In Japan cherry blossoms also symbolize clouds due to their nature of blooming en masse, besides being an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, an aspect of Japanese cultural tradition that is often associated with Buddhistic influence, and which is embodied in the concept of mono no aware. The association of the cherry blossom with mono no aware dates back to 18th-century scholar Motoori Norinaga. The transience of the blossoms, the extreme beauty and quick death, has often been associated with mortality; for this reason, cherry blossoms are richly symbolic, and have been utilized often in Japanese art, manga, anime, and film, as well as at musical performances for ambient effect. There is at least one popular folk song, originally meant for the shakuhachi (bamboo flute), titled "Sakura", and several pop songs. The flower is also represented on all manner of consumer goods in Japan, including kimono, stationery, and dishware.
2.初中生 英文诗 关于樱花的
The Cherry Blossom Blooming New life hanging flora from the tree, buds of living pink on the retina—reflecting perfectdoses of red-shifted spectrato mimic all in the skies.第二首;Mama",I look up to seea blizzard of petalsrushing the sky.It is only April.I can't stop my own lifefrom hurrying by;s curryBlackbird intrepidGull keenly screechingPigeons saving the WestAnd chicken tikka madrasCrystal Meth and Black Eyed PeasPaul McCartney wading through mudCherry blossom quiversIn the mild caress of a benign windThe blue door is painted wellBut is rotting fastOnly it rots fast for yearsAnd for two weeks under a beautiful pink parasolOld fire guard and broken potsUncle Ben's burnt riceAnd fried liceStirred with a pink petal supriseBig pebbles from the beachWith monsters in permanent inkAnd A4 lists of garage bandsWith potential from a few years backHumming a nonsensical tuneUnder the blush canopyWith a mug of putrid green vile liquidIn my electric petal wonderlandSunday morning with strong musclesAnd a crazy coloured goatI travel the flinty highwayTo the seat under the cherry blossomThere I feel in touch with the three planesThe floor,his pin-focused eyestabbing through glassinto darkness enveloping cold:a murdered heaven,sanguinarystreaking,retreating in every direction.第三首:In Your AbsenceNot yet summer,but unseasonable heatpries open the cherry tree.It stands there stupefied,in its sham, pink frills:the ruby-stained, screaming;And I hug him,dense with early blooming, the middle and the skyBlistered feet and pudgy waistWith my head in the clouds of smog;s elongated bleeding.What Hubble must have seen.Then, as afternoon coolsinto more furtive winds, in a toga".But through the hazeIn the middle distance standsA small creature, a humanMy seven year-old son, stretching away of starlight', Saint-Jeanne; he says soflty"Look at the blossom of the cherry,"It is beautiful"I sat on the flint wallUnder cherry blossomBlue sky and gentle breezeGinger cat strollingMy glasses hit the groundAnd Frank trod on themThe bin bag was torn openRevealing yesterday'。
3.初中生 英文诗 关于樱花的
I sat on the flint wallUnder cherry blossomBlue sky and gentle breezeGinger cat strollingMy glasses hit the groundAnd Frank trod on themThe bin bag was torn openRevealing yesterday's curryBlackbird intrepidGull keenly screechingPigeons saving the WestAnd chicken tikka madrasCrystal Meth and Black Eyed PeasPaul McCartney wading through mudCherry blossom quiversIn the mild caress of a benign windThe blue door is painted wellBut is rotting fastOnly it rots fast for yearsAnd for two weeks under a beautiful pink parasolOld fire guard and broken potsUncle Ben's burnt riceAnd fried liceStirred with a pink petal supriseBig pebbles from the beachWith monsters in permanent inkAnd A4 lists of garage bandsWith potential from a few years backHumming a nonsensical tuneUnder the blush canopyWith a mug of putrid green vile liquidIn my electric petal wonderlandSunday morning with strong musclesAnd a crazy coloured goatI travel the flinty highwayTo the seat under the cherry blossomThere I feel in touch with the three planesThe floor, the middle and the skyBlistered feet and pudgy waistWith my head in the clouds of smog.But through the hazeIn the middle distance standsA small creature, a humanMy seven year-old son, Saint-Jeanne, in a toga"Mama" he says soflty"Look at the blossom of the cherry,"It is beautiful"And I hug him.第二首:The Cherry Blossom Blooming New life hanging flora from the tree, buds of living pink on the retina—reflecting perfectdoses of red-shifted spectrato mimic all in the skies:the ruby-stained, screaming, stretching away of starlight's elongated bleeding.What Hubble must have seen,his pin-focused eyestabbing through glassinto darkness enveloping cold:a murdered heaven,sanguinarystreaking,retreating in every direction.第三首:In Your AbsenceNot yet summer,but unseasonable heatpries open the cherry tree.It stands there stupefied,in its sham, pink frills,dense with early blooming.Then, as afternoon coolsinto more furtive winds,I look up to seea blizzard of petalsrushing the sky.It is only April.I can'tstop my own lifefrom hurrying by.The moon, already pacing.。
In Japan cherry blossoms also symbolize clouds due to their nature of blooming en masse, besides being an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, an aspect of Japanese cultural tradition that is often associated with Buddhistic influence, and which is embodied in the concept of mono no aware. The association of the cherry blossom with mono no aware dates back to 18th-century scholar Motoori Norinaga. The transience of the blossoms, the extreme beauty and quick death, has often been associated with mortality; for this reason, cherry blossoms are richly symbolic, and have been utilized often in Japanese art, manga, anime, and film, as well as at musical performances for ambient effect. There is at least one popular folk song, originally meant for the shakuhachi (bamboo flute), titled "Sakura", and several pop songs. The flower is also represented on all manner of consumer goods in Japan, including kimono, stationery, and dishware.在日本,樱花也象征着云,由于其性质盛开的集体,除了是一个持久的比喻为生命的短暂性质,一方面,日本的文化传统,往往是与佛教的影响,并体现在概念的单不知道。
the oriental cherry(樱花)
I like fowers,so I grow many flowers at home.But of all of them,I like oriental cherry best,for its beautiful color and nice sweet.Everyday when I get up in the morning,the first thing I do is going to the balcony to watch the oriental cherries.Seeing that they are growing bigger and bigger,and is getting more and more beautiful,you can imagine how happy I am.
