

While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。

I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America) 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。(亚伯拉罕.林肯美国) Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能! Nothing for nothing. 不费力气,一无所得。

The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor ) 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.) I will greet this day with love in my heart. 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天 Do what you say,say what you do 做你说过的,说你能做的 I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own. 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起(Mariah Carey-through the rain) All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人 A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。

Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill) 永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔) A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore) 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。

直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。( 里摩尔) You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success.(Charles Chaplin , American actor ) 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

(美国演员 卓别林. C.) 2 One's real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.(Einstein Germany) 一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。 我所知道的一件事就是我一无所知。

(苏格拉底 古希腊) Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔 Victory won't come to me unless I go to it. -- 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

-- 穆尔 We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. -- Mattin Luther King 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 -- 马丁 · 路德 · 金 It's great to be great , but it's greater to be human. ---W. Rogers 成为伟人固然伟大,但成为真正的人更加伟大. Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed 不放弃就有成功的机会。

Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .( Thomas Edison , American inventor) 有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。

( 美国发明家 爱迪生. T. ) Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走,水往低处流。 Nothing seek, nothing find. 无所求则无所获。

One needs 3 things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for. 3 在这个世界我们只需拥有三件事便可真正快乐:有自己向往的事业;有自己爱的人;还有希望. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ( Voltaire ) 我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。(伏尔泰) All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。

Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。 Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did.--------Mark Twain 今后二十年你会因为没做某事,而不是做了某事而失望。

--------马克*吐温 Truth needs no colour; beauty , no pencil. —— William Shakespeare 真理不需色彩,美丽不需涂饰。 ——W·莎士比亚 It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious about?( H.D. Thoreau) 光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。

要看你为什么而勤劳。(梭罗) Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。

If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher) 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要在别人的背上和头上。(德国哲学家 尼采. F. W.) If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. ( Edison ) 如果你年轻时不学会思考,那就永远不会。



1、Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely.活要活得美好,梦要梦得热烈,爱要爱得完整。

2、Albert Einstein: Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.爱因斯坦:逻辑会带你从A点到达B点,想象力将把你带到任何地方。3、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. 世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

4、A man's best friends are his ten fingers. 人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。5、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions. 只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。

6、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time. 做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件一件事。7、All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。

8、There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that's your own self. 这个宇宙中只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。9、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

10、The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too. 世界犹如一面镜子:朝它皱眉它就朝你皱眉,朝它微笑它也朝你微笑。11、Failure is the mother of success. - Thomas Paine ·失败乃成功之母。

12、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man. 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人。13、The unexamined life is not worth living. -- Socrates · 混混噩噩的生活不值得过。

-- 苏格拉底 14、Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life. 苦难是人生最伟大的老师。15、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness. -- R.M. Nixon · 命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。

因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉悦地把握命运 - 尼克松。


1、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

2、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

3、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

4、We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery; the deepest wound was the most real emotions.


A bad beginning makes a bad ending。

不善始者不善终。 A bad thing never dies。

遗臭万年。 A bad workman always blames his tools。

不会撑船怪河弯。 A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush。

一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 A boaster and a liar are cousins-german。

吹牛与说谎本是同宗。 A bully is always a coward。

色厉内荏。 A burden of one's choice is not felt。

爱挑的担子不嫌重。 A candle lights others and consumes itself。

蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。 A cat has 9 lives。

猫有九条命。 A cat may look at a king。

人人平等。 A close mouth catches no flies。

病从口入。 A constant guest is never welcome。

常客令人厌。 Actions speak louder than words。

事实胜于雄辩。 Adversity leads to prosperity。

穷则思变。 Adversity makes a man wise, not rich。

逆境出人才。 A fair death honors the whole life。

死得其所,流芳百世。 A faithful friend is hard to find。

知音难觅。 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit。

吃一堑,长一智。 A fox may grow gray, but never good。

江山易改,本性难移。 A friend in need is a friend indeed。

患难见真情。 A friend is easier lost than found。

得朋友难,失朋友易。 A friend is never known till a man has need。

需要之时方知友。 A friend without faults will never be found。

没有十全十美的朋友。 'After you' is good manners。

“您先请”是礼貌。 A good beginning is half done。

良好的开端是成功的一半。 A good beginning makes a good ending。

善始者善终。 A good book is a good friend。

好书如挚友。 A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever。

一本好书,相伴一生。 A good conscience is a soft pillow。

不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。 A good fame is better than a good face。

