
用现在完成时 造五个句子
I have already made a big start in his direction.在他的方向我已经有了一个大的开始。 They haven't started yet.他们还没有动身 Have you ever sung this English song?你曾唱过这首英文歌吗? He has just had his meal.他刚吃过饭。 The train has left before I arrive at the station.在我到达车站之前火车已开走了

1、I've never heard of anyone doing that.我从未听说有人做那种事. 2、l have played the piano .我已经弹过钢琴了.3、Have you had lunch yet?-Yes,I have.I've just had it.你(已经)吃午饭了吗?我刚刚吃过.(现在我不饿了)4、He has taught here since 1981 .他自1981年就在这儿教书.(可能还要继续教)5、I have't seen her for four years.我有四年没见到她了.6、I have been to Beijing twice.我去过北京二次.7、We have already finished our homework.我们已完成作业了.8、They haven't finished their homework yet.他们还没有完成作业.9、Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗?10、I have never been to the Great Wall.我从未去过长城.11、I have seen her before,but I can not remember where. 我以前见过她,但记不起在哪里见过.

1、I've never heard of anyone doing that.我从未听说有人做那种事. 2、l have played the piano .我已经弹过钢琴了. 3、It is the most beautiful view I have ever seen.这是我至今见过最美的风景 4、He has taught here since 1981 .他自1981年就在这儿教书.(可能还要继续教) 5、I have't seen her for four years.我有四年没见到她了. 6、I have been to Beijing twice.我去过北京二次. 7、We have already finished our homework.我们已完成作业了. 8、They haven't finished their homework yet.他们还没有完成作业. 9、Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗? 10、I have been here for half an hour. 我已经在这里半小时了。 11、现在完成时表示 过去发生的动作对 现在造成的 影响或 结果或表示过去的动作或状态 持续到现在。 它的构成是:主语+have/has +动词的过去分词。
1、I've never heard of anyone doing that.我从未听说bai有人做那种事. 2、l have played the piano .我已经弹过钢琴了du. 3、It is the most beautiful view I have ever seen.这是我至今见zhi过最美的风景 4、He has taught here since 1981 .他自dao1981年就在这儿教书.(可能还要继续教)5、I have't seen her for four years.我有四年没见到她了. 6、I have been to Beijing twice.我去过北京二次. 7、We have already finished our homework.我们已完成作业了. 8、They haven't finished their homework yet.他们还没有完成作业. 9、Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗? 10、I have been here for half an hour. 我已经在这里半小时了。 现在完成时结构:have/has+past participle(过去分词)
I don't know
1、I've never heard of anyone doing that.我从未听说有人做那种事. 2、l have played the piano .我已经弹过钢琴了.3、It is the most beautiful view I have ever seen.这是我至今见过最美的风景4、He has taught here since 1981 .他自1981年就在这儿教书.(可能还要继续教)5、I have't seen her for four years.我有四年没见到她了.6、I have been to Beijing twice.我去过北京二次.7、We have already finished our homework.我们已完成作业了.8、They haven't finished their homework yet.他们还没有完成作业.9、Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗?10、I have been here for half an hour. 我已经在这里半小时了。 11、现在完成时表示 过去发生的动作对 现在造成的 影响或 结果或表示过去的动作或状态 持续到现在。 它的构成是:主语+have/has +动词的过去分词。

1 He has turned off the light.他已把灯关了。 2 I have spent all of my money.现在我没有钱花了.3 Jane has laid the table.含义是:现在桌子已经摆好了.4 We have seen that film before. 我们已经看过那部电影了5 Have they found the missing child yet ?他们找到那个失踪的孩子了吗?6 Have you ever been to Beijing ?你去过北京吗?7 I have used this pen only three times. It is still good. 这支笔我只用了3次,还很好。8George has met that gentleman several times.乔治见过那位先生几次。9 We have had four texts this month. 这个月我们考了4次。10Peter has learned 3000 English words so far. 皮特到目前为止已经学了3000英语单词了。11He has been here since he moved here自从他搬到福州,他就住在这儿了12 they have married for ten years他们已经结婚10年13 my sister has been a colleger for three years 我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年14 how long has the meeting lasted 这会已经开了多长时间? 15 the door has closed fortwo days这门已经关了两天了
Jared has been off work since last Thursdday. He has been sick for a whole week!I have not been back to Hong Kong since 1997.He left home at 18 and hasn't been back since.He has felt better since he stopped smoking.Kevin has just moved here from Japan.Beth hasn't visited us lately.She has been working long hours for the past few weeks.My boss has told me several times that I will be getting a raise, but I haven't received one yet.Have you ever eaten there? My dog has been dead for two days.
Jared has been off work since last Thur sdday. He has been sick for a whole week! I have not been back to Hong Kong sinc e 1997. He left home at 18 and hasn't been back since. He has felt better since he stopped smo king. Kevin has just moved here from Japan. Beth hasn't visited us lately. She has been working long hours for th e past few weeks. My boss has told me several times that I will be getting a raise, but I haven't rec eived one yet. Have you ever eaten there? My dog has been dead for two days.

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