Oriental cherry has different kinds of colors,white,red,pink and so on.Its growth calls for(要求) special conditions,such as the enough sunlight and the water and the proper humidity(湿度)。So it is not easy to plant.You should pay much attention to it and take good care of it.
Oriental cherry is beautiful and noble(高贵) and is regarded as the national flower of Japan.But it is not only loved by the Japanese,but also loved by the other people in different countries and regions. In China,because of the environment,oriental cherry is rare and can't be seen everywhere.
新川和江 (日本)
谢新恩 李煜 樱花落尽阶前月, 象床愁倚薰笼。
远似去年今日,恨还同。 双鬟不整云憔悴, 泪沾红抹胸。
何处相思苦,纱窗醉梦中。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 无题四首 李商隐 (其一) 来是空言去绝踪, 月斜楼上五更钟。
梦为远别啼难唤, 书被催成墨未浓。 蜡照半笼金翡翠, 麝熏微度绣芙蓉。
刘郎已恨蓬山远, 更隔蓬山一万重。 (其二) 飒飒东风细雨来, 芙蓉塘外有轻雷。
金蟾啮锁烧香入, 玉虎牵丝汲井回。 贾氏窥帘韩掾少, 宓妃留枕魏王才。
春心莫共花争发, 一寸相思一寸灰。 (其四) 何处哀筝随急管, 樱花永巷垂杨岸。
东家老女嫁不售, 白日当天三月半。 溧阳公主年十四, 清明暖后同墙看。
归来展转到五更, 梁间燕子闻长叹。 王十二兄与畏之员外相访,见招小饮,时予以悼亡日近, 不去,因寄。
谢傅门庭旧末行, 今朝歌管属檀郎。 更无人处帘垂地, 欲拂尘时簟竟床。
嵇氏幼男犹可悯, 左家娇女岂能望? 愁霖腹疾俱难遣, 万里西风夜正长。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 采桑子 赵师侠 梅花谢后樱花绽,浅浅匀红。
万颗匀圆讶许同。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鸳鸯篇 李德裕 君不见昔时同心人,化作鸳鸯鸟。
和鸣一夕不暂离, 交颈千年尚为少。二月草菲菲,山樱花未稀。
金塘风日好, 何处不相依。既逢解佩游女,更值凌波宓妃。
精光摇翠盖, 丽色映珠玑。双影相伴,双心莫违。
淹留碧沙上, 荡漾洗红衣。春光兮宛转,嬉游兮未反。
宿莫近天泉池, 飞莫近长洲苑。尔愿欢爱不相忘,须去人间罗网远。
洛阳女儿在青阁,二月罗衣轻更薄。金泥文彩未足珍, 画作鸳鸯始堪著。
亦有少妇破瓜年,春闺无伴独婵娟。 夜夜学织连枝锦,织作鸳鸯人共怜。
悠悠湘水滨, 清浅漾初苹。菖花发艳无人识,江柳逶迤空自春。
唯怜独鹤依琴曲,更念孤鸾隐镜尘。愿作鸳鸯被, 长覆有情人。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 赠歌者 薛能 一字新声一颗珠,转喉疑是击珊瑚。听时坐部音中有, 唱后樱花叶里无。
汉浦蔑闻虚解佩,临邛焉用枉当垆。 谁人得向青楼宿,便是仙郎不是夫。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 离别难 薛昭蕴 宝马晓鞴雕鞍,罗帏乍别情难。那堪春景媚,送君千万 里。
半妆珠翠落,露华寒。红蜡烛,青丝曲,偏能钩引泪阑 干。
良夜促,香尘绿,魂欲迷,檀眉半敛愁低。未别心先咽, 欲语情难说。
出芳草,路东西,摇袖立。春风急, 樱花杨柳雨凄凄。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本事诗 苏曼殊 春雨楼头尺八箫,何时归看浙江潮? 芒鞋破钵无人识,踏过樱花第几桥。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 春日偶成 樱花红陌上, 柳叶绿池边。
燕子声声里, 相思又一年。