美名胜过美貌。 A good husband makes a good wife。

夫善则妻贤。 A good medicine tastes bitter。

良药苦口。 A good wife health is a man's best wealth。

妻贤身体好是男人最大的财富。 A great talker is a great liar。

说大话者多谎言。 A hedge between keeps friendship green。

君子之交淡如水。 A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend。

戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。 A leopard cannot change its spots。

积习难改。 A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth。

说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。 A light heart lives long。

静以修身。 A little body often harbors a great soul。

浓缩的都是精品。 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing。

一知半解,自欺欺人。 A little pot is soon hot。

狗肚子盛不得四两油。 All are brave when the enemy flies。

敌人逃窜时,人人都成了勇士。 All good things come to an end。

天下没有不散的筵席。 All rivers run into sea。

海纳百川。 All roads lead to Rome。

条条大路通罗马。 All that ends well is well。

结果好,就一切都好。 All that glitters is not gold。

闪光的不一定都是金子。 All things are difficult before they are easy。

凡事总是由难而易。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。

只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 A man becomes learned by asking questions。

不耻下问才能有学问。 A man can do no more than he can。

凡事都应量力而行。 A man cannot spin and reel at the same time。

一心不能二用。 A man is known by his friends。

什么人交什么朋友。 A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds。

光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长刺。 A man without money is no man at all。

一分钱难倒英雄汉。 A merry heart goes all the way。

心旷神怡,事事顺利。 A miss is as good as a mile。

失之毫厘,差之千里。 A mother's love never changes。

母爱永恒。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away。

一天一苹果,不用请医生。 A new broom sweeps clean。

新官上任三把火。 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth。

以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening。

一日之计在于晨。 An old dog cannot learn new tricks。

老狗学不出新把戏。 An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom。

聪明才智,不如运气。 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure。

预防为主,治疗为辅。 A rolling stone gathers no moss。

滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。 As a man sows, so he shall reap。

种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 A single flower does not make a spring。

一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 A snow year, a rich year。

瑞雪兆丰年。 A sound mind in a sound body。

健全的精神寓于健康的身体。 A still tongue makes a wise head。

寡言者智。 A stitch in time saves nine。

小洞不补,大洞吃苦。 A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe。

身正不怕影子斜。 A wise head makes a close mouth。

真人不露相,露相非真人。 A word spoken is past recalling。

一言既出,驷马难追。 A year's plan starts with spring。

一年之计在于春。 A young idler, an old beggar。



I walk slowly, but I never walk backward."。Abraham Lincoln

2.God gives every bird his worm, but He does not throw it into the nest."

Author : P. D. James

3.Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success."

Author : Dr. Joyce Brothers

4A minute's success pays the failure of years."

Author : Robert Browning

5The real secret to success is enthusiasm."

Author : Walter Chrysler


An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding。

-- Robert Louis Stevenson 生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。-- 史蒂文森 While there is life there is hope。

一息若存,希望不灭。 -- 英国谚语 Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value。

-- A。 Einstein 不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。

-- 爱因斯坦 You have to believe in yourself。 That's the secret of success。

-- Charles Chaplin 人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。 -- 卓别林 Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably。

不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。 We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope。

-- Mattin Luther King 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 -- 马丁 · 路德 · 金 Energy and persistence conquer all things。

-- Benjamin Franklin 能量加毅力可以征服一切。 -- 富兰克林 Nothing seek, nothing find。

无所求则无所获。 Cease to struggle and you cease to live。

-- Thomas Carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔 A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step。

千里之行,始于足下。 Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished。

-- Swetchine 只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。 -- 斯威特切尼 The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them。

-- Bernara Shaw 在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。 -- 萧伯纳 A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate。

-- Thomas Addison 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。 -- 爱迪生 He who seize the right moment, is the right man。

-- Goethe 谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 -- 歌德 Victory won't come to me unless I go to it。

