

999句最实用英语口语! 1。

I see. 我明白了。 2。

I quit! 我不干了! 3。 Let go! 放手! 4。

Me too. 我也是。 5。

My god! 天哪! 6。 No way! 不行! 7。

Come on. 来吧(赶快) 8。 Hold on. 等一等。

9。 I agree。

我同意。 10。

Not bad. 还不错。 11。

Not yet. 还没。 12。

See you. 再见。 13。

Shut up! 闭嘴! 14。 So long. 再见。

15。 Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 16。

Allow me. 让我来。 17。

Be quiet! 安静点! 18。 Cheer up! 振作起来! 19。

Good job! 做得好! 20。 Have fun! 玩得开心! 21。

How much? 多少钱? 22。 I'm full. 我饱了。

23。 I'm home. 我回来了。

24。 I'm lost. 我迷路了。

25。 My treat. 我请客。

26。 So do I. 我也一样。

27。 This way。

这边请。 28。

After you. 您先。 29。

Bless you! 祝福你! 30。 Follow me. 跟我来。

31。 Forget it! 休想! (算了!) 32。

Good luck! 祝好运! 33。 I decline! 我拒绝! 34。

I promise. 我保证。 35。

Of course! 当然了! 36。 Slow down! 慢点! 37。

Take care! 保重! 38。 They hurt. (伤口)疼。

39。 Try again. 再试试。

40。 Watch out! 当心。

41。 What's up? 有什么事吗? 42。

Be careful! 注意! 43。 Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)! 44。

Don't move! 不许动! 45。 Guess what? 猜猜看? 46。

I doubt it 我怀疑。 47。

I think so. 我也这么想。 48。

I'm single. 我是单身贵族。 49。

Keep it up! 坚持下去! 50。 Let me see.让我想想。

51。 Never mind.不要紧。

52。 No problem! 没问题! 53。

That's all! 就这样! 54。 Time is up. 时间快到了。

55。 What's new? 有什么新鲜事吗? 56。

Count me on 算上我。 57。

Don't worry. 别担心。 58。

Feel better? 好点了吗? 59。 I love you! 我爱你! 60。

I'm his fan。 我是他的影迷。

想看更详尽的内容,请查看乐知网的网友课程 。


) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。


) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.


4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world



It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;what is essential is invisible to the eyes.~~~ 一个人只有用心去看,才能看到真相。事情的真相只用眼睛是看不见的……

In life, there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream.~~~ 在人生的旅途中并没有车站,也没有一个能够一老永逸的地方。生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站不过是个梦。

I replayed all the times we had together. I don't miss you, but I miss the feelings I had when i'm with you.~~~ 我回忆了我们在一起的时光。我不想念你,我想念的是和你在一起的时候的感觉。

Believe it or not. There's somebody out there hoping to meet someone just like you.~~~ 不管你信不信,有个人正在等待希望能遇到像你这样的人。

In fact, that the world is not everyone's dream. But some learn to forget, and some insist.~~~事实上,这个世界不符合所有人的梦想,只是有人学会了 遗忘,有人却一直坚持。






WhyIhavenevercatchedthehappiness?WheneverIwantyou,Iwillbeaccompanyedbythememoryof。 。





假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 8WithinyouIlosemyself,withoutyouIfindmyselfwantingtobelostagain。


9IneedhimlikeIneedtheairtobreathe。 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。





Love makes the world go round. 爱能使世界转动。

——Charles Dickens(狄更斯) I love you not because who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.我喜欢你不是因为你是谁,而是喜欢和你在一起时的那份感觉。



那就是“you are my only sunshine” I am still and wait here for you in the silence.我仍然会默默地站在这里等你。

I love you more than life. 爱你比我的生命更有意义 love as you have never been hurt 去爱吧 像从没受过伤一样! 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。

Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. 世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。 One Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words. 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。

它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。 The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. 是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。

It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom. 无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。 The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away. 忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。

Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees. “海水呀,你说的是什么?” “是永恒的疑问。” “天空呀,你回答的话是什么?” “是永恒的沉默。”

What language is thine, O sea? The language of eternal question. What language is thy answer, O sky? The language of eternal silence. 创造的神秘,有如夜间的黑暗--是伟大的。而知识的幻影却不过如晨间 之雾。

The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning. 我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过 去了。 I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes. 你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。

What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow. 我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活。 That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.。


