



George Gordon Byron

SHE walks in beauty like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meets in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellow'd to that tender light

Which Heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more one ray the less

Had half impair'd the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress

Or softly lightens o'er her face

Where thoughts serenely sweet express

How pure how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek and o'er that brow

So soft so calm yet eloquent

The smiles that win the tints that glow

But tell of days in goodness spent,

A mind at peace with all below

A heart whose love is innocent.




Dance Dance Dance


Dance in the moon light with,


All the stars in sight


Dance to the smiles


Dance in the shadows my love


Dance dance dance.


You may think I'm crazy


I'd dance in the moonlight


I'll dance when I want to


Please let me dance


Dance dance dance


Dancer take my hand to your,



I need to dance


Close your blue eyes,


Hold me in your arms and,


Dance dance dance.


Maria Luisa Taylor


她走在美的光彩中 George Gordon Byron SHE walks in beauty like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies And all that's best of dark and bright Meets in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellow'd to that tender lightWhich Heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more one ray the less Had half impair'd the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress Or softly lightens o'er her faceWhere thoughts serenely sweet express How pure how dear their dwelling-place. And on that cheek and o'er that brow So soft so calm yet eloquent The smiles that win the tints that glowBut tell of days in goodness spent,A mind at peace with all below A heart whose love is innocent. 乔治·戈登·拜伦 这个怎么样?个人觉得就象是舞动着一样,很美。


Dance Dance Dance


Dance in the moon light with,


All the stars in sight


Dance to the smiles


Dance in the shadows my love


Dance dance dance.


You may think I'm crazy


I'd dance in the moonlight


I'll dance when I want to


Please let me dance


Dance dance dance


Dancer take my hand to your,



I need to dance


Close your blue eyes,


Hold me in your arms and,


Dance dance dance.


Maria Luisa Taylor



世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world

不是生与死的距离 is not the way from birth to the end

而是我站在你面前 It is when I sit near you

你不知道我爱你 that you don't understand I love you.

世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world

不是我站在你面前 is not that you're not sure I love you.


而是爱到痴迷 It is when my love is bewildering the soul

却不能说出我爱你 but I can't speak it out

世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world

不是我不能说我爱你 is not that I can't say I love you.

而是想你痛彻心脾 It is after looking into my heart

却只能深埋心底 I can't change my love.

世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world

不是我不能说我想你 is not that I'm loving you.

而是彼此相爱 It is in our love

却不能够在一起 we are keeping between the distance.

世界上最远的距离 The most distant way in the world

不是彼此相爱 is not the distance across us.


而是明知道真爱无敌 It is when we're breaking through the way

却装作毫不在意 we deny the existence of love.

世界上最远的距离 So the most distant way in the world

不是树与树的距离 is not in two distant trees.

而是同根生长的树枝 It is the same rooted branches

却无法在风中相依 can't enjoy t





2.珠缨旋转星宿摇,花蔓抖擞龙蛇动。 舞低杨柳楼心月,歌尽桃花扇底风涂香莫惜莲承步,长愁罗袜凌波去。

只见舞回风,都无行处踪。 偷穿宫样稳,并立双趺困。



锦缠头,刘郎错认风前柳。4. 悠扬的笛声吹起,响亮的鼓声敲起,照射出一种神圣的光。








Never give up,

Never lose hope.

Always have faith,

It allows you to cope.

Trying times will pass,

As they always do.

Just have patience,

Your dreams will come true.

So put on a smile,

You'll live through your pain.

Know it will pass,

And strength you will gain

永不放弃 ,

永不心灰意冷 。

永存信念 ,

它会使你应付自如 。

难捱的时光终将过去 ,

一如既往 。

只要有耐心 ,

梦想就会成真 。

露出微笑 ,

你会走出痛苦 。

相信苦难定会过去 ,

你将重获力量 。


If I could save time in a bottle

the first thing that I'd like to do

is to save every day until eternity passes away

just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever

if words could make wishes come true

I'd save every day like a treasure and then

again I would spend them with you










Thank you for standing behind me

In all that I do

I hope you're as happy with me

As I am with you






My love is like the grasses

Hidden in the deep mountains.

