


The Ocean's Song by Victor Hugo

We walked amongst the ruins famed in story

Of Rozel-Tower,

And saw the boundless waters stretch in glory

And heave in power.

O Ocean vast! We heard thy song with wonder,

Whilst waves marked time.

"Appear, O Truth!" thou sang'st with tone of thunder,

"And shine sublime!

"The world's enslaved and hunted down by beagles,

To despots sold.

Souls of deep thinkers, soar like mighty eagles!

The Right uphold.

"Be born! arise! o'er the earth and wild waves bounding,

Peoples and suns!

Let darkness vanish; tocsins be resounding,

And flash, ye guns!

"And you who love no pomps of fog or glamour,

Who fear no shocks,

Brave foam and lightning, hurricane and clamour,--

Exiles: the rocks!"



The sea, cool warmth has a happy melodious, turbulent waves also have the glory of love; dreams, in the rapids of the deep sea flowering, singing songs with the truth of the fairy tale.


The sea water is the bright incomparable sky-blue, the sodium hyposulfite is steady like spring early morning Xihu is same.Occasionally the breeze, only blew certainly the thin certainly thin thousands of clear small wrinkle, this caused according to expose to the sun sunlight of under the first month of summer, the golden light bright water surface appeared warm Xiu to be encouraging.I ever have not seen that beautiful sea! In the sky also is the bright incomparable sky-blue, only then several piece of tissue resemble light cloud.Smooth and level in the air, like a girl, has put on certainly the beautiful blue color summer clothes, but between the neck actually revolved section of certainly thin certainly light white gauze kerchiefs。




Walk along the Seashore-海滨漫步

A Walk along the Seashore

There is much enjoyment to be gained by strolling along the seashore. Many people who live far away from the sea envy those who live near it. They sometimes form excursion parties and go there to spend their Sundays.

To gaze upon a calm sea and watch the ships as they move steadily and quietly through the water is very pleasant. But on a summer day, when the air is warm and the sky is blue, it is more pleasant to walk on the shore and collect pretty pebbles, shells, and seaweed. However, the most wonderful scene of the sea is witnessed during a storm, when the waves rise and fall with much grandeur. At times they look like huge mountains with valleys between; and when they dash against the shore with a hiss and roar, they break into spray.

Walking along the seashore is more than being a pleasure. The sea breezes are highly beneficial, so, a walk along the seashore is recommendable to those who are so fortunate as to live at places where the seashore is within their easy reach.

The Seashore-海边

From as far as you could see on the left and right was open water and sand. The splash of small was open water and sand. The splash of pieces of seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in. the wind felt soft and warm and the water not very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing color from a yellow to an orange and then to a red ball hanging over the horizon. The horizon was a long gray line broken once by the outline of a ship or a fisherman's boat. Here lays the peace and tranquility that poets, writers, and artists alike try to capture in words and paint.


Sea Fever海之恋

John Masefield 作/ 绿雪 译

I MUST go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,

And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,

And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a gray dawn breaking.





I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide

Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;

And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.





I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,

To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;

And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,

And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.我一定要再次回到大海





Ode To The Sea

Here surrounding the island there is sea

But what sea

lt's always overflowing

says " Yes," then"No," then "No"again.

And "No,"says"Yes" in blue,

in sea spray raging,

says "No" and "No" again.

It can't be still.

It stammers "my name is sea."

It slaps the rocks,

and when they aren't convinced

Strokes them and soaks them

and smolders them with kisses.

with seven green tongues of seven green dogs,

Or seven green tigers, or Seven green seas

Beating its chest, stammering its name.

Oh, sea, this is your name.

oh, comrade ocean, don't waste time

or water getting so upset.

Help us instead.

We're meager fishermen,

men from the shore.

We're hungry and cold

and you're our foe.

Don't beat so hard, don't shout so loud.

Open your green coffers.

Place gifts of silver in our hands.

Give us this day our daily fish.





