1. 关于圣诞节的英文诗
像是Christmas is a time for love and fun,
A time to reshape souls and roots and skies,
A time to give your heart to everyone
Freely, like a rich and lavish sun,
Like a burning star to those whose lonely sighs
Show need of such a time for love and fun.
For children first, whose pain is never done,
Whose bright white fire of anguish never dies,
It's time to give your heart to every one,
That not one angel fall, to hatred won
For lack of ears to listen to her cries,
Or arms to carry him towards love and fun,
Or friends to care what happens on the run
To adult life, where joy or sadness lies.
It's time to give your heart to everyone,
For God loves all, and turns His back on none,
Good or twisted, ignorant or wise.
Christmas is a time for love and fun,
A time to give your heart to everyone.
还有Could there be angels waiting in the wings,
How might we call upon their ecstasy?
Rainbows are mere garnish on the days
In which we are the glory and the light.
So may we hear the songs our sunshine sings,
The words which will the wonder of our ways;
May we know how good it is to be
As we celebrate the holidays,
So much in love we weep as angels might.
2. 关于节日的外国诗有哪些
英〕穆尔屋○尚家骧译 当晚风吹过那彼亚采塔的时候, 妮娜,你可知道,有谁在此等候? 虽然你戴上面罩轻纱,我也能分辨 你知道我的心中爱情如火燃烧 我披上船夫的伪装在此等候,我战栗地告诉你:“小船已准备好了。”
啊,来吧!趁乌云还遮掩着明月, 快来吧!让我们趁此月夜飞奔他乡! 节日的弯度 礼花四射的光彩 沿天空的脊背弯下来 仰望者 以美学的惯性往甜的方向倾斜 内心的牙为此被幻想的糖腐蚀 天空的脊背上 礼花继续叙述着节日的弯曲 我在人群中俯视着自己的鞋 它是一截个人的尺寸 从集体中剪下来的孤独 礼花瞬息的灿烂 抽象了所有的具体 我从清醒中再清醒一次时 天空的脊背紧贴着我的脊背 之间已没有任何缝隙可以穿梭礼花 平安夜 大家相聚分享快乐 圣诞夜 欢聚一堂为明天祝福 狂欢夜 再没有人愿意沉默 你还在等什么 不要再吝啬 不要舍不得 抛开过往的苦涩 只要你听过 爱的传说 就不会改变一生的执著 谁愿做那诚实的蛇 把我们的迷惘点拨 好分清善与恶 再回到上帝面前 唱一首赞美的歌 情人节 1 踏响闹市 在一支玫瑰的身上 忽然醒来 还记得吗 那么多日子 没有花的陪伴 你从容走过 二月十四 他们又提起了爱情 我无言以对 2 突生孤僻 突然杂念丛生 青春流逝之前 那束花 如今在怎样的窗前 飘零 谁还能想起 那个夜晚 一树的流樱 3 早春 二月犹冷 一把洋火点燃了 卿卿 我我 别忘了 炙热之后 凌乱的灰烬 伤人于无形 4 我的矛盾 不是给予的迟疑 不是轻视绽放的美丽 不是对你的笑容 心生疲惫 我只是想 轻和重 形式与实质 5 非得用巧克力 非得用一簇火 非得用今夜 暧昧的笑 期待永恒么 情人的注解已偏离轨道 我宁愿守住最初 一个字,爱 两个字,爱你 情人节诗歌——致情人节的雪 你在人们的心外 飘然而来 尽管你的出现 短暂 寂静 无人喝彩 不期而至的 白雪皑皑 是春天第一个美丽的童话 蚯蚓 迎合时间的节拍 在泥香中舒展 陶醉地 舞起稚拙的摇摆 根芽 结束冬眠 从梦的深处 醒来 万物 睁开朦胧睡眼 接受你恋恋的告别 清新的 你的气息 如歌 如诗 如画 如圣洁的天使 如沙漠中 播撒的甘霖 不是潺潺流动 你的莅临 铺天盖地 洒落在每一个 被寒风灌溉的角落 连绵 舒展 如我今冬的爱 所有寒冷中 痛苦的记忆 所有沉默中 焦虑的等待 连同所有忧伤的泪水 所有凄切的怀念 由温柔的 宽阔的 你的双手 轻轻地 覆盖 轻轻地 掩埋 银色的地幔里 耀出 阳光的色彩 以春天的名义 你来 向灰色的云告别 向呼啸的寒风告别 向漫长的 无眠的冬夜告别 而接踵而至的 春华浮动 浓墨淡彩 是你留下的珍贵礼品 大地携着温馨的祝福 把你深深地 深深地 拥入心怀 相爱的 抑或不爱的人们 默念你的名字 祈祷女神 阿佛洛狄忒 早日到来。
3. 关于圣诞节的英文诗