Though its abundance increase,

There is none that knows.

我的爱情 犹如青草,




I love to be the one you always think of,

The one you share the joys and hardships with,

I'll always love to be the one you love.








——巴勃罗·聂鲁达 4、"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ——Proverb 不管冬天多长,春天总会随后来。

——谚语 5、"An optimist is the human personification of spring." ——Susan J. Bissonette 乐观主义者是春天的化身。——苏珊.J.比索内特 6、"In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, when birds do sing 。

sweet lovers love the spring." ——William Shakespeare 在春天,在最美丽的结婚季节,鸟儿唱着。甜蜜的恋人喜欢春天。

——莎士比亚 7、"An optimist is the human personification of spring." ——Susan J. Bissonette 乐观主义者是春天的化身。——苏珊.J.比索内特关于春天的英语诗句有哪些?(商都网文化频道配图) 商都文化小编推荐: 春天的诗句 关于描写春天的成语 关于雨的歌曲有哪些?雨天的歌曲大集合 关于雨的诗句有哪些?描写雨的诗 关于秋天的成语有哪些 秋天成语大全。


最新的关于春天的英语句子 "April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." ——William Shakespeare 四月将勃勃生机注入万物。

——莎士比亚 "In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, when birds do sing 。 sweet lovers love the spring." ——William Shakespeare 在春天,在最美丽的结婚季节,鸟儿唱着。

甜蜜的恋人喜欢春天。——莎士比亚 "Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." ——Doug Larson 所谓春天,就是即使鞋子灌满泥巴,仍然想吹口哨。

——道格.拉森 "Spring is when life's alive in everything." -Christina Rossetti 春天是万物复苏的时节。——英国女诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂 "An optimist is the human personification of spring." ——Susan J. Bissonette 乐观主义者是春天的化身。

——苏珊.J.比索内特 "Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'" ——Robin Williams 春天代表自然发话了:“嗨起来吧!”——罗宾·威廉斯 "Spring -- an experience in immortality." ——Henry D. Thoreau 春天是一种永生的经历。——亨利·D·梭罗 "You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming" ——Pablo Neruda 你能砍掉所有的鲜花,但你不能阻止春天的到来。

——巴勃罗·聂鲁达 "No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ——Proverb 不管冬天多长,春天总会随后来。——谚语 经典的关于春天的英语句子 Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the musicof the ripples. 有看不见的手,如懒懒的轻风,在我心上奏着潺潺的乐。

What language is thine, sea? The language of eternal question. What languageis thy answer, sky? The language of eternal silence. 海水啊,你说的是什么?是永恒的疑问。天空啊,你回答的是什么?是永远的沉默。

Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love toyou. 静静地听,我的心,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示。 The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night——it is great. Delusionsofknowledge are like the fog of the morning. 创造的神秘,有如夜间的黑暗——是伟大的。

而知识的幻影却不过如晨间之雾。 Do not seat your love upon a precipicebecause it is high. 不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情悬在上面。

I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for amoment, nods to me and goes. 我今晨坐在窗前,世界如同一个路人,停下,对我点点头,又走了。 There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper ofjoy in my mind. 这思想,是树叶的簌簌之声,在我的心里欢悦地微语着。

What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow. 你看不见自己,你看见的只是自己的影子。 My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master. Let me butlisten. 神啊,我的那些愿望真是愚傻,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫。

让我只是静静得听吧。 I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me. 我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择我。

I like seeing the flowers and trees bud and bloom. Everything is so dead looking in winter and then things start coming back to life in spring. 我喜欢看花草树木发芽、开花、生长。在冬天,所有的东西看起来都死气沉沉的,一到春天,它们就好像又活过来了。

It's hard to resist the beauty of a fresh spring day. The air is crisp, and the sun feels like warm hug. 春天真是很难叫人抗拒啊。空气很清新,太阳照在身上暖暖得就像有人抱着一样。

Calm light rain in spring makes me feel airy and light, and the sound of it is so relaxing to fall asleep to. 春天安静的小雨让我觉得神清气爽、心情轻松,而且听着春雨声很容易入睡。 优秀的关于春天的英语句子 A single flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。

