


但如果能在一个句子中将几个词的词义差异部分同时展示出来,这样的例句在英语的教学中起着事半功倍的作用。如:1、Hunting is allowed in this area, though not officially permitted.这个地区是可以狩猎的,尽管法律上不允许。

allow指“听凭”,“不禁止”,含有消极的意味。permit指正式地“允许”或根据法律规定“许可”, 比allow来得积极。

2、I received his gift from him, but I didn't accept it .我收到他的礼物,但我没有接受。 3、You should be ashamed of your shameful behaviors.你应该为你的可耻的行为感到羞愧。

4、The boss insisted that the man had stolen the money and insisted that he (should) leave the company at once.老板坚持说那个人偷了钱并坚持要求他立刻离开公司。 5、There are so many cakes for me to choose from that I can't make up my mind which to choose.有那么多的蛋糕可供从中选择,我无法决定选择哪一个。

6、Be sue to get to the airport on time, and make sure everything is ready before you start.务必要准时到机场并且确保在出发前一切都准备好了。 7、It seemed that she was not a bit worried, but in fact, she was not a little worried about it.表面看来她似乎一点也不担心,事实上她非常担心。

8、He felt so sleepy that he soon fell asleep.他觉得很瞌睡很快就睡着了。 9、I called at his house, but he wasn't in. So I left a message telling him that I would call on him the next day.我到他家拜访,可他不在家。

所以我留下口信告诉他第二天再去拜访他。 10、I know him, but when I saw him last night, I could hardly recognize him.我知道他,但当我昨天见到他的时候几乎没认出他来。

11、The motor cost me 4300 Yuan. But I don't think it's worth that much.这辆摩托花了我4300元,但认为它不值这个钱。 12、They got married in 1995. So far they have been married for 10 years.他们是1995年结的婚(瞬间动作),到现在已经结婚(延续动作)十年了。

13、when she found her necklace missing, she knew that the necklace was lost forever.当她发现项链不见了便知道它再也找不着了。 14、Don't believe what he says. Work hard and believe in yourself, and you'll succeed one day.不要相信他说的话,努力学习,相信你自己,你会成功的。

15、He cut down the tree and cut it up for winter use.他把树砍倒并砍碎准备过冬用。 16、The sailor has rich experience and he often tells us his interesting experiences.这水手有丰富的经验,他经常给我们讲他有趣的经历。

17. I was greatly moved by this moving story. 我被这个感人的故事深深感动了。18、I'm very pleased with my own cooking .It has a pleasant smell and I'm sure it will please my husband.我对自己做的菜感到满意,菜闻起来不错,肯定能令丈夫高兴的。

19、The boy lied that a hen was lying under the tree laying eggs.那男孩撒谎说有只母鸡(躺)在树下生蛋。20、My suitcase contains some clothes, including a few sweaters and trousers.我箱子里面有些衣服,包括几件毛衣和几条裤子。

附:The whole book contains 12units, including two mainly revisions.整个这本书有十二个单元,包括两个单元的总复习。21、These shoes cost too much. What's more, they are much too small for me.这鞋花费太多,而且我穿着太小。

附:I've got too much work to do on a much too cold winter night.在一个非常寒冷的冬夜,我有太多的工作要做。22、I can't think of his name, but I'll think about what he has said to me.我想不起他的名字,但我会考虑他跟我说过的话。

23、I used to rise very late during the summer vacation, but I've got used to getting up very early .我(过去)在暑假期间常常起得很晚,但现在习惯了起得很早。24、He is sitting in the front of the car and can see a pond clearly in front of the car.他坐在轿车前部可以清楚地看见有一个池塘在前面。

25、Last year, my total income, with my reward added to, added up to 15000yuan.去年我的总收入,加上奖金,总计为一万五千元。26、The bed made of wood is mad up of three separate parts.这张(由)木制的床由三部分组成。

27、Japan lies to the east of China in the east of Asia. It faces the Pacific on the east.日本在亚洲东部(范围内),中国东面(不接壤),东临太平洋(接壤)。28、We were all deeply shocked when we heard that some workers were deep in the well.当我们得知一些工人被深埋井下时都深感震惊。

29、His life was in danger when facing the dangerous tiger.面对危险的老虎,他的生命处于危险之中。 30、He lives alone in a lonely mountain village, but he doesn't feel lonely.他独自一人住在一个偏僻的山村里,但并不觉得孤独。