说“是”,接而“不”,一遍叉一遍 重复着“不”,它忧悒地说“是”, 却咆哮着重复说“不”,


它吞吐道:“我的名字叫大海。” 岩石不相信,




以从七只猛犬、七头白虎、七大汪洋 取来的七条利舌















《致大海To The Sea 》 <普希金> 再见吧,自由的原素! Farewell to you, unharnessed Ocean! 最后一次了,在我眼前 No longer will you roll at me 你的蓝色的浪头翻滚起伏, Your azure swells in endless motion 你的骄傲的美闪烁壮观。

Or gleam in tranquil majesty. 仿佛友人的忧郁的絮语, A comrade's broken words on leaving, 仿佛他别离一刻的招呼, His hail of parting at the door: 最后一次了,我听着你的 Your chant of luring, chant of grieving 喧声呼唤,你的沉郁的吐诉。 Will murmur in my ears no more. 我全心渴望的国度啊,大海! Oh, homeland of my spirit's choosing! 多么常常地,在你的岸上 How often on your banks at large 我静静地,迷惘地徘徊, I wandered mute and dimly musing, 苦思着我那珍爱的愿望。

Fraught with a sacred, troubling charge! 啊,我多么爱听你的回声, How I would love your deep resounding, 那喑哑的声音,那深渊之歌, The primal chasm's muffled voice, 我爱听你黄昏时分的幽静, The primal chasm's muffled voice, 和你任性的脾气的发作! And in your sudden, reckless bounding! 渔人的渺小的帆凭着 The fisher's lowly canvas slips, 你的喜怒无常的保护 By your capricious favor sheltered, 在两齿之间大胆地滑过, Undaunted down your breakers' lips: 但你若汹涌起来,无法克服, Yet by your titan romps have weltered 成群的渔船就会覆没。 And foundered droves of masted ships. 直到现在,我还不能离开 Alas, Fate thwarted me from weighing 这令我厌烦的凝固的石岸, My anchor off the cloddish shore, 我还没有热烈地拥抱你,大海! Exultantly your realm surveying, 也没有让我的诗情的波澜 And by your drifting ridges laying 随着你的山脊跑开! My poet's course forevermore. 你在期待,呼唤…我却被缚住, You waited, called。

I was in irons, 我的心徒然想要挣脱开, And vainly did my soul rebel, 是更强烈的感情把我迷住, Becalmed in those uncouth environs 于是我在岸边留下来…… By passion's overpowering spell. 有什么可顾惜的?而今哪里 Yet why this sorrow? Toward what fastness 能使我奔上坦荡的途径? Would now my carefree sails be spread? 在你的荒凉中,只有一件东西 To one lone goal in all your vastness 也许还激动我的心灵。 My spirit might have gladly sped. 一面峭壁,一座光荣的坟墓… One lonely cliff, the tomb of glory。

那里,种种伟大的回忆 There chilling slumber fell upon 已在寒冷的梦里沉没, The ghost of mankind's proudest story: 啊,是拿破仑熄灭在那里。 There breathed his last Napoleon. 他已经在苦恼里长眠。

There rest for suffering he bartered; 紧随着他,另一个天才 And, gale-borne in his wake, there streams 象风暴之间驰过我们面前, Another kingly spirit martyred, 啊,我们心灵的另一个主宰。 Another regent of our dreams. 他去了,使自由在悲泣中! He passed, and left to Freedom mourning, 他把自己的桂 冠留给世上。

His laurels to Eternity. 喧腾吧,为险恶的天时而汹涌,Arise, roar out in stormy warning: 噢,大海!他曾经为你歌唱。 He was your own true bard, oh Sea! 他是由你的精气塑成的, His soul was by your spirit haunted, 海啊,他是你的形象的反映; In your own image was he framed: 他象你似的深沉、有力、阴郁,Like you immense, profound, undaunted 他也倔强得和你一样。

Like you nocturnal untamed. 世界空虚了……哦,海洋, Bereft the world。 where by your power,现在你还能把我带到哪里? Oh Sea would you now carry me? 到处,人们的命运都是一样: Life offers everywhere one dower: 哪里有幸福,必有教育 On any glint of bliss there glower 或暴君看守得非常严密。