A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。 Sow nothing, reap nothing. 春不播,秋不收。

Spring clean your office—out with the piles of paper; in with a pretty vase for flowers and a new framed photo of you and your family. 春天来了,将自己的办公桌收拾干净吧,扔掉没用的废纸,换上新鲜的花儿,摆上一张最近的全家福。 Take a walk—no cell phone, blackberries, iPhones allowed. Just you, the fresh air, and the blossomingworld. 踏春。


that is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。 the travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。

"this extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continent's largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere. 专门捕捉大自然美丽景色的导演高史林百格将会透过节目带大家融入这处仙境,享受大自然的真善美。



Spring are not always the same.In some years,April bursts upon Virginia hills in one prodigious leap-and all the stage is filled at once,whole choruses of tulips,arabesques of forsythia,cadenzas of flowering plum.The trees grow leavws overnight.

In other years,spring tipoes in.It pauses,overcome by shyness,like my grandchild at the door,peeping in,ducking out of sight,giggling in the hallway."I know you are out there,"I cry."Come in”And April slips into our arms.

The dogwood bud, pale green,is inlaid with russet markings.Within the perfect cup a score of clustered seeds are nestled.One examines the bud in awe:Where were those seeds a month ago?The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk,rose-tinged.All the sleeping things wake it,feel it, crumble April in your hands.

Look to the rue anemone,if you will,or the pea patch,or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.This is how it was,is now,and ever shall be, the world without end.In the serene certainty of spring recurring,who fear the distant fall?



My favorite season is spring.

Spring is the beginning of a year.

It lasts from March to May.

The weather gets warmer and warmer.

Many things come back to life.

The trees are green.

The flowers come out.Lots of birds fly back.

They often sing songs in the trees.

The farmers begin to grow crops

.It is a hopeful season.

It is a good season for hiking.

I like spring best.














I like seeing the flowers and trees bud and bloom. Everything is so dead looking in winter and then things start coming back to life in spring.


It's hard to resist the beauty of a fresh spring day. The air is crisp, and the sun feels like warm hug.


Calm light rain in spring makes me feel airy and light, and the sound of it is so relaxing to fall asleep to.



April Days Days of witchery,subtly sweet, When every hell anstree finds heart, When witer and spring like lovers meet In the mist of noon and part--- In the April days. Nights when the wood frogs faintly peep Once-twice-and then are still, And the woodpeckers' martial voices sweep Like bugle notes from hill to hill- Through the pulseless haze Days when the soil is warm with rain, And through the wood the shy wind steals, Rich with the pine and the poplar smell, And the joyous earth like a dancer reels- Through the April days! Springtime When springtime comes upon us Filling freshness in the air Showing natures own beauty With flowers blooming everywhere. Trees start slowly budding Opening to the sun's warm rays Start the birds to singing Touching our hearts in these ways. The grass starts turning greener Pushing up out of the ground. Nature is waking up Sending forth her beautiful sound. Kenng Rutherford。