31、——David has made great progress recently.最近戴维进步很大。——So he has, 。


Be sure you're right ,then go ahead . 确信你是正确的 ,就勇往直前。

Being able to dream is the first step on every road to succuss.能有梦想是通往成功路上的第一步。A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,驷马难追A wise man never loses anything if he has himself聪明的人只要能把握自己,便什么也不会失去He that climbs a ladder must begin at the first step登梯必须从第一阶开始.Be strict with oneself and lenient towards others 严以律己,宽以待人Imagination is not to be divorced from the facts .想象不应脱离现实Haste makes waste 拔苗助长Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。

Man can conquer nature.人定胜天Destruction pursues the great 树大招风There was no conceit on the part of the winner and the loser was never in low spirits.胜者不骄,败者不馁From words to deeds is a great space.语言和行动间有着相当大的距离。Every man is the master of his own fortune.每个人都主宰着自己的命运。

A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。All that ends well is well. 结果好,就一切都好。

A good beginning is half done. 善始者善终。Better late than never.迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好A friend without faults will never be found. 没有十全十美的朋友。

Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。All things are difficult before they are easy. 万事开头难。

Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,无所不成。)[坚持一个简单的信念就一定会成功。

]熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect言出必行 So said ,so done.物以类聚。

Birds of a feather flock together.物极必反。Extremes meet.Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.(时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命。

或时间就是生命,节省时间,就是延长生命)In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.山中无老虎,猴子称大王。Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.(今日事,今日毕)All for one, one for all. 人人为我,我为人人。

----[法] Dumas pére大仲马A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。

A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入。Take time by the forelock.(把握目前的时机)Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鸟心儿齐。

Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活而无目标,犹如航海之无指南针。—— J. Ruskin 鲁斯金 Easy come, easy go. 易得者亦易失。

—— Hazlitt赫斯特 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。—— Benjamin Franklin富兰克林The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前的时分是最黑暗的。

—— Fuller 富勒 A wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼, 口蜜腹剑的人入乡随俗,When in Rome,do as the Romans do.A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。After rain comes the sunshine. 苦尽甘来。

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. 美好的事物永远是一种快乐。All things are difficult before they are easy. (凡事必先难后易。)

[放弃投机取巧的幻想。] A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。

A man can not spin and reel at the same time.一心不能二用。 take it easy 凡事看开些, 不要太冲动, 不要看得那么重Rome is not built in a day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

罗马不是一天建成的。a man becomes learned by asking questions.Curses, like chickens, come home to roost. 害人反害已。

Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。every man has his weak side. 人人都有弱点。

every advantage has its disadvantage. 有利必有弊Let the hands get busy, not the mouth. 手要勤劳,嘴莫多说。He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。

Better to do well than to say well. 嘴勤不如手勤。Great hopes make great man.(伟大的理想造就伟大的人。)

Children are what the mothers are.耳濡目染,身教言传。Diamond cuts diamond.强中自有强中手。

Promise is debt.一诺千金。Two wrongs do not make a right.别人错了,不等于你对了。


My Hometown (150 words) My homeland is the beauty of the oil city of Daqing. Here mountains, flowers, a square, hot springs, wetlands and culture. Over the past here are uninhabited grassland, now became the largest oil field development. Now being built and the modernization of the airport railway station in the near future, there would have been much better. I love the homeland, I love Daqing.。


Dusk 黄昏之美 Looking into the sunset I can't help but notice that despite her beauty, a sense of struggle and hopeless surround the sky . Deep inside you realize that this day is gone, and everything that It had brought is lost forever. Every thought,every action,every dream,every hope, every sight,every sound is gone. There is no chance of every being returned the same, exactly the same. For every moment has a limit to what it can capture, Every memory has a limit to what it had retrieve. 凝望夕阳,我无法抑止地看到, 无论她是如何的美丽动人, 挣扎和绝望依然萦绕天幕, 内心深处,你明白今日已逝, 它所带来的一切也永远消失了, 每一脉思想,每一次行动,每一个梦想,每一线希望, 每一幅景象,每一缕声音,都消逝而去, 一切都不可能还复如初, 和原来一模一样, 只因每一个时刻所能捕捉的东西是有限的, 甚至每一段记忆所能缅怀的一切也是有限的。