-- M。Moore 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

-- 穆尔 Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards。 人往高处走,水往低处流。

Man errs as long as he strives。 -- Goethe 失误是进取的代价。

-- 歌德 The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do。 -- Henry David Thoreau 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。

-- 梭罗 A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else。 -- J。

Burroughs 一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。 -- 巴勒斯 In time of prosperity,friends will be plenty ,In time of adversity,not one amongst twenty。

得势时朋友盈门,失势时不见一人,富在深山有远亲,穷在闹市无人问 。


1. Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐。)

[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。] 2. While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。)

3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。)[从小灌输给孩子的坚定信念。

] 4. Storms make trees take deeper roots.(风暴使树木深深扎根。)[感激敌人,感激挫折!] 5. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,无所不成。)

[坚持一个简单的信念就一定会成功。] 6. The shortest answer is doing.(最简单的回答就是干。)

[想说流利的英语吗?那么现在就开口!心动不如嘴动。] 7. All things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先难后易。)

[放弃投机取巧的幻想。] 8. Great hopes make great man. (伟大的理想造就伟大的人。)

9. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。) 10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.(四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!)[比别人多一点努力、多一点自律、多一点决心、多一点反省、多一点学习、多一点实践、多一点疯狂,多一点点就能创造奇迹!] 11. In doing we learn.(实践长才干。)

12. East or west, home is best.(东好西好,还是家里最好。) 13. Two heads are better than one.(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。)

14. Good company on the road is the shortest cut.(行路有良伴就是捷径。) 15. Constant dropping wears the stone.(滴水穿石。)

16. Misfortunes never come alone/single.(祸不单行。) 17. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.(不经灾祸不知福。)

18. Better late than never.(迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。) 19. It's never too late to mend.(过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。)

20. If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.(如果事情值得做,就值得做好。) 21. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.(无热情成就不了伟业。)

22. Actions speak louder than words.(行动比语言更响亮。) 23. Lifeless, faultless.(只有死人才不犯错误。)

24. From small beginning come great things.(伟大始于渺小。) 25. One today is worth two tomorrows.(一个今天胜似两个明天。)

26. Truth never fears investigation.(事实从来不怕调查。) 27. The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.(舌无骨却能折断骨。)

28. A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。) 29. Knowing something of everything and everything of something.(通百艺而专一长。)

30. Good advice is beyond all price.(忠告是无价宝。)。


Life is not fair, get used to it. 生活是不公平的;要去适应它。

The world won"t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。

You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won"t be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both. 高中刚毕业你不会一年挣4万美元。你不会成为一个公司的副总裁,并拥有一部装有电话的汽车,直到你将此职位和汽车电话都挣到手。

If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn"t have tenure. 如果你认为你的老师严厉,等你有了老板再这样想。老板可是没有任期限制的。

Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity. 烙牛肉饼并不有损你的尊严。你的祖父母对烙牛肉饼可有不同的定义;他们称它为机遇。

If you mess up, it"s not your parents" fault, so don"t whine about our mistakes, learn from them. 如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要尖声抱怨我们的错误,要从中吸取教训。 Before you were born, your parents weren"t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents" generation, try "delousing" the closet in your own room. 在你出生之前,你的父母并非像他们现在这样乏味。


Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they"ll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn"t bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life. 你的学校也许已经不再分优等生和劣等生,但生活却仍在作出类似区分。在某些学校已经废除不及格分;只要你想找到正确答案,学校就会给你无数的机会。

这和现实生活中的任何事情没有一点相似之处。 Life is not divided into semesters. You don"t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time. 生活不分学期。


Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs. 电视并不是真实的生活。在现实生活中,人们实际上得离开咖啡屋去干自己的工作。

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you"ll end up working for one. 善待乏味的人。有可能到头来你会为一个乏味的人工作。

Waking up every morning, thinking about the work undertaken and the technology developed which will have a tremendous impact and changes on human life, I will be extremely excited and agitated. 以上为比尔盖茨写给当代青年 每天早晨醒来,一想到所从事的工作和所开发的技术将会给人类生活带来的巨大影响和变化,我就会无比兴奋和激动。 ——《比尔·盖茨全传》(《Biography of Bill Gates》)卷三-经营篇,第一章-超凡卓越-勤敬是成事之本(P125)此外还有?si=1?si=2。