1.SpringSpring is the best.Spring is everywhere in East and West,Spring has the smell of a treasure quest,leaves of Spring in a treasure chest.And all of the fruits of Spring,I would really like to taste.And the best thing about Spring isthat never in Spring is my class test.Bohnishikha Ghosh2.SpringSpring is lifeSpring is hopeSo is love andhappiness.Spring renews.Without spring,life is forlorn.Spring is nostalgiaafter bitter storm.Put spring in your heartArchie Greenidge3.Our Old SpringOur old spring is so staleSo boy does it have a tale to tellOur old spring has seen people come and goBut it wants you to knowIt will always be hereEver so nearOur old spring is so bubbly and oldThat nobody knowsJust how old it really isOur old spring spurts on outTo run on outInto the spring branchOur old spring runs all year throughJust for youOur old spring attracts all kinds of animalsBut not any cannablesIt has its share of snakesThat I would like to brun at the stakeOur old spring is too cold to swim inMuchless to even get inIt will make a person so numbSo dont be dumbOur old spring is so peacefulThat it makes you want to captureit on an easelI will always like this old springBecause it makes me want to singAngela Hansard Stafford4.When Spring Goes ByThe winds that on the uplands softly lie,Grow keener where the ice is lingering stillWhere the first robin on the sheltered hillPipes blithely to the tune, "When Spring goes by!"Hear him again, "Spring! Spring!" He seems to cry,Haunting the fall of the flute-throated rill,That keeps a gentle, constant, silver thrill,While he is restless in his ecstasy.Ah! the soft budding of the virginal woods,Of the frail fruit trees by the vanishing lakes:There's the new moon where the clear sunset floods,A trace of dew upon the rose leaf sky;And hark! what rapture the glad robin wakes-"When Spring goes by; Spring! Spring! WhenSpring goes by."Duncan Campbell Scott5.Early in the SpringEarly in the springNot a leaf has struck the groundThe swallow has yet to singAnd the plowmen are no where to be foundEarly in the springThe forest stands stillAnd no creature dare come outBefore the sun rises o'er the hillEarly in the springThe valley holds the morning dewAnd its serenity may be capturedBy only a certain fewEarly in the springThe trees turn, brown to greenMany changes occurBut few can be seenEarly in the springOr in the latter of fallNo matter the change of seasonThe evergreen stands tall句子很简单,相信不用翻译你也……。



1. 关于"雪"的英语诗

In winter Snow often visits us.

My life is full of hexagon flakes.

Whenever north winds blow

I begin to expect snow

The snow that whitens the whole world,

But brings trouble to our friend bird

The trees putting on caps overnight,

The roofs covered by white blanket.

Last night came the first snow of the year;

We're living in a new world.

At the snow my heart lept,

The snow before the door well kept.

I rode to school by bike,

Pedaled hard, but felt happier.

Some people slipped,

But no one quarrelled or cursed.

The girls play snow on the playground,

Running after one another like wild,

With gigles in their wake

Thowing snowballs they make.

I wish I were young and fast

Throwing snow to whoever runs last;

Or I could write in the snow

My beautiful lines to praise Snow

2. 关于雪的英语作文,90词,带翻译

雪-Snow英语作文 Snow Have you ever seen where the first snow flake folly Is it on the country road, on the branch of an old oak tree, on the wheat fields in the plain, or between the peaks of the mountain range? See the snowflakes leaping, dancing like flowers in the whirling wind. The flowers have six angles. Sometimes they are like stars.Sometimes they are only white dots, and they keep on falling gently in silence. Without your knowing it, the fields, houses, trees and the whole earth are enwloped in a thin coat of snow. I love snow, because it is saintly pure. Winter differs from the other seasons in that it is not as warmag spring, neither as hot as summer, nor as sad as autumn. The snowflake has her own grace and inspiration. It seems tender, yet it is amazingly attractive. The snowflakes are flying here and there and everywhere.It seems as if they are little stars in the universe moving along their own orbit. Look! What a spotless silvery world, how great, how magnificent! Away from the crowds of people,I stroll alone in the snow. Standing in the snow, flakes of snow float over my head, kissing me on the cheecks and falling on my eyebrow. Some make their way into my collar and some tall into my mouth. It tastes sweet. Looking at this silver white world, thoughts well up in my mind. I feel as if I had become a part of them 。

Some people say snow may bring you joy and happiness.Others think snow can get rid of the dirt in the world. Still others believe snow will purify one's soul, and there are those who hold the view that snow can melt all the evils in its purity and sincerely。

Oh, snow, you are as pure and white aa the angel in heaven. You come silently and generously protect everything in the world. You melt quietly and nourish a green spring. Oh, snow, I love you. 雪 你见过第一片雪花飘落在什么地方吗?在乡间小路上?在老橡树枝上?在平原的麦田里?还是在连绵的山峰之间? 看那雪花在旋风中欢雀跳跃。