英语经典短句600句! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 发表日期:2005年11月2日 出处:网络边缘-中国IT吧 作者:佚名 【编辑录入:studyforever】 1. I see. 我明白了。

2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手!4. Me too. 我也是。5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. Come on. 来吧(赶快)8. Hold on. 等一等。

9. I agree。 我同意。

10. Not bad. 还不错。11. Not yet. 还没。

12. See you. 再见。13. Shut up! 闭嘴!14. So long. 再见。

15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. Allow me. 让我来。17. Be quiet! 安静点!18. Cheer up! 振作起来!19. Good job! 做得好!20. Have fun! 玩得开心!21. How much? 多少钱?22. I'm full. 我饱了。

23. I'm home. 我回来了。24. I'm lost. 我迷路了。

25. My treat. 我请客。26. So do I. 我也一样。

27. This way。 这边请。

28. After you. 您先。29. Bless you! 祝福你!30. Follow me. 跟我来。

31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. Good luck! 祝好运!33. I decline! 我拒绝!34. I promise. 我保证。35. Of course! 当然了!36. Slow down! 慢点!37. Take care! 保重!38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。

39. Try again. 再试试。40. Watch out! 当心。

41. What's up? 有什么事吗?42. Be careful! 注意!43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. Don't move! 不许动!45. Guess what? 猜猜看?46. I doubt it 我怀疑。47. I think so. 我也这么想。

48. I'm single. 我是单身贵族。49. Keep it up! 坚持下去!50. Let me see. 让我想想。

51. Never mind. 不要紧。52. No problem! 没问题!53. That's all! 就这样!54. Time is up. 时间快到了。

55. What's new? 有什么新鲜事吗?56. Count me on 算上我。57. Don't worry. 别担心。

58. Feel better? 好点了吗?59. I love you! 我爱你!60. I'm his fan。 我是他的影迷。

61. Is it yours? 这是你的吗?62. That's neat. 这很好。63. Are you sure? 你肯定吗?64. Do l have to 非做不可吗?65. He is my age. 他和我同岁。

66. Here you are. 给你。67. No one knows . 没有人知道。

68. Take it easy. 别紧张。69. What a pity! 太遗憾了!70. Any thing else? 还要别的吗?71. To be careful! 一定要小心!72. Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗?73. Help yourself. 别客气。

74. I'm on a diet. 我在节食。75. Keep in Touch. 保持联络。

76. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。77. Who's calling? 是哪一位?78. You did right. 你做得对。

79. You set me up! 你出卖我!80. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?81. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!82. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。83. Give me a hand! 帮帮我!84. How's it going? 怎么样?85. I have no idea. 我没有头绪。

86. I just made it! 我做到了!87. I'll see to it 我会留意的。88. I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时间!89. It's her field. 这是她的本行。

90. It's up to you. 由你决定。91. Just wonderful! 简直太棒了!92. What about you? 你呢?93. You owe me one. 你欠我一个人情。

94. You're welcome. 不客气。95. Any day will do. 哪一天都行夕96. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!97. Congratulations! 祝贺你!98. T can't help it. 我情不自禁。

99. I don't mean it. 我不是故意的。100. I'll fix you Up. 我会帮你打点的。

101. It sounds great!. 听起来很不错。102. It's a fine day。

今天是个好天。103. So far,So good. 目前还不错。

104. What time is it? 几点了?105. You can make it! 你能做到!106. Control yourself! 克制一下!107. He came by train. 他乘火车来。108. He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床。

109. He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。110. How's everything? 一切还好吧?111. I have no choice. 我别无选择。

112. I like ice-cream. 我喜欢吃冰淇淋。113. I love this game. 我钟爱这项运动。

114. I'll try my best. 我尽力而为。115. I'm On your side. 我全力支持你。

116. Long time no see! 好久不见!117. No pain,no gain. 不劳无获。118. Well,it depends 噢,这得看情况。

119. We're all for it. 我们全都同意。120. What a good deal! 真便宜!121. What should I do? 我该怎么办?122. You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃!123. You have my word. 我保证。

