

Thirty-nine Steps" is one of the most important works of the British writer John Bakken. In this novel, returned to the UK from South Africa's mining engineer Richard Hannay to stop the defense top secret documents fall into the hands of the Germans, launched a be struck with fright fight with German spies. Novel writing popular is exquisite, the story of ups and downs, suspense, thrilling moment too, is worthy of a win universal praise thriller. The outline of the story:从南部非洲返回英国生活的理查德·汉内回到他在伦敦的寓所,感到百无聊赖。



一天夜里,汉内返回寓所时发现斯卡德被一把匕首钉死在了地板上。Return to life in the UK from southern Africa Richard Hannay back to his London home, feel bored. However, a casual visitor to his apartment in the evening. This American named Skade found a code named "Blackstone" foreign spy organization, is preparing to kill the prime minister can cause confusion, then steal a important defense military intelligence. Skade because the track of their members, being found in the woods to prevent divulgence of one's secrets. Hannay let Scudder temporarily in his apartment escape. One night, when Hannay returned home found that Skade was a dagger nailed to the floor.汉内决定逃到苏格兰以便躲过警方的抓捕和“黑石”的追杀。


Hannay decided to kill fled to Scotland to avoid the police and "Blackstone". His disguise oneself as a milkman look, ran to the train station. At this time, the police have to regard him as a murder suspect important.汉内进入了景色优美的苏格兰高原,这时穷追不舍的“黑石”跟了上来。汉内来到一家小客栈,在那个客栈老板的鼎力相助下,“黑石”的人被暂时引上歧途。


Hannay entered the beautiful Scotland plateau, then pursued "Blackstone" follow up. Hannay came to a small inn, the inn keeper's help, "Blackstone" people were temporarily astray. Flee, Hannay meets young Sir Harry, who introduced to his godfather Lord Hannay, British Foreign Ministry official Walter Bullivant. Later, Hannay and posing as the roadman had cheated "member Blackstone" espionage organization.汉内在苏格兰高原的野外过夜,搜索他的人终于发现了他的踪迹。汉内拼尽全力在高原上奔逃,忙不择路逃进了一幢农舍,没想到冤家路窄,这里正是“黑石”的巢穴之一。


Hannay in Scotland plateau field overnight, search his people finally found him. Hannay best in Plateau on the run, busy road not choose escaped into a farmhouse, did not expect that one can't avoid one's enemy, here is the "nest of Blackstone". Hannay managed to escape from the snare, he returned home, to stay Skade's notebook. Because of overwork, Hannay a serious illness.汉内病愈后离开修路人的家,费了一番周折找到沃尔特·布利文特勋爵的乡间别墅,与他接上头,汉内的逃亡生活结束了。沃尔特勋爵觉得汉内带来的信息有些危言耸听。

而事态的发展恰恰证明这一切都是真的。希腊首相正像那些间谍所计划的那样被暗杀了!Hannay recovered after leaving the roadman home, struggled to find Lord Walter Bullivant's Quinta Da Fonte Hotel, and he reach Hannay's escape, the end of the life. Walter Lord think Hannay information brought some alarmist. And the development of it matters that it is true. The Greek prime minister, as the spies who have planned the assassination!沃尔特勋爵带着汉内急返伦敦作好应变准备,此时警方已经不再通缉汉内。

绷紧的弦突然松了下来,汉内感到有些失落。不过他感觉到“黑石 ”一定还会有惊人之举。


汉内根据斯卡德笔记本中提到“三十九级台阶”作出大胆推测,遂被委以重任领导抓捕行动。经过一番惊心动魄的殊死搏斗,汉内在警方与军方的配合下终于粉碎了德国间谍的外逃阴谋,截获了他们窃取的重要情报,把“ 黑石”一网打尽。

Walter Lord with Han right back to London for str。


Thirty-nine Steps" is one of the most important works of the British writer John Bakken. In this novel, returned to the UK from South Africa's mining engineer Richard Hannay to stop the defense top secret documents fall into the hands of the Germans, launched a be struck with fright fight with German spies. Novel writing popular is exquisite, the story of ups and downs, suspense, thrilling moment too, is worthy of a win universal praise thriller. The outline of the story: 从南部非洲返回英国生活的理查德·汉内回到他在伦敦的寓所,感到百无聊赖。



