

Mr. Yi Zhongtian was in the "culture of food on the table" in the interpretation of Chinese and Western cultures were subtle ideological core of Chinese culture is the "group consciousness" ideological core of Western culture is the "individual consciousness." So even if the dinners Westerners, but also points the dish, the drink of the wine, so as not to impose our own will. Chinese culture is that the individual will, to obey the common will of the group. Since the intended purpose favors with the intention of blood, its way of manners, naturally, is precious, so the Chinese people love dinner, hi total of food, about harmony. I believe that in a cross-cultural communication in the face of a strange culture, Yin Siwei, life habits and behaviors in different ways, and cultural exchanges during the conflict will inevitably occur. The author from the following four aspects of Chinese and Western table manners were simple compared to the cross-cultural communication can be a proper, decent way to communicate.First, cultural differences from the cutlery to use point of view Chopsticks and knife and fork is the most basic differences between Chinese and Western table manners. Zhejiang University, Professor Yu Xiu Ling: East and West appear chopsticks and knife and fork eating the different tools and environment relationship. Bamboo chopsticks to have originated in the place. Northern China wood, bamboo from southern China, ancestors from local materials, bamboo and wood have become the most primitive materials chopsticks chopsticks. The emergence of a knife and fork than chopsticks much later. According to research by Professor Yu Xiu Ling, the original knife and fork and European origin living in ancient nomadic habits, they immediately carry knives of life, often cooked the meat, cut off to eat. About 15 centuries before and after the meal in order to improve posture, Europeans used the double-pointed cross. To the 18th century only the tip of a fork with four forks. Knife and fork and chopsticks, not only brought different eating habits, also affected the Eastern and Western concepts in life. Professor Yu Xiu Ling, eating into the system will inevitably bring a knife and fork, and chopsticks sitting around the table with family members must dine match. Beginning point of Western food, which derived from the West pay attention to independent, children grow up into the world after the independence of ideas and habits. The chopsticks brought together meals daily, highlighting the young and old sat together in the family unit, so that Asians have a relatively strong family values. When I reminded in the use of Chinese and Western dishes have different specifications. If not play with chopsticks when eating Chinese food (to them when the drumstick is a very rude way), but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or make gestures. Of course, absolutely can not suck or the chopsticks chopsticks inserted in the rice, which is taboo (which seems to funeral incense is considered unlucky.) When using the knife and fork there are some taboos. Such as holding a knife and fork when not meddling. To speak or talk, knife and fork on the plate should only decency. Avoid using their own utensils for others bowl. Do not bend over picking up utensils fall. Do not cut off a good meal products, especially products with a soup meal, to eat a piece-by-all and more.Second, cultural differences from the point of seating arrangements Western formal banquets are particular about the seating arrangements. Traditional Chinese dinner with square table. Door is on both sides of the partial blocks. Treat, the elderly, people with high status of the guest of honor sit or seat, men and women who sat down the owner or Peiqia Block, and the remaining customers in order to sit side seat. Westerners treat with a long table, men and women sit in the owner at both ends, then the guest of honor men and women and the general order of the guests seating arrangements, that men and women interspersed arrangement, subject to seat the hostess, the guest of honor sitting in the top right of the hostess, Main Binfu the top right of man of the house to sit, pay attention to "ladies first" Western gentleman, will show the attentions of the ladies. In China, respect for the left and right for the times; on respect, under second; in respect, partial for the times. In the West, respect for the right, left for the times.I particularly Western seat etiquette tips: The most graceful way is seated from the left seat. Do not put your elbows on the desktop, not Rocker foot. Can not withdraw in the middle of the meal (if things do need to leave 。






1. in/on/to+the+方向名词+of+某地

2. in/on/to+the+方向形容词(-ern)+part of+某地

3. in/on/to+(大写的)方向名词/方向形容词+(大写)某地:专有名词

4. 方向副词+of+某地

以上in表前者在后者范围之内; on表两地相邻但不相属; to表两地即不相属也不相邻

如: Anhui lies in the east of China.

Anhui lies in the eastern part of China.

Anhui lies in East/Eastern China.

Anhui lies east of China.