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本文主要为您介绍芒果的英语单词怎么写短句,内容包括芒果英语单词怎么写,芒果的英文怎么写,芒果英语单词怎么写。mango 美 [mæŋɡoʊ];英 [mæŋɡəʊ] n.芒果 网络:王秀琳;芒果系统;芒果味复数:mangoes芒果:a tropi








本文主要为您介绍关于秋的简短句子,内容包括描写秋天的优美句子.(要短),描写秋天句子简短,描写秋天景色优美的句子有什么简短不超过15个字。1. 九月一到,就有了秋意,秋意在一个多雾的黎明溜来,到了炎热的下午便不见踪影。它踮起脚尖掠过树顶,染红












本文主要为您介绍24字伤感短句,内容包括24个字的唯美的,悲伤的短句子,20字以内的忧伤句子,让人听了很忧伤的句子30字。1. 我知道我不是一个很好的记录者,但我比任何人都喜欢回首自己来时的路,我不但的回首,伫足,然手时光仍下我轰轰烈烈的向前奔




本文主要为您介绍关于下班的简短句子,内容包括形容下班的句子,形容下班的句子,关门一天有什么好的句子。1. 下班了,做一桌轻松的佳肴,泡一杯快乐的香茗,放一首轻快的歌谣;坐在软软的沙发上,彻底放松心情,让美好伴跑;祝你下班后快乐美妙!2.




本文主要为您介绍坚强造句子(短句子),内容包括关于坚强的名言(短的句子),顽强造句快,“顽强”造句。咏竹 (齐.谢眺) 窗前一丛竹,清翠独言奇。 南条交北叶,新笋杂故枝。 月光疏已密,风声起复垂。 青扈飞不碍,黄口独相窥。 但恨从风箨,








本文主要为您介绍一个人伤感心累的句子说说短句,内容包括形容人累心累的说说,求一段心累的话句子,关于心累的句子。最低0.27元/天开通百度文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容> 原发布者:宋引莲 表达心累了的说说 在我们四周,能够真正关注你的,就那
















本文主要为您介绍失恋喝酒的简短句子,内容包括失恋后喝酒的句子,失恋后喝酒的句子,关于伤心失恋伤心去喝酒已结伤心的句子。自古多情空余恨,此处难觅有情天。 情到尽时转无情,无情更比多情累。 君为我谱无声曲,此去闻曲如闻君。 未到恨时难知




本文主要为您介绍芒果的英语单词怎么写短句,内容包括芒果英语单词怎么写,芒果的英文怎么写,芒果英语单词怎么写。mango 美 [mæŋɡoʊ];英 [mæŋɡəʊ] n.芒果 网络:王秀琳;芒果系统;芒果味复数:mangoes芒果:a tropi








本文主要为您介绍关于秋的简短句子,内容包括描写秋天的优美句子.(要短),描写秋天句子简短,描写秋天景色优美的句子有什么简短不超过15个字。1. 九月一到,就有了秋意,秋意在一个多雾的黎明溜来,到了炎热的下午便不见踪影。它踮起脚尖掠过树顶,染红












本文主要为您介绍24字伤感短句,内容包括24个字的唯美的,悲伤的短句子,20字以内的忧伤句子,让人听了很忧伤的句子30字。1. 我知道我不是一个很好的记录者,但我比任何人都喜欢回首自己来时的路,我不但的回首,伫足,然手时光仍下我轰轰烈烈的向前奔




本文主要为您介绍关于下班的简短句子,内容包括形容下班的句子,形容下班的句子,关门一天有什么好的句子。1. 下班了,做一桌轻松的佳肴,泡一杯快乐的香茗,放一首轻快的歌谣;坐在软软的沙发上,彻底放松心情,让美好伴跑;祝你下班后快乐美妙!2.




本文主要为您介绍自由随性的短句,内容包括形容自由随性的词语,形容“随性,自由”的字,向往自由洒脱的句子。随兴、随心、任意、纵情、恣意 随兴 [ suí xīng ] 犹即兴。引证:聂绀弩 《明末遗恨》:“这故事大概是好事者的随兴创作。”二、