Enlightenment or tyranny. 再见吧,大海!你壮观的美色 Farewell then, Sea! Henceforth in wonder 将永远不会被我遗忘; Your regal grace will I rever; 我将久久地,久久地听着 Long will your muffled twilit thunder 你在黄昏时分的轰响。 Reverberate within my ear. 心里充满了你,我将要把 To woods and silent wildernesses 你的山岩,你的海湾, Will I translate your potent spells, 你的光和影,你的浪花的喋喋,Your cliffs, your coves, your shining tresses, 带到森林,带到寂静的荒原。

Your shadows and your murmurous swells.。


Sea The sea water is the bright incomparable sky-blue, the sodium hyposulfite is steady like spring early morning Xihu is same.Occasionally the breeze, only blew certainly the thin certainly thin thousands of clear small wrinkle, this caused according to expose to the sun sunlight of under the first month of summer, the golden light bright water surface appeared warm Xiu to be encouraging.I ever have not seen that beautiful sea! In the sky also is the bright incomparable sky-blue, only then several piece of tissue resemble light cloud.Smooth and level in the air, like a girl, has put on certainly the beautiful blue color summer clothes, but between the neck actually revolved section of certainly thin certainly light white gauze kerchiefs.I ever have not seen that beautiful sea day. The tide has come front, the turbulent tide, the latter wave pushes the wave, row of platoon white and shiny tide crowds around is breaking through, the sound resembles as powerful as a thunderbolt, the potential like goes full steam ahead.The sea turned the limitless battlefield in a twinkling, the sea breeze has been blowing the point severely “the bugle”, the ocean waves as if were a lot of heroic soldier, was attacking violently to the seacoast, sent out rumble shouts.Shore over a thousand catty heavy megalith, as soon as so long as is stroked gently by the tide, as if all of a sudden “sank” “the seabed” to go.A row of platoon wave hits in the ashore, splashes piece by piece spray.This magnificent sea tide, makes me to feel that, in the vast boundless sea, is containing how many strengths, this boundless sea water causes how many poet's infinite daydream. The setting sun falls the mountain soon, West's sky is also burning a piece of red-orange sunset glow.Sea, also is dyed red by this multi-colored sunlight, but, it wants the magnificent sight compared to the sky scenery.Because it is the activity, whenever a row of platoon wave surges, that shines upon in the wave peak the multi-colored sunlight, also red shines, simply is burning likely on a piece by piece sound of sword flame, is glittering, is rolling, vanished.But a behind row, then is glittering, rolled has been welling up, in this serene and beautiful night, I was treading the soft sand beach, along the seashore, forward walked slowly.The sea water, is stroking the valuables sand beach gently, sends out gently “brushes” the sound, late comes the sea breeze, fresh and also is cool, in my heart, has excited and the happiness which cannot say.I have been to many seashore city, these places are all pleasing, however, I most love here - - Weihai.意: 大海 海水是皎洁无比的蔚蓝色,海波是平稳如春晨的西湖一样。





这壮观的海潮,使我感到,在浩瀚无边的大海里,蕴藏着多少力量,这茫茫的海水引起多少诗人无限的遐想。 夕阳落山不久,西方的天空还燃烧着一片橘红色的晚霞。






答The sea, cool warmth has a happy melodious, turbulent waves also have the glory of love; dreams, in the rapids of the deep sea flowering, singing songs with the truth of the fairy tale。.。

