英语骂人的作文 越毒越好300字
You are a fucking asshole! Mother fucker! Do u even know who you are?! You are like a piece of shit! You are so ugly that nobody is going to face with you! You are an idiot who is too foolish to figure out a primary school year one math equation! Do you remember the last you made fool of yourself? That was so impressive and nobody didn't laugh loud! There are almost 7 billion people around the world and you are the only one who is so freaking that can shock each of the human being! I am convinced that your parents were all pissed off when you appeared! You existence pose a threat to the people around you because they may get infected by your ignorance! The best choice for you is to jump from a skyscraper with 100 floors and it is going to be a contribution to the human society because no one will be shocked by your foolish show!
最近我发现网上到处都是战争 可能以前没太在意昨天我游戏里看到两个老外吵架 有个发了一句:i fxxk your eyes to your mom。。。dickhead(有个人帽子真的挺像棕色迪克)。。don t cry什么的。。他们狠毒的话还有faggot,还有很多老外第二语言好像学西语 他们喜欢说puto有一次我看他们讨论别的玩家 讨论到一个韩国人(我知道那是个韩国人因为我问过他 我还改名shaad激怒了他)有人觉得他pro 最后有个老外说stop praying about him,he just a melee noob我觉得这个比较有意思 生活中也有这么好笑的人。。有些老外延迟特别高 有的会退出 有的会说sorry(因为那个游戏必须所有人所有人加载玩才能进 但又比较短 几分钟一局 所以延迟高会害得其他人每隔几分钟等好久)昨天遇到一个 大家都说:your ping!1000+或者kick him,结果那个延迟高的人说 fxxk you all!。。。然后老外们又开始吵架其实没必要刻意学脏话 全世界到处都有人有精力骂人 吵架 我们不要理就行
You are a fucking asshole! Mother fucker! Do u even know who you are?! You are like a piece of shit! You are so ugly that nobody is going to face with you! You are an idiot who is too foolish to figure out a primary school year one math equation! Do you remember the last you made fool of yourself? That was so impressive and nobody didn't laugh loud! There are almost 7 billion people around the world and you are the only one who is so freaking that can shock each of the human being! I am convinced that your parents were all pissed off when you appeared! You existence pose a threat to the people around you because they may get infected by your ignorance! The best choice for you is to jump from a skyscraper with 100 floors and it is going to be a contribution to the human society because no one will be shocked by your foolish show!




骂人的话 越毒越好
骂人的话: 1、你的样子真的很棒哦!就跟个棒槌一个样。 2、你的五官分开来看是很不错,可合起来分明畜生像。 3、至从见到你之后,我就终于彻底领悟到怪胎的样子了。 4、长得丑不是你的错,你老实的不行么,非得得瑟一下。

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