别装傻 Don't be foolish.讨人厌 It's annoying.你少管 None of your business.不见得 Not really.好险 That's dangerous!真有一套 Be really something!你完蛋了 You are finished.随你便 As you wish.胡说 Bull shit!别瞎混 Don't horse around!糟糕 Rats!夜猫子 Night owl.别吓人 Don't cry wolf!披着羊皮的狼(表里不一) A wolf in sheep's clothing.我不信 My foot!面对现实 Face the music!别激动 Don't lose your head!慈悲点 Have a heart!我发誓 I cross my heart!笑死我的 I laughed my head off.别拖我后腿 Don't pull my leg!请保持冷静 Please keep your head.请用用你的脑子 Please use your head.懒骨头 Lazy bone!老手 An old hand.爱情是盲目的 Love is blind.老实告诉你 Tell you honestly.不关你的事 It's none of your business.一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出 It goes through one ear and out the other.这才像话 That's more like it.活到老学到老 Live and learn.知识就是力量 Knowledge is power.世界真小 It's a small world.我们等着瞧 We'll wait and see.我们处境相同 We are in the same boat.他在利用你 He is using you.去你的 What the hell!我才不管 I don't give it a damn.好讨厌 What a drag!搞定了 It's done.废话 It's crap.感情伤人 Love hurts.下地狱 Go to hell!走开 Go lost!别胡闹 Don't mess around.我放弃 I'll pass.我受够了 I have had it.我没这么空 I don't have all day.别为难我 Don't give me hard time.按你的意思 Have it your way.你活该 You asked for it.搞什么鬼 What's the game!冷静 Cool down.我不在乎 I don't care.真扫兴 What a let-down!差远了 Far from it.别吓唬人 Don't scare me.你难倒我了 You got me.休想 No way!稳重点 Act your age.真棒 That's awesome!好烦人 How annoying!真不可思议 How amazing!真恶劣 How awful!真幼稚 What a baby!吝啬鬼 Stingy bastard.坏蛋 You bastard!少烦我 Don't bug me.过份了 Go overboard!谁在乎 Who cares?没什么了不起 Big deal!一点也不 Not a bit.没格调 No class!菜鸟 a spring chicken.好险 That's a close call!冷静点 Cool it!该死 Doggone it.少废话 Cut the crap!你敢 Don't you dare!你死定了 You are done for.去死 Drop dead!笨蛋 Dum dum!各付各的 Let's go Dutch.别理他 Forget him.别小题大作 No fussing.我随便 I am not fussy.什么花招 What's the gimmick?你又来了 There you go again.别太过份了 Don't go too far!全光了(售完了、吃完) All gone! 天晓得 God knows.乖一点 Be good!好恶心 That's gross!住手 Hands off!我受够了 I have had it.请便 Help yourself.去他的 What the heck!杀手 Hit man.他手气好 He is hot.别找麻烦 Don't ask for any trouble.保持联系 Keep in touch.欠你个人情 Owe you a favor.别装无辜 Don't play innocent.不是开玩笑 It's no joke.干得好 Good job.别笑死人了 Don't make me laugh.你撒谎 You lie!这才像话 That's more like it.听我说 Read my lips.这才像话 Now you are talking.我请客 It's on me.折磨人 What an ordeal.别惹我生气 Don't piss me off.别装蒜 Stop pretending.振作起来 Pull yourself together.不要欺人太甚 Don't push it too far.不要勉强 Don't push it.别戏弄我 Don't make a fool of me.要讲道理 Be reasonable!真的解脱了 What a relief!请别利用我 Please don't take me for a ride.真是敲诈 What a rip-off.别急 No rush!赶快逃命 Run for your life.眼不见心不烦 Out of sight, out of mind. 装疯卖傻 Be putting on a show.我支持你 I am on your side.别傻了 Don't be silly.马马虎虎 Just so so.别出卖我 Don't sell me out.老套了 Same old story!