124. Believe it or not! 信不信由你!125. Don't count on me. 别指望我。126. Don't fall for it! 别上当!127. Don't let me down. 别让我失望。

128. Easy come easy go. 来得容易,去得快。129. I beg your pardon. 请你原谅。

130. I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍(我没有听清)。131. I'll be back soon. 我马上回来。

132. I'll check it out. 我去查查看。133. It's a long story. 说来话长。

134. It's Sunday today. 今天是星期天。135. Just wait and see! 等着瞧!136. Make up your mind. 做个决定吧。

137. That's all I need. 我就要这些。138. The view is great. 景色多么漂亮!139. The wall has ears. 隔墙有耳。

140. There comes a bus. 汽车来了。141. What day is today? 今天星期几?142. What do you think? 你怎么认为?143. Who told you that? 谁告诉你的?144. Who's kicki。



秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。 Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign. 2.世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。

A Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words. 3.世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。

The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. 4.是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。 It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom. 5.无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。

The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away. 6.如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。 If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. 7.跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。

你肯挟 瘸足的泥沙而俱下么? The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness? 8.她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。 Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night. 9.有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。

我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。 Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other. 10.忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。

Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees. 11.有些看不见的手,如懒懒的微(风思)的,正在我的心上奏着 潺(氵爰)的乐声。 Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples. 12.“海水呀,你说的是什么?” “是永恒的疑问。”

“天空呀,你回答的话是什么?” “是永恒的沉默。” What language is thine, O sea? The language of eternal question. What language is thy answer, O sky? The language of eternal silence. 13.静静地听,我的心呀,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀。

Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you. 14.创造的神秘,有如夜间的黑暗--是伟大的。而知识的幻影却不过如晨间 之雾。

The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning. 15.不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。 Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high. 16.我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过 去了。

I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes. 17.这些微(风思),是树叶的簌簌之声呀;它们在我的心里欢悦地微语着。 There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind. 18.你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。

What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow. 19.神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。 让我只是静听着吧。

My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master. Let me but listen. 20.我不能选择那最好的。 是那最好的选择我。

I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me. 21.那些把灯背在背上的人,把他们的影子投到了自己前面。 They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back. 22.我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活。

That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life. 23.“我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?” “我不过是一朵花。”

We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?“ I am a mere flower. 24.休息与工作的关系,正如眼睑与眼睛的关系。 Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes. 25.人是一个初生的孩子,他的力量,就是生长的力量。

Man is a born child, his power is the power of growth. 26.神希望我们酬答他,在于他送给我们的花朵,而不在于太阳和土地。 God expects answers for the flowers he sends us, not for the sun the earth. 27.光明如一个裸体的孩子,快快活活地在绿叶当中游戏,它不知道人是会欺 诈的。

The light that plays, like a naked child, among the green leaves happily knows not that man can lie. 28.啊,美呀,在爱中找你自己吧,不要到你镜子的谄谀去找寻。 O Beauty, find thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror. 29.我的心把她的波浪在世界的海岸上冲激着,以热泪在上边写着她的题记: “我爱你。”

My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her。



这儿有几个句子: 1. How are you doing?(你好吗?) 2. I'm doing great .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我过得很好。) 3. What's up?-------------------------------------------------------------- (出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?) 4. Nothing special .------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (没什么特别的。)

5. Hi . Long time no see .--------------------------------------------------------------------- (嗨,好久不见了。) 6. So far so good .--------------------------------------------------------------------- (到目前为止,一切都好。)

7. Things couldn't be better .--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (一切顺利。) 8. How about yourself?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (你自己呢?) 9. Today is a great day .----------------------------------------------------------------------- (今天是个好日子。)

10. Are you making progress?------------------------------------------------------------------------- (有进展吗?) 11. May I have your name, please?------------------------------------------------------------- (请问尊姓大名?) 12. I've heard so much about you .------------------------------------------------------------------ (久仰大名。) 13. I hope you're enjoying your staying here .------------------------------------- (希望你在这里过得愉快。)

14. Let's get together again .------------------------------------------------------------------------ (改天再聚聚。) 15. That's a great idea!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (好主意!) 16. Please say hello to your mother for me .------------------------------------------ (请代我向你母亲问好。)

17. I'm glad to have met you .------------------------------------------------------------------ (很高兴遇到你。) 18. Don't forget us .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (别忘了我们。)

19. Keep in touch .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (保持联系。) 20. I had a wonderful time here .---------------------------------------------- (我在这里度过了难忘的时光。)

21. Have a nice weekend .----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (周末愉快。) 22. Same to you .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (彼此彼此。)

23. Nice talking to you .----------------------------------------------------------------------- (很高兴与你聊天。) 24. Take care of yourself .---------------------------------------------------------- (自己当心/照顾好你自己。)