And the colours in the sky try to entertain us. one last act with painted smiles, for they too know that nothing can be done to save the day. So futile their attempt to comfort our fear of the night. our horror as we try to find our way, like children who wanderinto a forest and never return. I am ingratiatedby the sunset because of her sensitivity as she tries to push the darkness back for just a moment more. But like so many times before。.to no avail! 而天空中的绮丽色彩努力让我们快乐起来, 最后上演的是五彩缤纷的微笑, 因为它们也知晓,做什么都无法留住时日, 它们想安慰我们对夜的恐惧,而又如此徒劳无益, 虽然恐惧,我们依然寻找出路, 宛若在林中的孩心,彷徨不知归路, 我满心欢喜,只因夕阳的敏感, 她竭力将黑暗推回,仅仅为了再多驻留一刻, 可却犹如以往,一切都无济于事。


( 给你推荐首我个人特别喜欢的英文诗,)

The Daffodils (水仙花)

I wander'd lonely as a cloud 我像一朵浮云独自漫游

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,飘过深谷群山,

When all at once I saw a crowd,突然间,看到一片

A host of golden daffodils,无数朵的金色水仙花,

Beside the lake,beneath the trees,长在湖畔,长在树下,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.微风中翩翩起舞.

Continuous as the stars that shine 不断地像发光的星斗

And twinkle on the milky way,闪烁在银河中,

They stretch'd in never-ending line 无涯无际地延伸

Along the margin of a bay:在海湾之滨;

Ten thousand saw I at a glance 一瞥间,我看到成千上万的水仙,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.摇晃着它们的小脑袋快乐地起舞.

The waves beside them danced,but they 海水在它们的身旁澎湃,

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:--- 但它们比闪耀的海波更为愉快:-

A poet could not but be gay 诗人不得不由衷欣喜

In such a jocund company!在这样愉悦的友伴之中!

I gazed --- and gazed --- but little thought 我看了又看-可是很少想到

What wealth the show to me had brought; 这景象带给我多么宝贵的财富;

For oft,when on my couch I lie 在心境空虚或沉思之际,

In vacant or in pensive mood,我常仰卧在沙发上,

They flash upon that inward eye 它们掠过我的心灵

Which is the bliss of solitude; 那是我孤寂中的无上喜乐;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,于是,我心充满喜悦,

And dances with the daffodils.与水仙共享舞足之乐.

by William Wordsworth


last year ,I went to Beijing I love there The summer Places is to beautiful and we went to Wangfujing though there are lots of people in there and the things are too expensive ,most people buy things in there.I bought a pair of beautiful shoes in there.I love Beijing .This too beautiful!去年,我去了北京,我喜欢那里。



.我爱北京!那里很美!My familyI love my family, because I have a happy family.My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What's my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you're right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents!On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball. Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home.I love my family. Because I'm very happy to live with my parents together!我的家庭我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭.我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母.在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐.我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another.昨天是我生日,所以有几位我的同班同学送我礼。母亲给我准备一个茶会。





My favourate animal is tiger,because tiger is very strong and powerful,it is the king of the forest.Tiger looks handsome as well, the skin has two corlors:yellow and black,and they are both my favourate colors. I like tiger,and the year 2010 is just the Chinese tiger year.I hope all the people will keep healthy,just like tiger.我最喜欢的动物是老虎,因为老虎很强壮和威武,它是丛林之王。老虎看起来很帅气,它的皮毛有两种颜色:黄色和黑色,都是我最喜欢的颜色。

我喜欢老虎,并且2010年刚好是中国的虎年,我希望所有人都能健康,就像老虎那样。 My mother 's birthday My mother is 36 years this year.Do you you what her date of birth is?Oh,let me ask you.Her date of birth is September 14th(根据实际情况).Today is her the thirty-six birthday.We want give her a surprise.My sister 、my father and I buy a cake,some flowers and her favorite food.When she get home, The lamp suddenly on.We shout,happy birthday to you!My mother is very exciting.She kiss me and we all happy.The dinner is delicious.Today is happy! 我的妈妈今年36岁了。