小事一件 No sweat.说大话 Talks big.你活见鬼 You must be seeing things.加油 Go for it!没这回事 No such thing.笨手笨脚 The fingers are all thumbs.运气不好 Tough luck.只是时间的问题 It's just a matter of time.他很难弄 He is tough.别恶作剧 Don't play dirty tricks.只是小把戏 It's only a trick..轮到你了 It's your turn.由你决定 It's up to you.我别无选择 I have no way out.别挡路 Get out of the way.我有同感 I feel the same way.管他的 What the heck! 别理他 Forget him.谁晓得 Who knows!为何是我 Why me?但愿我能 I wish I could.想得美 It's wishful thinking.难怪 No wonder!不见得 Not really.面对现实 Let's face it. 别指责我 Don't point the fingers at me.我不信 My foot!要面对现实 Face the music!别做鬼脸 Don't make a face!请三思 Think twice.来得容易、去得容易 Easy come, easy go.说比做容易 It's easier said than done.有其父必有其子 Like father, like son..天晓得 God knows.感情伤人 Love hurts.我无能为力 I can't help.自助 Help yourself.别管闲事 Mind your own business.你好大胆 How dare you!不行 No deal!没什么了不起 Big deal!搞什么鬼 What's the game!听我的忠告 Take my advice.面对面 face to face.真幼稚 What a baby!真恶劣 How awful!一点也不 Not a bit.别吹牛 Don't brag.没机会 No deal.随。
别装傻 Don't be foolish.讨人厌 It's annoying.你少管 None of your business.不见得 Not really.好险 That's dangerous!真有一套 Be really something!你完蛋了 You are finished.随你便 As you wish.胡说 Bull shit!别瞎混 Don't horse around!糟糕 Rats!夜猫子 Night owl.别吓人 Don't cry wolf!披着羊皮的狼(表里不一) A wolf in sheep's clothing.我不信 My foot!面对现实 Face the music!别激动 Don't lose your head!慈悲点 Have a heart!我发誓 I cross my heart!笑死我的 I laughed my head off.别拖我后腿 Don't pull my leg!请保持冷静 Please keep your head.请用用你的脑子 Please use your head.懒骨头 Lazy bone!老手 An old hand.爱情是盲目的 Love is blind.老实告诉你 Tell you honestly.不关你的事 It's none of your business.一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出 It goes through one ear and out the other.这才像话 That's more like it.活到老学到老 Live and learn.知识就是力量 Knowledge is power.世界真小 It's a small world.我们等着瞧 We'll wait and see.我们处境相同 We are in the same boat.他在利用你 He is using you.去你的 What the hell!我才不管 I don't give it a damn.好讨厌 What a drag!搞定了 It's done.废话 It's crap.感情伤人 Love hurts.下地狱 Go to hell!走开 Go lost!别胡闹 Don't mess around.我放弃 I'll pass.我受够了 I have had it.我没这么空 I don't have all day.别为难我 Don't give me hard time.按你的意思 Have it your way.你活该 You asked for it.搞什么鬼 What's the game!冷静 Cool down.我不在乎 I don't care.真扫兴 What a let-down!差远了 Far from it.别吓唬人 Don't scare me.你难倒我了 You got me.休想 No way!稳重点 Act your age.真棒 That's awesome!好烦人 How annoying!真不可思议 How amazing!真恶劣 How awful!真幼稚 What a baby!吝啬鬼 Stingy bastard.坏蛋 You bastard!少烦我 Don't bug me.过份了 Go overboard!谁在乎 Who cares?没什么了不起 Big deal!一点也不 Not a bit.没格调 No class!菜鸟 a spring chicken.好险 That's a close call!冷静点 Cool it!该死 Doggone it.少废话 Cut the crap!你敢 Don't you dare!你死定了 You are done for.去死 Drop dead!笨蛋 Dum dum!各付各的 Let's go Dutch.别理他 Forget him.