10.描写海的英语句子 初中水平





5、喜欢它安静的样子,咆哮的样子…… 望眼过去那开阔无边的大海,雄浑而苍茫,把城市的狭窄、拥挤、嘈杂全都灰望道九霄云外。















The sea water is the bright incomparable sky-blue, the sodium hyposulfite is steady like spring early morning Xihu is same.Occasionally the breeze, only blew certainly the thin certainly thin thousands of clear small wrinkle, this caused according to expose to the sun sunlight of under the first month of summer, the golden light bright water surface appeared warm Xiu to be encouraging.I ever have not seen that beautiful sea! In the sky also is the bright incomparable sky-blue, only then several piece of tissue resemble light cloud.Smooth and level in the air, like a girl, has put on certainly the beautiful blue color summer clothes, but between the neck actually revolved section of certainly thin certainly light white gauze kerchiefs。




Walk along the Seashore-海滨漫步

A Walk along the Seashore

There is much enjoyment to be gained by strolling along the seashore. Many people who live far away from the sea envy those who live near it. They sometimes form excursion parties and go there to spend their Sundays.

To gaze upon a calm sea and watch the ships as they move steadily and quietly through the water is very pleasant. But on a summer day, when the air is warm and the sky is blue, it is more pleasant to walk on the shore and collect pretty pebbles, shells, and seaweed. However, the most wonderful scene of the sea is witnessed during a storm, when the waves rise and fall with much grandeur. At times they look like huge mountains with valleys between; and when they dash against the shore with a hiss and roar, they break into spray.

Walking along the seashore is more than being a pleasure. The sea breezes are highly beneficial, so, a walk along the seashore is recommendable to those who are so fortunate as to live at places where the seashore is within their easy reach.

The Seashore-海边

From as far as you could see on the left and right was open water and sand. The splash of small was open water and sand. The splash of pieces of seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in. the wind felt soft and warm and the water not very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing color from a yellow to an orange and then to a red ball hanging over the horizon. The horizon was a long gray line broken once by the outline of a ship or a fisherman's boat. Here lays the peace and tranquility that poets, writers, and artists alike try to capture in words and paint.



The sea, cool warmth has a happy melodious, turbulent waves also have the glory of love; dreams, in the rapids of the deep sea flowering, singing songs with the truth of the fairy tale.


《致大海To The Sea 》 <普希金> 再见吧,自由的原素! Farewell to you, unharnessed Ocean! 最后一次了,在我眼前 No longer will you roll at me 你的蓝色的浪头翻滚起伏, Your azure swells in endless motion 你的骄傲的美闪烁壮观。

Or gleam in tranquil majesty. 仿佛友人的忧郁的絮语, A comrade's broken words on leaving, 仿佛他别离一刻的招呼, His hail of parting at the door: 最后一次了,我听着你的 Your chant of luring, chant of grieving 喧声呼唤,你的沉郁的吐诉。 Will murmur in my ears no more. 我全心渴望的国度啊,大海! Oh, homeland of my spirit's choosing! 多么常常地,在你的岸上 How often on your banks at large 我静静地,迷惘地徘徊, I wandered mute and dimly musing, 苦思着我那珍爱的愿望。

Fraught with a sacred, troubling charge! 啊,我多么爱听你的回声, How I would love your deep resounding, 那喑哑的声音,那深渊之歌, The primal chasm's muffled voice, 我爱听你黄昏时分的幽静, The primal chasm's muffled voice, 和你任性的脾气的发作! And in your sudden, reckless bounding! 渔人的渺小的帆凭着 The fisher's lowly canvas slips, 你的喜怒无常的保护 By your capricious favor sheltered, 在两齿之间大胆地滑过, Undaunted down your breakers' lips: 但你若汹涌起来,无法克服, Yet by your titan romps have weltered 成群的渔船就会覆没。 And foundered droves of masted ships. 直到现在,我还不能离开 Alas, Fate thwarted me from weighing 这令我厌烦的凝固的石岸, My anchor off the cloddish shore, 我还没有热烈地拥抱你,大海! Exultantly your realm surveying, 也没有让我的诗情的波澜 And by your drifting ridges laying 随着你的山脊跑开! My poet's course forevermore. 你在期待,呼唤…我却被缚住, You waited, called。

