

My dream我的梦想

My dream is becoming a teacher.我的梦想是成为一名老师

Our teacher are kind to us.我们的老师对我们很亲切

I think it's good job.我想这是份好工作

Also,it's funny and interesting.而且,它是好玩的和有趣的

I must study hard now.我现在必须努力学习

I often read a lot of books.我经常读许多书

I want to become an Englisn teacher.我想成为一名英语老师

Because I like English best.因为我非常喜欢英语

What's your dream?你的梦想是什么


I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful。

我的梦想是成为一个成功的志愿者. Of course.


My dream is to become a successful stateman,特别是在农村和偏远的乡村, everyone shall have his own dream。我认为有一个梦想就是我们有一个想法. That', and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. Now everything I do is close to my dream,帮助那些需要帮助的人,需要有良好的志愿者。当然,然后我们将尽一切事情以达到目标。这是我的梦想. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country。中国是一个发展中国家. As long as we have a goal to be realized, to be a good stateman is very difficult, we won't be blind at least, My dream is also that although at present I'm good at study. China is a developing country which needs good stateman。现在我所做的一切是接近我的梦想, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.

Now I'm a junior student on Grade One,但我会尽我所能做到让所有人满意I have a dream

In my mind,especially in the countryside and distant villages,我们不会盲目至少, helping those people who need help with their rights。

现在我已经是上初中一年级学生,来做这项工作的赢家;s my dream, I'll still try my best to be the study winner,我还是会尽我最大努力,每个人都应当有自己的梦想,虽然目前我很善于学习,我有足够的信心去实现我的梦想. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea,也是我的梦想是:


在我心目中。我要尽我所能来帮助我国贫困病人。只要我们有一个目标得以实现。我觉得生活是充满希望,是丰富多彩的, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied


My Dream 我的梦想

Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in future. However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.

After graduating from, college, I found a job as a teacher. Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy. The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.





Everyone has a dream.And i have a common dream.i want to be a doctor when i grow up.i want to be a doctor because i want to see the people who around me have a happy face.when they feel happy,i feel happy too.for that, i will study harder and harder,especially math and science.no matter what trouble i will meet in the future, i will try my best to through them.i won't stop moving until i make my dream come ture.太久没写英语作文了,联系都生疏了.。


原文 同学们,你知道未来的世界吗?自己想象一下吧!那来听听我梦想中的未来吧。


上学吗就更别说了,一个滑梯通往学校,一坐上去,不一会儿就能到学校,如果想让它慢一点,那就按一下按扭,滑梯一下就变粗糙了,还可以在滑梯上面听音乐、打游戏。 日常生活吗,那就更没的说了。


吃的东西,只有一个小药片大小,吃一片,一个月就不用吃别的东西了。 同学们,我梦想中的未来是不是和你们想象的一样? Students, and you know what the future of the world? ?? Imagine their own! I dream of it to listen to it in the future. The next book, it is pronunciation, to teach, not words, words, sentences, will explain to you, until you will be the date. This will reduce the workload of teachers so that teachers no longer overworked vehicle is certainly can fly, the sun, the moon-it can charge for the TV remote control do not have to, as long as you see which channel said the program, it Can automatically for Taiwan. Never mind the more you go to school, a slide leading to the school, one to get, Buyihuier schools will be able to, if want it to slow down, then click the button, slide the change on the rough, you can also listen to music in the slide above , Playing the game. ? Daily life, it's better not say. For example, clothes, thermostat, hot day when it will cool down, we will not heat stroke. Tianleng the time, it will increase the temperature, we would not be cold. Eat things that only a small tablet size, eat a month, do not have to eat the other things. Students, and I dream of the future is not the same as you imagine 我是用谷歌翻译的,不知道对不对,请笑纳 Schoolmates, you will know future world? One imagine! That listens to me to vainly hope for the future. Future book, will certainly be may pronounce, the guidance, the character, the words and expressions, the sentence, be able to give you to explain, has met until you. This will reduce teacher's work load, will cause teacher excessively to be no longer tired; The automobile definitely is may fly, solar, moon's light can charge for it; The television did not use the remote control, so long as you said that looked which channel the program, it could trade Taiwan automatically. Let alone went to school, a slide led to the school, as soon as sat, could arrive at the school before long, if wanted to let its slow spot, that pressed presses turns, the slide changed has been rough, but might also above the slide a tin of music, hit the game. The daily life, that cancould dispute. For instance clothes, may adjust temperature automatically, at the same day is hot, it will decrease temperature, we will not suffer heat-stroke. The day is cold, it will raise the temperature, we will not catch cold. Eats thing, only then a tabloid size, eats one piece, one month did not need to eat other thing. Schoolmate , I vainly hoped for that the future will be the dissimilarity which and you will imagine?。