Mr. Yi Zhongtian was in the "culture of food on the table" in the interpretation of Chinese and Western cultures were subtle ideological core of Chinese culture is the "group consciousness" ideological core of Western culture is the "individual consciousness." So even if the dinners Westerners, but also points the dish, the drink of the wine, so as not to impose our own will. Chinese culture is that the individual will, to obey the common will of the group. Since the intended purpose favors with the intention of blood, its way of manners, naturally, is precious, so the Chinese people love dinner, hi total of food, about harmony. I believe that in a cross-cultural communication in the face of a strange culture, Yin Siwei, life habits and behaviors in different ways, and cultural exchanges during the conflict will inevitably occur. The author from the following four aspects of Chinese and Western table manners were simple compared to the cross-cultural communication can be a proper, decent way to communicate.First, cultural differences from the cutlery to use point of viewChopsticks and knife and fork is the most basic differences between Chinese and Western table manners. Zhejiang University, Professor Yu Xiu Ling: East and West appear chopsticks and knife and fork eating the different tools and environment relationship. Bamboo chopsticks to have originated in the place. Northern China wood, bamboo from southern China, ancestors from local materials, bamboo and wood have become the most primitive materials chopsticks chopsticks. The emergence of a knife and fork than chopsticks much later. According to research by Professor Yu Xiu Ling, the original knife and fork and European origin living in ancient nomadic habits, they immediately carry knives of life, often cooked the meat, cut off to eat. About 15 centuries before and after the meal in order to improve posture, Europeans used the double-pointed cross. To the 18th century only the tip of a fork with four forks. Knife and fork and chopsticks, not only brought different eating habits, also affected the Eastern and Western concepts in life. Professor Yu Xiu Ling, eating into the system will inevitably bring a knife and fork, and chopsticks sitting around the table with family members must dine match. Beginning point of Western food, which derived from the West pay attention to independent, children grow up into the world after the independence of ideas and habits. The chopsticks brought together meals daily, highlighting the young and old sat together in the family unit, so that Asians have a relatively strong family values. When I reminded in the use of Chinese and Western dishes have different specifications. If not play with chopsticks when eating Chinese food (to them when the drumstick is a very rude way), but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or make gestures. Of course, absolutely can not suck or the chopsticks chopsticks inserted in the rice, which is taboo (which seems to funeral incense is considered unlucky.) When using the knife and fork there are some taboos. Such as holding a knife and fork when not meddling. To speak or talk, knife and fork on the plate should only decency. Avoid using their own utensils for others bowl. Do not bend over picking up utensils fall. Do not cut off a good meal products, especially products with a soup meal, to eat a piece-by-all and more.Second, cultural differences from the point of seating arrangementsWestern formal banquets are particular about the seating arrangements. Traditional Chinese dinner with square table. Door is on both sides of the partial blocks. Treat, the elderly, people with high status of the guest of honor sit or seat, men and women who sat down the owner or Peiqia Block, and the remaining customers in order to sit side seat. Westerners treat with a long table, men and women sit in the owner at both ends, then the guest of honor men and women and the general order of the guests seating arrangements, that men and women interspersed arrangement, subject to seat the hostess, the guest of honor sitting in the top right of the hostess, Main Binfu the top right of man of the house to sit, pay attention to "ladies first" Western gentleman, will show the attentions of the ladies. In China, respect for the left and right for the times; on respect, under second; in respect, partial for the times. In the West, respect for the right, left for the times.I particularly Western seat etiquette tips: The most graceful way is seated from the left seat. Do not put your elbows on the desktop, not Rocker foot. Can not withdraw in the middle of the meal (if things do need to 。