25. Thank you for everything .-------------------------------------- (谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。) 26. Thank you all for coming .------------------------------------------------------------------------ (谢谢光临。)

27. I appreciate your help .-------------------------------------------------------------------- (我感谢你的帮助。) 28. You're always welcome .---------------------------------------------------------------------- (别客气/不用谢) 29. Forget it .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (算了吧) 30. It was my pleasure .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (不用谢。)

31. I made a mistake .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我弄错了。) 32. I'm terribly sorry .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (实在抱歉。)

33. I must apologize!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我必须道歉!) 34. I feel terrible .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我感觉糟透了。) 35. It's not your fault .---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (那不是你的错。)

36. Sorry to bother /have bothered you .----------------------------------------- (抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。) 37. What do you do?------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (你做什么工作?) 38. How do you like your new job?-------------------------------------------------- (你觉得你的新工作怎样?) 39. I like it a lot .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (我很喜欢。)

40. I like reading and listening to music .------------------------------------------- (我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。) 41. What's wrong?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (怎么回事?) 42. What happened?------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (发生什么事了?) 43. I hope nothing is wrong .----------------------------------------------------------------- (我希望一切顺利。)

44. I know how you feel .--------------------------------------------------------------------- (我知道你的感受。) 45. Sorry to hear that .---------------------------------------------------------------- (听到这个消息我很难受。)

46. Come on, you can do that .------------------------------------------------------------- (来吧,你能做到的。) 47. Use。


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本文主要为您介绍有特殊意义的英文短句,内容包括帮忙想有特殊意义英文短语,有什麽很有意义的英文句子吗像:lifeisnotworth,ifyoudon'ttakerisk.,的意思的英文有特殊意思的英语词组。1.Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that yo












本文主要为您介绍情侣的说说短句子大全,内容包括二十个浪漫情话短句你最爱哪一句,情侣恩爱短句十个字,520情侣说说秀恩爱短句。二十个浪漫情话短句 我每一句都最爱。悄悄等你很久,你没来,我却习惯了等待。2、我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都




本文主要为您介绍优美短句10字以内,内容包括优美句子,10字以内,给我30句,优美的句子(10个字左右),要50句急、,求精美短句10字以内。1.时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走 ,我左手过目不忘的的萤火,右手里是十年一个漫长的打坐。 2.每个人都是一个国王,




本文主要为您介绍霸气短句英文纹身翻译,内容包括跪求个英文纹身短句带翻译急,英文短句纹身带翻译,求纹身的英文短短句加翻译。from small beginning comegreat things.伟大始于渺小That s life 这就是生活Well be








本文主要为您介绍社会人八字短句,内容包括社会人励志句子,兄弟情义的八字经典短句,八字短句。生命有限学问无涯 知识无底学海无涯 身怕不动脑怕不用 读书不想,隔靴挠痒 劳谦虚己,则附者众骄慢倨傲,则去者多人生大病,只一傲字闻而不审




本文主要为您介绍意境唯美的五字短句,内容包括求五个字的唯美诗句,要N多如,明月松间照,清泉石上流,五字唯美诗意短句,来点真正懂的、,的长短句(前面4字,后面5字的句子,要古句)要唯美一点的,有意。相思扣无缘紫藤笨窘窘 浪漫的烦恼清月聊无痕
























本文主要为您介绍有特殊意义的英文短句,内容包括帮忙想有特殊意义英文短语,有什麽很有意义的英文句子吗像:lifeisnotworth,ifyoudon'ttakerisk.,的意思的英文有特殊意思的英语词组。1.Do not,for one repulse,forgo the purpose that yo












本文主要为您介绍情侣的说说短句子大全,内容包括二十个浪漫情话短句你最爱哪一句,情侣恩爱短句十个字,520情侣说说秀恩爱短句。二十个浪漫情话短句 我每一句都最爱。悄悄等你很久,你没来,我却习惯了等待。2、我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都




本文主要为您介绍优美短句10字以内,内容包括优美句子,10字以内,给我30句,优美的句子(10个字左右),要50句急、,求精美短句10字以内。1.时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走 ,我左手过目不忘的的萤火,右手里是十年一个漫长的打坐。 2.每个人都是一个国王,




本文主要为您介绍霸气短句英文纹身翻译,内容包括跪求个英文纹身短句带翻译急,英文短句纹身带翻译,求纹身的英文短短句加翻译。from small beginning comegreat things.伟大始于渺小That s life 这就是生活Well be