6.一篇关于梦想的英语作文 260词及以上

题主你好,很高兴为你解答本人知识范围有限,难免有疏漏,敬请谅解DreamDream is strength.The strength can bring us wherever we want to get to and it canbring us a lot of wonders on our way to the place in our dreams.Dream is beauty.Maybe you can see the things full of magic and maybe you will bemoved by your own dream.Have you dreamed of being a princess? Have you dreamed ofbeing a successful person? 0h,you can understand clearly that all the things in yourdreams is unrealistic.The world is so real that all the dreams seem weak.But shouldwe have our life without dreams? 0f course not.The truth never fails to tell you: no dream,no hope.If nobody had dreamed offlying like a bird,we should never have known that a machine called plane could bringus to the places in the air.And we would never have got the chance of development anymore.Some people have said that the world would be in darkness if there hadn't beenEdison.He ever had a dream of keeping the sun above our head day and night and hereally lightens our life.So what will happen if everyone has a dream and get down tomaking it come true? There is nothing impossible if you dHere,Ialso have my dreams.Ihope that Ican live a genteel life to enjoy a pure-nice happiness.Ihave a dream that all the people could pursue their dream freely anareanget 1equal chances to everything.Ihave a dreamthat evil will lose their life andlove will fill up the blanket.Ihave a dream that one day Ican stand with all of youto see the dream turn to reality together.Mly DreamEveryone has a dream.Ialso have a dream.Iwant to be a computer programmer.BecauseIlike playing computer games,and thenI want to make my own games.Of course,I know itis difficult to be a good computer programmer.So,I have to learn more the knowledgestthe computer.For example,I' l1have some computer lessons when Ihave time.And Iwill ead more computer books everyday.' hat' s,I' l1join the compcomputer club in highschool.In conclusion,I will do some things to improve my computer operation.I am suremy dream will come true one day.My DreamEverybody have a dream,because we're dreaners.In our heart,there is a colorfuldream.Sometimes the dream is perfect,sometimes it's special,sometimes it's sweet,sometimes it' s yumy.In my dream,there are some children.Ialways play games with them and enjoyourselves.There are so many candies,too.Blue candies,pink candies,orange candies,apple candies""How delicious! In my dream,there is a special sky.In our world,thesky is blue,but the sky of my dream is pink,some angels are having fun there.In mydream,white bird can fly high,flowers can sing songs,frogs have a jump race,tomatoes are blue,potatoes are yellow,all the things are different.In my dream,Chinese people,Korean people,Japanese people,Italian people,Spanish people,American people and Russian people are hand in hand.All the peoplesmile for ever.It is a balanced world.In my dream,everything is wonderful,but our world isn' t like it.Sc we must likemy dream,to let our world get more beautiful!(未分段,所以格式看起来有些别扭)纯手敲很累望采纳。


理想是石,敲出星星之火; 理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯; 理想是灯,照亮夜行的路; 理想是路,引你走到黎明……读着流沙河的《理想》,我的眼前出现这样一幅景象:我用手中的笔描绘着祖国壮丽的山河,记录着生活中发生的事;我用双眼观察世界,用大脑想象。

没错,我的理想是当一名作家。 列夫 托尔斯泰曾说过一句话“理想是指路明灯。


有这个理想是因为在一次事情中定下的。 在一次考试后,见到同学们的作文水平都突飞猛进时,而我却还在原地踏步,我就暗暗下决心要定一个理想后,努力朝自己的理想去奋斗,经过了多次选择后,我决定了我的理想——当作家。