I was in irons, 我的心徒然想要挣脱开, And vainly did my soul rebel, 是更强烈的感情把我迷住, Becalmed in those uncouth environs 于是我在岸边留下来…… By passion's overpowering spell. 有什么可顾惜的?而今哪里 Yet why this sorrow? Toward what fastness 能使我奔上坦荡的途径? Would now my carefree sails be spread? 在你的荒凉中,只有一件东西 To one lone goal in all your vastness 也许还激动我的心灵。 My spirit might have gladly sped. 一面峭壁,一座光荣的坟墓… One lonely cliff, the tomb of glory。

那里,种种伟大的回忆 There chilling slumber fell upon 已在寒冷的梦里沉没, The ghost of mankind's proudest story: 啊,是拿破仑熄灭在那里。 There breathed his last Napoleon. 他已经在苦恼里长眠。

There rest for suffering he bartered; 紧随着他,另一个天才 And, gale-borne in his wake, there streams 象风暴之间驰过我们面前, Another kingly spirit martyred, 啊,我们心灵的另一个主宰。 Another regent of our dreams. 他去了,使自由在悲泣中! He passed, and left to Freedom mourning, 他把自己的桂 冠留给世上。

His laurels to Eternity. 喧腾吧,为险恶的天时而汹涌,Arise, roar out in stormy warning: 噢,大海!他曾经为你歌唱。 He was your own true bard, oh Sea! 他是由你的精气塑成的, His soul was by your spirit haunted, 海啊,他是你的形象的反映; In your own image was he framed: 他象你似的深沉、有力、阴郁,Like you immense, profound, undaunted 他也倔强得和你一样。

Like you nocturnal untamed. 世界空虚了……哦,海洋, Bereft the world。 where by your power,现在你还能把我带到哪里? Oh Sea would you now carry me? 到处,人们的命运都是一样: Life offers everywhere one dower: 哪里有幸福,必有教育 On any glint of bliss there glower 或暴君看守得非常严密。

Enlightenment or tyranny. 再见吧,大海!你壮观的美色 Farewell then, Sea! Henceforth in wonder 将永远不会被我遗忘; Your regal grace will I rever; 我将久久地,久久地听着 Long will your muffled twilit thunder 你在黄昏时分的轰响。 Reverberate within my ear. 心里充满了你,我将要把 To woods and silent wildernesses 你的山岩,你的海湾, Will I translate your potent spells, 你的光和影,你的浪花的喋喋,Your cliffs, your coves, your shining tresses, 带到森林,带到寂静的荒原。

Your shadows and your murmurous swells.。

5.描写海的英语句子 初中水平





5、喜欢它安静的样子,咆哮的样子…… 望眼过去那开阔无边的大海,雄浑而苍茫,把城市的狭窄、拥挤、嘈杂全都灰望道九霄云外。













The Ocean's Song by Victor Hugo

We walked amongst the ruins famed in story

Of Rozel-Tower,

And saw the boundless waters stretch in glory

And heave in power.

O Ocean vast! We heard thy song with wonder,

Whilst waves marked time.

"Appear, O Truth!" thou sang'st with tone of thunder,

"And shine sublime!

"The world's enslaved and hunted down by beagles,

To despots sold.

Souls of deep thinkers, soar like mighty eagles!

The Right uphold.

"Be born! arise! o'er the earth and wild waves bounding,

Peoples and suns!

Let darkness vanish; tocsins be resounding,

And flash, ye guns!

"And you who love no pomps of fog or glamour,

Who fear no shocks,

Brave foam and lightning, hurricane and clamour,--

Exiles: the rocks!"


Her Playnate Is The Seaby LeonnaI watch her from the doorAs she plays along the shoreShe digs her toes into the sandBuilds a castle from the landA wave sweeps past her kneesShe giggles, as if to teaseA bucket, shovel, sand and waterEasily occupy my daughterShe has a smile, when she looks up at me My child so happy by the seaShe is alone, but not lonelyHer playmate is the sea。


Sea Fever海之恋

John Masefield 作/ 绿雪 译

I MUST go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,

And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,

And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a gray dawn breaking.