一天夜里,汉内返回寓所时发现斯卡德被一把匕首钉死在了地板上。 Return to life in the UK from southern Africa Richard Hannay back to his London home, feel bored. However, a casual visitor to his apartment in the evening. This American named Skade found a code named "Blackstone" foreign spy organization, is preparing to kill the prime minister can cause confusion, then steal a important defense military intelligence. Skade because the track of their members, being found in the woods to prevent divulgence of one's secrets. Hannay let Scudder temporarily in his apartment escape. One night, when Hannay returned home found that Skade was a dagger nailed to the floor. 汉内决定逃到苏格兰以便躲过警方的抓捕和“黑石”的追杀。


Hannay decided to kill fled to Scotland to avoid the police and "Blackstone". His disguise oneself as a milkman look, ran to the train station. At this time, the police have to regard him as a murder suspect important. 汉内进入了景色优美的苏格兰高原,这时穷追不舍的“黑石”跟了上来。汉内来到一家小客栈,在那个客栈老板的鼎力相助下,“黑石”的人被暂时引上歧途。


Hannay entered the beautiful Scotland plateau, then pursued "Blackstone" follow up. Hannay came to a small inn, the inn keeper's help, "Blackstone" people were temporarily astray. Flee, Hannay meets young Sir Harry, who introduced to his godfather Lord Hannay, British Foreign Ministry official Walter Bullivant. Later, Hannay and posing as the roadman had cheated "member Blackstone" espionage organization. 汉内在苏格兰高原的野外过夜,搜索他的人终于发现了他的踪迹。汉内拼尽全力在高原上奔逃,忙不择路逃进了一幢农舍,没想到冤家路窄,这里正是“黑石”的巢穴之一。


Hannay in Scotland plateau field overnight, search his people finally found him. Hannay best in Plateau on the run, busy road not choose escaped into a farmhouse, did not expect that one can't avoid one's enemy, here is the "nest of Blackstone". Hannay managed to escape from the snare, he returned home, to stay Skade's notebook. Because of overwork, Hannay a serious illness. 汉内病愈后离开修路人的家,费了一番周折找到沃尔特·布利文特勋爵的乡间别墅,与他接上头,汉内的逃亡生活结束了。沃尔特勋爵觉得汉内带来的信息有些危言耸听。

而事态的发展恰恰证明这一切都是真的。希腊首相正像那些间谍所计划的那样被暗杀了! Hannay recovered after leaving the roadman home, struggled to find Lord Walter Bullivant's Quinta Da Fonte Hotel, and he reach Hannay's escape, the end of the life. Walter Lord think Hannay information brought some alarmist. And the development of it matters that it is true. The Greek prime minister, as the spies who have planned the assassination! 沃尔特勋爵带着汉内急返伦敦作好应变准备,此时警方已经不再通缉汉内。

绷紧的弦突然松了下来,汉内感到有些失落。不过他感觉到“黑石 ”一定还会有惊人之举。


汉内根据斯卡德笔记本中提到“三十九级台阶”作出大胆推测,遂被委以重任领导抓捕行动。经过一番惊心动魄的殊死搏斗,汉内在警方与军方的配合下终于粉碎了德国间谍的外逃阴谋,截获了他们窃取的重要情报,把“ 黑石”一网打尽。