但是现在唯一不足的是,每当看完一本好书后,我不懂得摘抄好词佳句,不懂得再重新看一遍温习一下把他深深的刻在脑海里,我一定要改正这一个毛病,我还要多写日记,多练笔,细心观察周围的事物,多摘抄一些优美佳句,如果我真的成为了一名作家,我要用手中的笔写出祖国美丽的风光,写出扣人心弦的故事,写出动听美妙的诗歌。 要想实现自己的理想是要付出努力和汗水的,我深信一句话“有志者,事竟成”而且,我在努力实现这一理想的过程中,会得到很多很多的启示和道理。

我要用理想的火花点亮我人生的道路。Ideal is the stone, knock out a spark, Ideal is fire, lit the lamp extinguishes, Ideal is the lamp, illuminating the nocturnal road, Ideal is the way to lead you to go to dawn。

Read the quicksand river "ideal", my appearing before such a picture: I use the hands of the pen depicting the motherland glorious rivers, a record that happens in life, I use my eyes observe the world, with the brain to imagine. Yes, my dream is to be a writer. Life. Tolstoy once said a word ", ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction." In the past, my ideal is a vacant, learn this no mind, learn which distractivity, never is absent-minded, now I set my ideal, I will work hard to rush toward my goal. Have the ideal because in a set of things. In an exam, see the girls composition level is improved by leaps and bounds, and I stayed at piaffe, I'll secretly decided to set an ideal, efforts towards oneself ideal to strive, through a lot choice, I have decided to my ideals - when writer. From then on I began to read, every time I see taken elegant article, a lifelike characters, I'll secretly hope can write than he even good articles out! So, I grew fond of reading. Every time I see good books I have always wanted to leave no stone unturned borrowing situation, I got them, then fogs in read. Once, I hide in the study, in the sea of knowledge in knowledge of life roam, flying in the sky. At this moment, the study outside efferent mother urging of voice: "to dinner, the food good." My mouth is such response, but I still refused to budge, chair like magnetic as absorb my ass, I continue to read my book. After a long time, it is a rapid hasted shouts: "do you hear, hurry to eat, food will get cold." I still return to a: "OK, immediately, at once." At this moment, mom's the last straw, rushed in fire emit three zhangs of say: "you would say it now with the fastest speed gives me to dinner." I was staring book, then, the mother saw a, hurled a book from my hand siphoned off, then that I was pulled back from a book for reality, I asked the "stem what, I was watching with gusto, 。

8.关于梦想英语作文 带翻译






My dream is very small, very funny, but I still used to fantasy 。 。

The dying sun blood-red. Great balls of red clouds in the sky as Van Gogh's modern paintings. The remaining few drops of shallow bright pink through the aperture sprinkled on the pedestrians. Everything was gone, only a kind of comfort in the waves 。 。 A rare one weekend, don't have school tomorrow, today can go out for a walk.

I often think, if the morning is a beginning, a young, a naive, the sunset? Is a kind of aging, or a mature? I don't know, I don't want to know. I only want to be immersed in a kind of rare walking aimlessly 。 。

Along the way, the adults in a walk. I don't know in the evening walk adults unique habits is it right?. Is it right? I walk an old head on young shoulders? Is it right? A waste of time? Maybe, you will say that I am with no ambition at all. But you know, a literary family may in the dusk of birth. Maybe, you will say I am too arrogant. However, a full and meaningful life is the idea behind the yearning. Dream eyes is dynamic, it is beautiful.

I really like walking in the evening, let all the trouble away, let the feeble life more red dream. Beautiful sunset, good comfort me 。 。








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本文主要为您介绍关于比喻手法的佳句,内容包括有比喻手法的,描写人的句子,比喻修辞手法的句子,带有修辞手法的句子(40句)。带有修辞手法的句子比喻 △这条公路很长很长,就像一条长长的飘带一直伸向天边。△月亮默默的从江心升起来了,圆圆的、亮




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本文主要为您介绍英语生活励志语录经典短句,内容包括经典英文励志句子,有关英文的哲理句子,求励志上进的英文式的经典语句。Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely.活要活得美好,梦要梦得热烈,




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本文主要为您介绍《捣蛋鬼日记》佳句,内容包括《捣蛋鬼日记》好词好句,捣蛋鬼日记好句摘抄,读《捣蛋鬼日记》有感作文。好词:湿漉漉 ,心不在焉, 埋怨 ,没完没了, 扫兴, 滚热, 耽搁, 蜡黄, 煞白, 愚弄, 粗鲁 ,五颜六色, 气急败坏, 有力无气