A good time is coming,I wish it were here, The very best time in the whole year; I'm counting each day on my fingers and thumbs-- the weeks that must pass before Santa Claus comes. Then when the first snowflakes begin to come down, And the wind whistles sharp and the branches are brown, I'll not mind the cold,though my fingers it numbs, For it brings the times nearer when Santa Claus comes. 当圣诞老人来临,快乐时光即将来临, 真希望就是现在,一年当中最欢愉的时刻; 手指脚指并用算算日子—— 圣诞老人还要多久才会到来。
当雪花开始飘落,强风呼呼吹响, 树枝颜色变深,我不在意寒冷滋味, 即使手指已冻麻,因为那代表圣诞老人即将到来。
4. 找关于圣诞节的英文诗
像是Christmas is a time for love and fun,
A time to reshape souls and roots and skies,
A time to give your heart to everyone
Freely, like a rich and lavish sun,
Like a burning star to those whose lonely sighs
Show need of such a time for love and fun.
For children first, whose pain is never done,
Whose bright white fire of anguish never dies,
It's time to give your heart to every one,
That not one angel fall, to hatred won
For lack of ears to listen to her cries,
Or arms to carry him towards love and fun,
Or friends to care what happens on the run
To adult life, where joy or sadness lies.
It's time to give your heart to everyone,
For God loves all, and turns His back on none,
Good or twisted, ignorant or wise.
Christmas is a time for love and fun,
A time to give your heart to everyone.
5. 圣诞节英文小诗
silent night 平安夜 silent night, holy night! all is calm, all is bright. round yon virgin, mother and child. holy infant so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace. silent night, holy night! shepherds quake at the sight. glories stream from heaven afar heavenly hosts sing alleluia, christ the savior is born! christ the savior is born. silent night, holy night! son of god love's pure light. radiant beams from thy holy face with dawn of redeeming grace, jesus lord, at thy birth. jesus lord, at thy birth. 中文:平安夜,圣善夜! 万暗中,光华射, 照着圣母也照着圣婴, 多少慈详也多少天真, 静享天赐安眠,静享天赐安眠。
平安夜,圣善夜! 牧羊人,在旷野, 忽然看见了天上光华, 听见天军唱哈利路亚, 救主今夜降生,救主今夜降生! 平安夜,圣善夜! 神子爱,光皎洁, 救赎宏恩的黎明来到, 圣容发出来荣光普照, 耶稣我主降生,耶稣我主降生。
6. 有关圣诞节和平安夜的诗句
2007年12月 短信祝福语(圣诞)天我擦亮阿拉丁的神灯,灯神说:我会满足你一个愿望。我说:请祝福正在看短信的人圣诞快乐!
7. 英文圣诞节诗
On Going Home For Christmas
He little knew the sorrow that was in his vacant chair;
He never guessed they'd miss him, or he'd surely have been there;
He couldn't see his mother or the lump that filled her throat,
Or the tears that started falling as she read his hasty note;
And he couldn't see his father, sitting sor- rowful and dumb,
Or he never would have written that he thought he couldn't come.
He little knew the gladness that his presence would have made,
And the joy it would have given, or he never would have stayed.
He didn't know how hungry had the little mother grown
Once again to see her baby and to claim him for her own.