Walter Lord with Han right back to London for strain 。


The Thirty-Nine Steps is an adventure novel by the Scottish author John Buchan, first published in 1915 by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh. It is the first of five novels featuring Richard Hannay, an all-action hero with a stiff upper lip and a miraculous habit of getting himself out of sticky situations.The novel formed the basis for a number of film adaptations, notably: Alfred Hitchcock's 1935 version; a 1959 colour remake; a 1978 version which is perhaps most faithful to the novel; and a 2008 version for British television.Literary significance and criticismThe Thirty-Nine Steps is one of the earliest examples of the 'man-on-the-run' thriller archetype subsequently adopted by Hollywood as an often-used plot device. In The Thirty-Nine Steps, Buchan holds up Richard Hannay as an example to his readers of an ordinary man who puts his country's interests before his own safety. The story was a great success with the men in the First World War trenches. One soldier wrote to Buchan, "The story is greatly appreciated in the midst of mud and rain and shells, and all that could make trench life depressing."Richard Hannay continued his adventures in four subsequent books. Two were set during the war when Hannay continued his undercover work against the Germans and their allies the Turks in Greenmantle and Mr Standfast. The other two stories, The Three Hostages and The Island of Sheep were set in the post war period when Hannay's opponents were criminal gangs.John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir GCMG GCVO CH PC (26 August 1875 – 11 February 1940) was a Scottish novelist and Unionist politician who, between 1935 and 1940, served as the 15th Governor General of Canada.After a brief career in law, Buchan simultaneously began writing and his political and diplomatic career, serving as a private secretary to the colonial administrator of various colonies in Southern Africa, and eventually wrote propaganda for the British war effort following the outbreak of the First World War. Once back in civilian life, Buchan was elected the Member of Parliament for the Combined Scottish Universities, but spent most of his time on his writing career. He wrote The Thirty-Nine Steps and other adventure fiction.On the recommendation of Canadian Prime Minister Richard Bennett, Buchan was appointed by George V, the king of Canada, as the Canadian viceroy, succeeding in that role the Earl of Bessborough. Buchan proved to be enthusiastic about literacy as well as the evolution of Canadian culture. He died in 1940, suffering the consequences of a stroke at Rideau Hall. He received a state funeral in Canada, and his ashes were returned to the UK and interred at Elsfield, Oxfordshire.希望帮到你啦,如满意望采纳耶~。

4.三十九级台阶读后感、要英文的, 谢谢、

The Thirty-Nine Steps is a 1978 thriller directed by Don Sharp, based on the novel The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan.IntroductionThis version of Buchan's tale starred Robert Powell as Richard Hannay, Karen Dotrice as Alex, John Mills as Colonel Scudder, and a host of other well-known British actors in smaller parts. It is generally regarded as the closest to the novel, being set before World War I. The early events and overall feel of the film bear much resemblance to Buchan's original story, albeit with a few changes such as the introduction of a love interest and a different meaning for the "39 steps". It is well remembered for the famous Big Ben end sequence.Powell later reprised the role in the ITV series Hannay in 1988 (six episodes) and 1989 (seven episodes).PlotIn 1914, Prussian spies are everywhere. After a spate of assassinations of important British politicians, a retired British intelligence officer, Colonel Scudder, realises his life and his mysterious black notebook are in danger. He turns to Richard Hannay, a mining engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, who happens to live in a neighbouring apartment. Scudder tells Hannay of a plot by Prussian 'sleeper' agents, who are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a foreign minister.Hannay reluctantly gives Scudder shelter in his apartment, despite his initial distrust of him. In the morning, Hannay leaves to purchase Scudder a train ticket to Scotland. Scudder also leaves the apartment to post a parcel, but he is spotted and follows Hannay to the railway station to supposedly give him the black book.However, before he can reach Hannay, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Hannay manages to get Scudder's notebook, but this turns out to be a dummy, with only a code in it to find his real book, which he has posted to Scotland. Hannay flees to Scotland on a train, but he is forced to make a daredevil escape on a bridge when police board.Hannay attempts to solve the mystery whilst on the run from the police, led by Chief Supt Lomas (Eric Porter), and the Prussian agents, led by Edmund Appleton, a Prussian sympathiser highly placed in the British government.With the aid of Alex Mackenzie and her fiance, David Hamilton, whom Hannay meets on the Scottish moors, claiming to be taking part in a wager, Scudder's book is found, the coded information partly deciphered and the true plans of the Prussian agents are revealed. The agents intend to murder the visiting Greek Prime Minister, leading to unrest in the Balkans and thus World War I, by planting a bomb in parliament. The "Thirty-Nine Steps" refers to the number of stairs in the clock tower of Big Ben and Hannay realises that the bomb is to be set off by the clock at 11.45.When he reaches the top of the clock tower, the agents have already planted the bomb and have locked the clock room. Hannay is forced to break the glass of the clock-face and physically stop the clock hands, leading to the iconic final sequence.。