The northBTW: worship heaven and earth NianChuEr: dogs birthday junior 4: visit friends and relatives, daughter-in-law discotheque early PoWu "offering five:" in the arrest of wealth, go out exercise: baiwujinji NianChuQi: eat noodles, wish longevity early morning 8: worship god NianChuJiu: jade emperor debut 10th day, 11th, 12, 13: eating and finally remember back light years fourteen: ready to make dumplings in fifteen: yuanxiao see lampMany places after midnight on New Year's eve at all the people rose up bride god. Rural will set off firecrackers, placing a piece of courtyard in blate table, put on incense tributes, limited, people call it "hair paper". There are certainly other like using the mat pitched "heaven and earth floor", the parties to worship the devas. In shandong province rural many places remains the lunar New Year, happy New Year customs early chogye day still not bright, family all men will give clan old elder kowtow New Year, happy New Year will give children "lucky money". At breakfast, after all her to family clan elders kowtow happy New Year. Annual lunar calendar, some places have whole clan man arrive on the custom, 'ancestor-worship ancestor-worship to bring the abundance of tribute, paper money, sweet, and also took a platinum firecrackers to comfort ancestral spirit. Grade 4 is the day of relatives.southRural new custom has its own characteristics. In the countryside, the farmer room than many, besides Spring Festival couplet outside, door both sides still aside two strains circle of putting up red paper roots sugarcane, called "door", dialect "sugarcane planting" and "good" nearly sound, meaning into something mean. Hall is desirably every year in table elder dish, FaGao, and inserted with red, HuangLiang lubricious paper pierced "spring branches", meaning meal longyear fullness, propitious to become rich. Each will put potato vine branches stacking wood outside, lit it to smoke around the fire, the man in degress skip this pile of flame, and dances while read aloud: "jumped to get rich, every year; tiao4, 51job altogether secure; skip east, grain eat not empty; skip west, QianYin rolling to." This call "incendiary burn, the symbol of the old group" of evil, disaster after shipment, usher in clean, prosperous New Year. "Jump fire after group", you'll have to use the new broom sweeps clean hall, after BenDou put together, broom garbage dumps the door, hoping that wish again from trash &advanced come in and help orin rich. At the same time to jump out of the fire not more than ash to collect some add in foods, called "add prosperous", the symbol of the more buoyant. Parents, children sat beside the rate of furnace called "surround furnace ShouSui," best keep working all night for parents, which are said to add cheer. At this time, the elder give junior points, called "lucky money cyclotomic". With the social progress, speed up the pace of life and minnan country some trival custom has gradually fade, but peasant enchancing good year customs still keeping.北方年初一:祭拜天地 年初二:狗狗过生日 年初三初四:走亲访友,媳妇回娘家 年初五:“破五”祭财神 年初六:百无禁忌,出门活动筋骨 年初七:吃面条,祝长寿 年初八:凌晨拜天公 年初九:玉皇大帝登场 初十、十一、十二、十三:大吃大喝,最后记得回归清淡 年十四:准备闹元宵 年十五:吃元宵看灯火 很多地方除夕夜午夜过后所有的人起来拜天地神。








The foods selected for consumption by various ethnic groups and their outlook on food and eating manners are closely related to religion. It is well known that Moslems never eat pork, and followers of Islam cannot eat other animals as well unless the animals are slaughtered by a Moslem. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is a month of fasting, during which Moslems may not eat or drink the whole daylight hours. For Hindus, the cow is sacred and the eating of beef is forbidden. Many Hindus go further and are vegetarians for religious reasons.

In China, the influence of Taoism has led to the deeply-rooted belief in food as a way to long life. Food is thus deemed to be medicinal, and all foods are classified according to their medicinal properties. In Japan, because of the influence of the Buddhist proscription on killing, meat was not commonly eaten until the late of the 19th century.

Compared to Chinese food, Western food is a bland mixture of meat and starch. There is a saying in China that goes like this: "People in Guangdong are brave enough to eat anything with four legs except tables and anything that flies except airplanes." In other words, they eat wild animals many of which are taboo for people living in other areas. An African said, “I still remember that how scared I was of ordering dog, rat or some other unimaginable delicacy when I first came to Shenzhen two months ago from South Africa.” 不会的查字典 把生词用近义词换下来。这是一个论文中提到的。

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本文主要为您介绍先喜后优短句,内容包括李世民说过关于先优后乐的句子.,一个先喜后悲的句子,此挂心多犹豫,先优后喜无疑行人在外锦衣归,疾病淹缠迟滞婚姻。1 勿以物喜,勿以己悲。2 风过万花灼成扇,往日绿水渐成霜。残花败柳依有伴,清泉绿楷绣












本文主要为您介绍4个单词组成的短句,内容包括求四个英文单词组成的,唯美短句,“有时“4个单词组成的词组,请教一些四个单词组成的词组。Adversity leads to prosperity.穷则思变。Bad news has wings.好事不出门,坏事传千里。 B












本文主要为您介绍白雪公主英文短句,内容包括白雪公主的英语怎么说,关于《白雪公主》的英语作文(五句话),白雪公主英文版台词。白雪公主的英语怎么说? 回答:n. Snow White 英 [snəʊ][waɪt] 美 [sno][waɪt] eg:In "Sno