He didn't guess the meaning of his visit Christmas Day
Or he never would have written that he couldn't get away.
He couldn't see the fading of the cheeks that once were pink,
And the silver in the tresses; and he didn't stop to think
How the years are passing swiftly, and next Christmas it might be
There would be no home to visit and no mother dear to see.
He didn't think about it -- I'll not say he didn't care.
He was heedless and forgetful or he'd surely have been there.
Just sit down and write a letter -- it will make their heart strings hum
With a tune of perfect gladness -- if you'll tell them that you'll come.
8. 关于圣诞节的诗句
雪圣诞 圣诞的每一下钟声都凝成 片片雪花 洒落进万暗初渡的世界 于是 我伸开双臂 深情地将你怀抱在怀间 走进飞雪编织的空灵 在爱抚中得到平静圣洁的白雪哟 你是主耶稣祈祷的诗篇 送给每个孩子 一片祥和的爱心 圣诞拥抱了我 小时候,我问妈妈 : 圣诞节是谁 ? 他和我一样都是上帝创造的吗 ? 妈妈笑了,说 : 圣诞节穿着红衣服 . 两千年前上帝挥着手指写了个爱字,圣诞节就来了。
坐在金秋的院子里, 我掰开一根根胖乎乎的手指 , 期盼着我的圣诞节又一次地来临 . 哈哈 , 冬爷爷穿着白棉袄 , 舒展着白眉毛 , 白胡子一颤一颤地 , 乘着西伯利亚寒流跌跌撞撞地赶来了。 遥远的伯利恒在夜色中闭上双眼 , 夜 , 吞没了鸟儿的影子 , 风,吹落了每片叶子 . 大地埋在冰雪中透着微弱的气息 . 星星疲惫地眨了几下眼皮 . 钟声 ! 钟声 ! 圣诞的钟声 ! 生命的钟声 ! 光华射 ! 歌声传 ! 万民的信息 ! 大喜的信息 ! 夜睁开了眼睛 ! 星星喜悦地闪烁着 ! 月亮摇摆着身姿 ! 大地冲破了积雪的捆绑 ! 万物 , 万物的救主 , 万物的救主耶稣 , 他来了 !!! 上帝温和地把写好的爱放在主耶稣的马槽里。
主耶稣把上帝的爱背在十字架上。 圣诞节就这样地来了。
妈妈,您说得对, 两千年前上帝挥着手指写了个爱字,圣诞节就来了。 可这一次 , 圣诞节来拥抱我了。
我闻到了他红色衣服上主耶稣的安详宁和。 我睁开眼一看,圣诞节红色衣服上布满了主耶稣的爱。
永恒的爱正源源不断地流向我们。 圣诞快乐 在宁静的夜晚我一个人在凝望 看天空星斗 观月圆美满 也许在这一个圣诞节我看不到雪花 却可以感受一样的清凉 也许在这一个圣诞节我看不到亲人 却可以感受一样的亲切 也许在这一个圣诞节我听不到笑声 却可以感受一样的欢乐 也许在这一个圣诞节我听不到安慰 却可以感受一样的温欣 我冥冥中看到了人世间的欢乐 也一样喜欢用我的双眼保留 我喜欢喜庆的感觉 喜欢把我今天的感觉奉献给我的朋友 听…………………… 那一曲曲音乐在天空中响起 看…………………… 那一颗颗星星在云朵见徘徊 圣诞节里我们可以看到恋人们牵手 一起等待天空中雪花的飘落 圣诞节里我们可以听见朋友们等待 一起盼望时光里梦想的实现 我好想用我这颗祝福的心 来开启你们前方的道路 让你们可以走的更好更平坦 我好想用我这双感恩的心 来带领你们实现梦想 让你们可以活的每美更快乐 圣诞节的今天我为你们这些我生命中的朋友祈祷 希望新的一年里 平安 快乐 幸福 圣诞节的今天我为你们这些我生命中的朋友祝福 希望新的节日里 开心 美丽 醉人 献给圣诞节的诗词 聆听吧!陆地、海洋、日月、星辰…… 在这欢庆圣诞的日子,普世都在欢腾, 我们的心象乐园,盛开着仁爱的花朵, 我们的口象清泉,涌流出赞美的声音。
我主奇妙的真理,是普照万物的阳光, 我主丰盛的恩典,是滋润全地的甘霖。 现在,海岛都已听见了耶和华的训诲, 如今,山村都已传遍了主恩惠的福音。
可是回想当年,旷野茫茫,黑夜沉沉, 被罪捆绑的人类呵!盼望救主的降生。 在那恬静的夜晚,是多么的平安圣善, 伯利恒野地牧人,按着更次看守羊群。
万暗中,忽然发射出无限灿烂的光芒, 把旷野的夜晚,照得比中午还更明亮。 天使传报大喜的信息,是关乎万民的, 因基督耶稣降生为要拯救全世界罪人。
天使天军同唱“在至高之处荣耀归与神, 在地上平安归与他所喜悦的人……。” 天使传报大喜的信息我们要到处传扬, 天使天军的赞美,也在我们心****鸣。