I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide

Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;

And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.





I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,

To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;

And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,

And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.我一定要再次回到大海







The sea water is the bright incomparable sky-blue, the sodium hyposulfite is steady like spring early morning Xihu is same.Occasionally the breeze, only blew certainly the thin certainly thin thousands of clear small wrinkle, this caused according to expose to the sun sunlight of under the first month of summer, the golden light bright water surface appeared warm Xiu to be encouraging.I ever have not seen that beautiful sea! In the sky also is the bright incomparable sky-blue, only then several piece of tissue resemble light cloud.Smooth and level in the air, like a girl, has put on certainly the beautiful blue color summer clothes, but between the neck actually revolved section of certainly thin certainly light white gauze kerchiefs。





The sea, cool warmth has a happy melodious, turbulent waves also have the glory of love; dreams, in the rapids of the deep sea flowering, singing songs with the truth of the fairy tale.


Walk along the Seashore-海滨漫步

A Walk along the Seashore

There is much enjoyment to be gained by strolling along the seashore. Many people who live far away from the sea envy those who live near it. They sometimes form excursion parties and go there to spend their Sundays.

To gaze upon a calm sea and watch the ships as they move steadily and quietly through the water is very pleasant. But on a summer day, when the air is warm and the sky is blue, it is more pleasant to walk on the shore and collect pretty pebbles, shells, and seaweed. However, the most wonderful scene of the sea is witnessed during a storm, when the waves rise and fall with much grandeur. At times they look like huge mountains with valleys between; and when they dash against the shore with a hiss and roar, they break into spray.

Walking along the seashore is more than being a pleasure. The sea breezes are highly beneficial, so, a walk along the seashore is recommendable to those who are so fortunate as to live at places where the seashore is within their easy reach.

The Seashore-海边

From as far as you could see on the left and right was open water and sand. The splash of small was open water and sand. The splash of pieces of seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in. the wind felt soft and warm and the water not very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing color from a yellow to an orange and then to a red ball hanging over the horizon. The horizon was a long gray line broken once by the outline of a ship or a fisherman's boat. Here lays the peace and tranquility that poets, writers, and artists alike try to capture in words and paint.

4.描写海的英语句子 初中水平





5、喜欢它安静的样子,咆哮的样子…… 望眼过去那开阔无边的大海,雄浑而苍茫,把城市的狭窄、拥挤、嘈杂全都灰望道九霄云外。













大海-The Sea

Some people have seen the sea, but others haven't. The sea looks beautiful on a fine day. But it can be very rough when there is a strong wind.

The sea is very large. There is more sea in the world than land.

If you have swum in the sea, you know that the sea is salty. Do you know the Dead Sea? It is so salty that you can't sink when you are in the water. And fish can't live in it!





看着大海,我们的心胸似乎也变得开阔了.在这种境界里,使人神清气爽,心旷神怡.海水涨潮了,海水中的波浪一个连着一个向岸边涌来.有的升上来,像一座座滚滚动的小山;有的撞了海边的礁石上,溅起好几米高的浪花,发出“哗。。哗。。”的美妙声音! Looking at the sea, we seem to have become open-minded. In this realm, the people and exhilarating, refreshing. Seawater high tide, the sea waves in a row come to a shore. Some or up, moving like a rolling hill Block; Some hit the rocks on the beach, passing a good few meters high waves, a "Wow 。。" Wow 。。 beautiful voice!


Her Playnate Is The Seaby LeonnaI watch her from the doorAs she plays along the shoreShe digs her toes into the sandBuilds a castle from the landA wave sweeps past her kneesShe giggles, as if to teaseA bucket, shovel, sand and waterEasily occupy my daughterShe has a smile, when she looks up at me My child so happy by the seaShe is alone, but not lonelyHer playmate is the sea。


Sea Fever海之恋

John Masefield 作/ 绿雪 译

I MUST go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,

And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,

And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a gray dawn breaking.





I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide

Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;

And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.