be important to sb. 对某人重要 electrical appliance 电器 electric kettle 电水壶 public transport 公共交通 as well 也 link up sth with sth 把……和……连接起来 run through 穿过 be made of 用……制成 it is good to do sth 这样做某事很好 Ø The wind is blowing be friendly to sb. 对……友好 have a competition 进行一次竞赛 make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事 use sth. for doing sth. 用某物做某事 finish doing sth. 结束做某事 show sth. to sb. 展示某物给某人 at the right time 在合适的时间 Ø Water festival How are you getting on with… 你……进展如何 be prepared for 为……作准备 tell sb. to do sth 告诉某人做某事 not only … but also 不仅……还…… three forms of water 水的三种形式 keep doing sth. 保持做某事 for a while 一段时间 be suitable for 适合于 Time's up 时间用完了 beware of 小心 allow sb. to do sth. allow doing sth be allowed to do sth (被动语态)know about 知道,了解 in the world 在世界上 class teacher 班主任 the first prize 一等奖 the first place 第一名 on ones way to sp. 在某人……的路上 take part in 参加 in the street 在街上 turn back 回转身来 hurry to sp. 慌忙去某地 friendship store 友谊商店 science fiction film 科幻电影 go to the movies 去看电影 laugh at 嘲笑 stop to do sth. 停下做另一件事 in the end 最后 keep doing sth. 保持做某事 talk about sth. 谈论某事 how do you like=what do you think of 你认为如何 what about ……怎么样 I think so, too 我也这么认为 begin doing sth. 开始做某事 talk with sb. 与某人谈论 say to sb. 与某人说话 just now 刚才 with a smile 面带微笑 both……and…… 两者都 at the end of 最后 buy sth. for sb.=buy sb.sth. 买……给…… make great progress 取得进步 manage to do sth. 尽力做某事 during the summer holidays 暑假期间 get angry 生气 what is wrong with you=what is the matter 你怎么了 stay at home 呆在家里 by the way 顺便问一下 between……and…… 在……和……之间 there goes the bell 铃响了 be born 出生 be interested in 对……感兴趣 of ones own 属于某人自己的 have to 不得不 test tube 试管 electric light 电灯 last year 去年 each other/one another 互相(两者之间)/互相(两者以上) not only……but also…… 不但……而且…… be good at 擅长于 catch ones eye 引起某人的注意 pick up 拾起 to ones great joy 让某人大为高兴的是 cross talk 相声 pop song 流行歌曲 Young Pioneer 少先队员 look up 向上看 stand up 站起来 over and over 再三。


I always think what will happend if icome across him ,i could fell my heart is aboundant in emotion, and he also can find my diffent feeling easily according to a tremble in my voice, above all the tears turning in my eyes.then he will give me a hug and say,i am sorry to be absent from your life in these years.



1). It's adj for sb to do 做…对某人来说… 2). … so … that … 如此… 以至于… … too … to do 太… 而不能… such … that … 如此… 以至于… 3). not…until… 直到…才… 例: I didn't go to bed until my mother came back。

4).The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子 … 的原因是… The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie. ( 他生气的原因是她对他说了谎。) 5). That is why + 句子 那是…的原因 6). That is because + 句子 那是因为… 7). It is said that + 句子 据说… It is reported that + 句子 据报道… 8). There is no doubt that + 句子 毫无疑问… 9). It goes without saying that + 句子 不言而喻,毫无疑问 10). There is no need to do 没必要做… 11). There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义 12. as is known to all, +句子 众所周知 as we all know, +句子 据我们所知 it is generally/ publicly known / considered that…, 众所周知。


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本文主要为您介绍激励年轻人奋斗的短句,内容包括年轻励志奋斗的短句,青春奋斗励志句子,年轻励志奋斗的短句。1. 人之所以平凡,在于无法超越自己。2. 幸福是什么呢?神说:幸福就是此身不死青春常在!佛说:幸福就是诵经念佛菩度众生!常人说:幸福就












本文主要为您介绍堕落酷野短句说说,内容包括堕落忧伤的句子,关于堕落的句子,黑暗、堕落、厌世、孤寂、自卑的个性签名。//、柒 月 , 离 别 印 满 空 气 的 季 节 。 侮 辱 自 己 的 美、 成 全 别 人 的 爱、 在这场以青春为主的肥皂
















本文主要为您介绍形容冷的搞笑短句,内容包括描写天气寒冷的搞笑句子,形容天气寒冷的搞笑句子,关于天冷的搞笑心情短语。不回你消息不是因为我高冷,而是因为我手冷。2、一切不以下雪为目的降温都是耍流氓。 3、天冷了,冻醒了,别忘了给舍友掀一




























本文主要为您介绍激励年轻人奋斗的短句,内容包括年轻励志奋斗的短句,青春奋斗励志句子,年轻励志奋斗的短句。1. 人之所以平凡,在于无法超越自己。2. 幸福是什么呢?神说:幸福就是此身不死青春常在!佛说:幸福就是诵经念佛菩度众生!常人说:幸福就