我们的救主,不是出生在富丽的皇宫, 却为了我们,降生在寒陋的客店马棚。 东方的几位博士渡漠越荒,寻找圣婴, 来朝拜救主,献上乳香、没药、黄金。
让我们羡慕贫穷而儆醒的牧羊人吧! 主的使者先向他们传报圣诞的佳音。 让我们效法专心寻主的几位博士吧! 求主启示的明星也引领我们的前程。
我们歌唱救主当年为我们道成肉身降世, 我们传扬基督在十字架为罪人流血舍身。 我们因信称义,得称为神所喜悦的儿女, 和基督同为后嗣,同有死里复活的生命。
我们的身上,流动着同样高贵的血液, 我们的里面,跳跃着同样圣洁的新心。 我们同心合意,赞美父神奇妙的大爱, 我们口唱心和,歌颂基督救赎的洪恩。
在这欢庆圣诞的日子,我们要传扬主的救恩, 让救主住在我们每个诚实、清洁、谦虚的心。 诸天述说神的荣耀,穹苍传扬他创造的大能, 让整个宇宙之间,都充满了哈利路亚的声音……。
9. 圣诞节英文小诗
hristmas love!
is christmas dying?
holly that hang from the door is disappearing,
lights don't shine so bright.
christmas goodwill and spirit is hard to be found,
feeling i've found my scrooge.
is it now that i've grown i see a different picture,
not so tinted in green and gifts.
santa filling my stocking,
everything such a dream through a child eyes.
nativity plays being played at school,
the birth of christ instilled into our lives.
life is changing with so many different cultures and beliefs.
will the true meaning be lost?
when we have people digging a hole with their wallets.
christmas is not about the biggest present,
or how much money you've spent.
christmas for me is about love,
giving it through goodwill, with a smile or just being there.
people may lose faith in religion,
never lose faith in christmas,
christmas is love!
10. 关于圣诞节的诗歌英文带中文翻译
When the winter snowflake is dragging falls gently when the dark night,I have heard the Christmas ting which flutters from the distant place.when old sisters cuts piece of light green Chinese olive leaf pastes when mine window glass,I smell spring's breath,in the pit of the stomach have surged the warm feeling which loves.when friend mind's hut cannot lock in the candlelight finally,after thick window blind,when passes light,I am out of control to praise the grace of salvation which I advocate.the Christmas a night of sky,the twinkle star,silver white world is flowing an ancient song:Christmas Eve,Saint friendly night.当冬日的雪花摇曳着 在黑夜中飘落时,我听到了 从远处飘来的圣诞铃声.当一位老姊妹 剪一片嫩绿的橄榄叶 贴在我的窗户玻璃上时,我嗅到了春的气息,心窝里涌起爱的暖意.当朋友心灵的小屋 终于锁不住烛光,从厚厚的窗帘后,透出一线光明时,我禁不住赞美我主的救恩.圣诞之夜的天空,星星点点,银白的世界 流动着一首古老的歌:平安夜,圣善夜。
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