I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,

To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;

And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,

And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.我一定要再次回到大海






1. 描写大海的英文语句

Walk along the Seashore-海滨漫步

A Walk along the Seashore

There is much enjoyment to be gained by strolling along the seashore. Many people who live far away from the sea envy those who live near it. They sometimes form excursion parties and go there to spend their Sundays.

To gaze upon a calm sea and watch the ships as they move steadily and quietly through the water is very pleasant. But on a summer day, when the air is warm and the sky is blue, it is more pleasant to walk on the shore and collect pretty pebbles, shells, and seaweed. However, the most wonderful scene of the sea is witnessed during a storm, when the waves rise and fall with much grandeur. At times they look like huge mountains with valleys between; and when they dash against the shore with a hiss and roar, they break into spray.

Walking along the seashore is more than being a pleasure. The sea breezes are highly beneficial, so, a walk along the seashore is recommendable to those who are so fortunate as to live at places where the seashore is within their easy reach.

The Seashore-海边

From as far as you could see on the left and right was open water and sand. The splash of small was open water and sand. The splash of pieces of seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in. the wind felt soft and warm and the water not very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing color from a yellow to an orange and then to a red ball hanging over the horizon. The horizon was a long gray line broken once by the outline of a ship or a fisherman's boat. Here lays the peace and tranquility that poets, writers, and artists alike try to capture in words and paint.

2. 描写大海的英语句子

The sea water is the bright incomparable sky-blue, the sodium hyposulfite is steady like spring early morning Xihu is same.Occasionally the breeze, only blew certainly the thin certainly thin thousands of clear small wrinkle, this caused according to expose to the sun sunlight of under the first month of summer, the golden light bright water surface appeared warm Xiu to be encouraging.I ever have not seen that beautiful sea! In the sky also is the bright incomparable sky-blue, only then several piece of tissue resemble light cloud.Smooth and level in the air, like a girl, has put on certainly the beautiful blue color summer clothes, but between the neck actually revolved section of certainly thin certainly light white gauze kerchiefs。



3. 关于海边的英语句子


The sea, cool warmth has a happy melodious, turbulent waves also have the glory of love; dreams, in the rapids of the deep sea flowering, singing songs with the truth of the fairy tale.

4. 描写海的英语句子 初中水平





5、喜欢它安静的样子,咆哮的样子…… 望眼过去那开阔无边的大海,雄浑而苍茫,把城市的狭窄、拥挤、嘈杂全都灰望道九霄云外。












5. 关于sea的英文诗歌

Sea Fever海之恋

John Masefield 作/ 绿雪 译

I MUST go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,

And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,

And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a gray dawn breaking.





I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide

Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;

And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.





I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,

To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;

And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,

And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.我一定要再次回到大海




6. 跪求一篇关于“大海”或“天空”的英语诗歌

Her Playnate Is The Seaby LeonnaI watch her from the doorAs she plays along the shoreShe digs her toes into the sandBuilds a castle from the landA wave sweeps past her kneesShe giggles, as if to teaseA bucket, shovel, sand and waterEasily occupy my daughterShe has a smile, when she looks up at me My child so happy by the seaShe is alone, but not lonelyHer playmate is the sea。

7. 求描写海滩景色的英文句子

Sand, sun and fun make Pattaya one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Thailand. Pattaya,on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand,is a cosmopolitan city dedicated to the pursuit of excitement,pleasure and adventure.


悉尼是上帝的恩赐,并一同随赠了它一处棕榈树旖旎的海滩。海风推着波浪慢慢卷起,移动,掩埋了前面风吹开的涟漪。海滩的阳光,在海水里,在悉尼人们的睡梦中,一样的灿烂。 --------------------- 原文: Sydney,a gift from God,is given by God with another gift,a palm-fringed beach,where waves can be seen budging slowly in the breeze and swallowing ripples ahead.The sunshine nearby in the sea is as constantly dazzling as that in the dreamland of the Sydney people.


转载请注明出处短句子网 » 关于海的英文诗句浪漫




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