别小题大作 No fussing.我随便 I am not fussy.什么花招 What's the gimmick?你又来了 There you go again.别太过份了 Don't go too far!全光了(售完了、吃完) All gone! 天晓得 God knows.乖一点 Be good!好恶心 That's gross!住手 Hands off!我受够了 I have had it.请便 Help yourself.去他的 What the heck!杀手 Hit man.他手气好 He is hot.别找麻烦 Don't ask for any trouble.保持联系 Keep in touch.欠你个人情 Owe you a favor.别装无辜 Don't play innocent.不是开玩笑 It's no joke.干得好 Good job.别笑死人了 Don't make me laugh.你撒谎 You lie!这才像话 That's more like it.听我说 Read my lips.这才像话 Now you are talking.我请客 It's on me.折磨人 What an ordeal.别惹我生气 Don't piss me off.别装蒜 Stop pretending.振作起来 Pull yourself together.不要欺人太甚 Don't push it too far.不要勉强 Don't push it.别戏弄我 Don't make a fool of me.要讲道理 Be reasonable!真的解脱了 What a relief!请别利用我 Please don't take me for a ride.真是敲诈 What a rip-off.别急 No rush!赶快逃命 Run for your life.眼不见心不烦 Out of sight, out of mind. 装疯卖傻 Be putting on a show.我支持你 I am on your side.别傻了 Don't be silly.马马虎虎 Just so so.别出卖我 Don't sell me out.老套了 Same old story!小事一件 No sweat.说大话 Talks big.你活见鬼 You must be seeing things.加油 Go for it!没这回事 No such thing.笨手笨脚 The fingers are all thumbs.运气不好 Tough luck.只是时间的问题 It's just a matter of time.他很难弄 He is tough.别恶作剧 Don't play dirty tricks.只是小把戏 It's only a trick..轮到你了 It's your turn.由你决定 It's up to you.我别无选择 I have no way out.别挡路 Get out of the way.我有同感 I feel the same way.管他的 What the heck! 别理他 Forget him.谁晓得 Who knows!为何是我 Why me?但愿我能 I wish I could.想得美 It's wishful thinking.难怪 No wonder!不见得 Not really.面对现实 Let's face it. 别指责我 Don't point the fingers at me.我不信 My foot!要面对现实 Face the music!别做鬼脸 Don't make a face!请三思 Think twice.来得容易、去得容易 Easy come, easy go.说比做容易 It's easier said than done.有其父必有其子 Like father, like son..天晓得 God knows.感情伤人 Love hurts.我无能为力 I can't help.自助 Help yourself.别管闲事 Mind your own business.你好大胆 How dare you!不行 No deal!没什么了不起 Big deal!搞什么鬼 What's the game!听我的忠告 Take my advice.面对面 face to face.真幼稚 What a baby!真恶劣 How awful!一点也不 Not a bit.别吹牛 Don't brag.没机会 。
关于调皮的句子1.姑姑家的小孩真调皮啊,总是到处搞小破坏,前天和小朋友玩把人家吓哭了,昨天追着邻居的猫到处跑,今天偷偷爬树不小心把衣服划了……每次做错事后就躲在姑姑身后,怕姑父打他,等姑父气消了,又神气活现的到处乱跑,真是一点也不长记性啊!2. 她蹦蹦跳跳的在前面四处乱瞧,摘下一朵小小的白花别在耳上,跑过来问:“姐姐姐姐,我好看吗?”3. 他吐吐舌头,又冲着爸爸做了个鬼脸。
4. “砰!”她躲在门后,突然就窜了出来做了个开枪的动作,吓得妈妈的心脏突突直跳。5.“你看你看,你只有四只手指!”小丫大喊。
6. “谁给小猫化妆了?“舅妈正大发脾气。不用问,一定是小表弟又闯祸了。
7. 小狗这跑跑,那跑跑,满地打滚,对什么都好奇,一会儿追这着虫子跑,一会儿钻来钻去,一会儿来舔舔你的手。8. 我们班有个捣蛋鬼,他特别喜欢恶作剧,我们每一个人都被他整过。
9. 小男孩像小猴子一样,跳来跳去的,真是调皮又可爱!10.我的妹妹又伸出小手来去捉小鱼,小鱼光溜溜的,一下子从她的手中挣脱出来,绕着鱼缸转了几圈,才停了下来。妹妹又趁其不备去捉小鱼,小鱼都快被他折磨的受不了了!11. 他眨眨俏皮的大眼睛,一脸无辜的问:“爸爸,你怎么了?”惹得刚刚被“欺负”的爸爸苦笑不得。
17.小猫皮皮活泼好动,成天顽皮捣蛋,总是和妈妈作对,妈妈刚整理好的房间,一转眼间的功夫就被皮皮翻得乱七八糟,有时还会故意还把妈妈养得花枝折断,花盆里的土刨掉;把鱼缸打碎,偷吃了缸里的小鱼。17. 树丛被拨开了,一个小孩的脑袋钻了进来,这是个男孩子,又黑又瘦的小脸上,满是灰尘,头发约有二寸多长,乱蓬蓬的,活像个喜鹊窝。
这条狗大概是我17岁那年养的,快一年了。18. 我有一只是白色可爱的小狗。