5.《三十九级台阶》的英文读后感 大概300字左右吧 多谢多谢

The Thirty-Nine Steps is a 1978 thriller directed by Don Sharp, based on the novel The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan.Introduction This version of Buchan's tale starred Robert Powell as Richard Hannay, Karen Dotrice as Alex, John Mills as Colonel Scudder, and a host of other well-known British actors in smaller parts. It is generally regarded as the closest to the novel, being set before World War I. The early events and overall feel of the film bear much resemblance to Buchan's original story, albeit with a few changes such as the introduction of a love interest and a different meaning for the "39 steps". It is well remembered for the famous Big Ben end sequence.Powell later reprised the role in the ITV series Hannay in 1988 (six episodes) and 1989 (seven episodes).Plot In 1914, Prussian spies are everywhere. After a spate of assassinations of important British politicians, a retired British intelligence officer, Colonel Scudder, realises his life and his mysterious black notebook are in danger. He turns to Richard Hannay, a mining engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, who happens to live in a neighbouring apartment. Scudder tells Hannay of a plot by Prussian 'sleeper' agents, who are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a foreign minister.Hannay reluctantly gives Scudder shelter in his apartment, despite his initial distrust of him. In the morning, Hannay leaves to purchase Scudder a train ticket to Scotland. Scudder also leaves the apartment to post a parcel, but he is spotted and follows Hannay to the railway station to supposedly give him the black book.However, before he can reach Hannay, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Hannay manages to get Scudder's notebook, but this turns out to be a dummy, with only a code in it to find his real book, which he has posted to Scotland. Hannay flees to Scotland on a train, but he is forced to make a daredevil escape on a bridge when police board.Hannay attempts to solve the mystery whilst on the run from the police, led by Chief Supt Lomas (Eric Porter), and the Prussian agents, led by Edmund Appleton, a Prussian sympathiser highly placed in the British government.With the aid of Alex Mackenzie and her fiance, David Hamilton, whom Hannay meets on the Scottish moors, claiming to be taking part in a wager, Scudder's book is found, the coded information partly deciphered and the true plans of the Prussian agents are revealed. The agents intend to murder the visiting Greek Prime Minister, leading to unrest in the Balkans and thus World War I, by planting a bomb in parliament. The "Thirty-Nine Steps" refers to the number of stairs in the clock tower of Big Ben and Hannay realises that the bomb is to be set off by the clock at 11.45.When he reaches the top of the clock tower, the agents have already planted the bomb and have locked the clock room. Hannay is forced to break the glass of the clock-face and physically stop the clock hands, leading to the iconic final sequence.。


Richard Hannay is a Canadian visitor to London. At the end of "Mr Memory"'s show in a music hall, he meets Annabella Smith who is running away from secret agents. He accepts to hide her in his flat, but in the night she is murdered. Fearing he could be accused on the girl's murder, Hannay goes on the run to break the spy ring.只会写这么多。



英文简短剧情: Richard Hannay is a Canadian visitor to London. At the end of "Mr Memory"'s show in a music hall, he meets Annabella Smith who is running away from secret agents. He accepts to hide her in his flat, but in the night she is murdered. Fearing he could be accused on the girl's murder, Hannay goes on the run to break the spy ring.

8.华盛顿广场 39级台阶 小妇人 英文简介 100词左右

In WASHINGTON SQUARE(1880),Henry James reminisces about the New York he had known thiry years before as he tells the story of Caterine sloper and her fortune-seeking suitor morris townsend.This perceptively drawn human dramsa is james' most accessible work and an enduring literary triumph.

Washington Square press' Enriched Classics present the great works of world literature enhanced for the contemporary reader.This edition of WASHINGTON SQUARE has been prepared by Peter Conn,Andrea Mitchell Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania.It includes his introduction,Notes,selection aof critical excerpts,and suggestions for further reading as well as a unique visual essay of period illustrations and photographs.




Richard Hannay is a Canadian visitor to London. At the end of "Mr Memory"'s show in a music hall, he meets Annabella Smith who is running away from secret agents. He accepts to hide her in his flat, but in the night she is murdered. Fearing he could be accused on the girl's murder, Hannay goes on the run to break the spy ring.

导演:Alfred Hitchcock 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克


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