can be turned into resource 38) to promote waste separation and recycling - waste little effort over pollution 39) refuse to eat wild animals - to change bad eating habits of 40) refused with wildlife products - Do not let endangered the life in your hands 41 dead) are not hunting and feeding wild animals - to protect a fragile food chain 42) to stop poaching and sale of wild animal behavior - exercise your sacred right to 43) for animal friends - kind of life, and all things co-exist 44) do not buy the rare wood appliances - do not destroy the rainforest 45) forest trees - and fight desertification 46) Adoption Tree - - Green protectors do。


环保专业词汇 Abarbeitungsmassnahme 整改措施 abblendbar 防眩目的 Abdeckteil 覆盖件 Abdeckung Stossfaenger 保险杠蒙皮 Abdichtmaterial 密封材料;密封胶 Abdichtprofil 密封件 Abdichtung blaettert ab (细)密封剥落 Abdichtung-lokale Fehlbeschichtung (细)密封局部漏涂 Abdichtung-lokale Ueberbeschichtung (细)密封局部涂得过多 Abdichtung-Nadelloecher (细)密封(针状)小孔 Abdichtungskitt 密封胶泥 Abfall 废物 Abfallaufbereitung 废物处理 Abfallentsorgung 排废 Abfallwirtschaft 废物治理 abfetten 涂脂 Abfindungssumme 补偿费 Abgas 废气 Abgasabsaugung 废气抽吸 Abgasemmission 废气排放 Abgasgesetz 排放法规 Abgaskruemmer 排气歧管 Abgasvorschriften 废气排放规定 abkanten 修边; 去毛边; 折边 Abkantwerkzeug 翻边模 Ablage 杂物箱 Ablassschraube 放油螺栓 Ablieferungspruefung 出厂检验 Abluft 废气 Abnahme 验收,报交 Abnutzung 磨损 Abnutzung durch Unfall 故障磨损 Abraste 固定夹脱落 Abriebfestigkeitspruefung 耐磨试验 Abrollhaspel 开卷机 ABS (Antiblockiersystem) 防抱死制动系统 Absaugungseinrichtung 除尘装置 Abschirmblech 屏蔽板; 屏蔽件 Abschleppoese 拖钩 Abschlussteil 围板 Abschneidenwerkzeug 切边模 Abschreibungskosten 折旧费用 节省资源 save resources 倡导资源管理 advocate the management of resources 指导,促进和监督计划实施 guide, advance and supervise the implementation of the plan 举办咨询会 hold consultation meetings 提出合理化建议 put forward valuable suggestions 参与实施计划 offer to carry out the programs 完善服务 perfect services 对缓解交通起重要作用 play a major role in easing traffic 参加城市重建 participate in the reconstruction of the city 确保计划发成功实施 ensure the successful execution of projects 提高环境管理水平 raise the environmental management level 建立良好生态环境 create a pleasant ecological environment 为大量野生动植物提供栖息地 provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants 为人类提供水和食物 supply water and food for human beings 非常注意保护森林 pay greater attention to the conservation of forest 极力主张各国政府采取行动 urge governments of all countries to take action 迈出重要一步 make an important step 保留为自然耕地 reserve as natural farmland 为当地人带来多种经济和社会效益 bring multiple economic and social benefits to the local people 促进城市可持续发展 promote the sustainable development of the city 完善城市基础设施建设 perfect the construction of urban infrastructure 达到大城市的水平 reach the level of big cities 符合举办奥运会的要求 meet the requirements of hosting the Olympic Games 优先发展公共运输 give priority to the development of public transportation 减少机动车辆 reduce the number of vehicles 实行严格的机动车辆排放标准 implement strict vehicle emission standards 实施严格的检查,维修制度 carry out a strict system of inspection and maintenance 减少浪费 reduce waste 加大污染治理力度 strengthen pollution control 覆盖树木和草地 cover with trees and grass 提高公务员的综合素质 improve the overall quality of civil servants 通过资格考试 pass qualification examinations 促进相互了解 enhance mutual understanding 相互促进 help each other forward 互派访问学者 exchange visiting scholars 交流经验 exchange experience 承担应有的义务 undertake the due obligations 发挥---积极性 bring one's initiative into full play 重视实用性 place stress on practicality 提供受教育机会 offer a chance of education 有力的推动教育的发展 give a big push to the development of education 保护和改善生活和生态环境 protect and improve the living environment and the ecological environment 普及环保知识 popularize environmental protection knowledge 防治污染 prevent and control pollution 加强水土保持 reinforce the conservation of water and soil 享受国家一级保护 enjoy first-class protection of the State 保持生态平衡 keep ecological balance 加强城市绿化 strengthen the greening of the city 采用环保技术 adopt environmental protection technique 开展保护野生动物宣传教育 advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals 赶超先进 surpass the advanced 增加农业投入 invest more in agriculture 扫除文盲 eliminate illiteracy 营造良好的文化环境 create a healthy cultural environment 促进文化市场健康发展 facilitate the sound development of the markets for cultural products 开展对外文化交流 conduct cultural exchange with other countries 博采各国文化之长 draw on strong point of the cultures of other countries 开展群性文化活动 carry out mass activities on culture 保护文化遗产 protect cultural heritage 继承历史文化优秀传统 carry on the fine cultural traditions hand。

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本文主要为您介绍社会语录短句nv,内容包括社会句子短句,社会语录,骂人磕,关于社会的句子。出尔反尔是我的作风,众叛亲离是我的现状,长命百岁是我的结果。2、 我只有碰到喜欢的人才会变成话痨。碰到不喜欢的人我一句话也不想说。3、
























本文主要为您介绍关爱妻子的短句,内容包括爱老婆的句子,关心老婆的经典名言,十句话,关心老婆老婆的。1 持子之手与子偕老。2 此生与你相伴人生道,幸福相伴直到老。 3 对的时间,遇见对的人,是一生幸福。4 爱上你的那一刻,我就在心中默默




本文主要为您介绍关于联欢会的短句,内容包括关于晚会的句子,形容晚会的句子,场面描写的句子,至少五句一句写劳动场面,一句写元旦联欢会场面,。形容晚会的句子如下:1. 熊熊的营火燃烧起来,红通通,金灿灿,映红了天,映红了地,映红了小伙伴的张张笑脸








本文主要为您介绍关于快乐的短句英文,内容包括有关于快乐的英语句子,英语快乐的句子,关于教师节快乐的英文句子。All I ever wanted wasfor you to be happy.我所有想要的就是能让你开心快乐 --And how a