每个雪花有6个角,有时像星星,有时像白点,无声地轻飘下落。 不知不觉地,田野、树木、房屋、整个大地都罩在一层薄雪中。

我爱雪,因为它圣洁。 冬季与其他季节不同,它不像春天那么温暖,不像夏天那么炙热,也不像秋天那么凄凉。

雪花有它自己的风度和灵感,柔美多姿。 雪花四处飞扬,仿佛宇宙中的小星星沿着自己的轨道运行。

好一个银白世界,多么雄伟壮观! 离开人群,我独自在雪中漫步。站在雪中,大片的雪在我的头上飘,吻我的面颊,落在我的眉际,有些直钻入我的衣领,进入口中,甜丝丝的。

看着这银白世界,不由思绪万千,我感到好像自己也变成了雪花…… 有人说雪给人带来欢乐和幸福,有人则认为雪能涤荡世界,还有人认为雪净化灵魂,更有些人的看法是雪将一切罪恶融化在它的纯净和真挚之中…… 啊,雪!你纯净、洁白如天使,无声慷慨地保护世间万物,你静静地融化、滋润着绿色的春天。 啊,雪,我爱你。

3. 帮忙提供一些描写雪的英语句子

I did believe the snow was not a scene but a great wonder. It brought me much more than it had.What a big snow I have never seen! What a beautiful snow I have never enjoy.When I went out for school from home, I was doomed to get a wonder. Everything seemed unlucky to me. I left the umbrella at home; I couldn't unlock my bike and a big truck held up the traffic, which took me above 5 minutes to pass the road. At last I met Charlie and we were both late for the maths class. If it happened the day before, we would go to our seats without saying anything. But today we were forced to stand outside in the cold wind because of the head teacher's bad mood. I didn't want to say anything. It was useless. So I began to stand with Charlie.After a short while, we both felt so cold that we couldn't speak a word. The world seemed very quiet. I suddenly found there was a lot of thin ice dropping from the sky. “Ice!” I shouted to Charlie who soon became excited the same as me. We expected for the snow but nothing happened.After class, the head teacher didn't seem to let us in. We had to stand outside for at least one more class. When the bell rang he went to teach in Class 19.If you asked me whether I had seen a big snow before that day, I would tell you I couldn't remember. But during that period I got the answer.The ice turned white and turned to snow quietly. We were immersed in it without any word. From little to big, the snow changed out of my imagination. With the wind blowing heavily, the snow beat on my face, hair and covered all over my body. We couldn't help shaking in the snow. We opened our mouths to taste the icy snow, stood still in the snow, and enjoyed the wonderful scene ourselves.I did believe the snow was not only a scene but a great wonder as well. It bought me much more than it had.It was too great and too beautiful that I couldn't imagine. How fantastic it was! With the snow dropping on my body, I didn't want to move though it was so cold.If you lived in the north, you might think it was nothing. But the following thing was more unreal. A bird, a beautiful parrot, like an angel, flew from the sky onto Charlie's shoulder and then flew to my shoulder. I didn't know how to express my feelings, only enjoying it. The parrot didn't seem to leave. How fantastic, I thought.The snow became smaller and smaller after class. Maybe we lost something, but we got something, too. I didn't know what it meant. I only wished to believe it would bring me good luck.I would never forget that day.。

4. 描写雪的英语的优美句子

Description snow good sentence: 1) snow, the snow like Xu general, as general Luhua snow, the snow like dandelion general dance in the air, blown by the wind. 2) the air, the glistening snow-like lightweight butterfly in Dance. 3) overnight snow, the roof of city plot has a thickness of snow, stood on the flat-topped tower Wangchuqu, like rolling snow-capped mountains. 4) along highways, sidewalks snow has melted, only the roofs of back-also left Canxue, like wearing a small white top hat. 5) Air was showing a fluttering snowflakes, small white feathers, like the pear Chuila petals, in-yo. 6) Small snowflakes fluttering in the gentle sounds of the long left behind. Gradually, the small snowflakes changed in a big way, thickening, and crowded. 7) a round, a fall Chuochuo the Xuefei, like countless Chesui a cotton ball rolling down from the sky. 8) window with snowflakes dancing in the sky, just like hundreds of butterflies like toward the window panes, glass and hit some mischievous, Pianpian flying toward the side. 9) glistening snow Whispering in my Shouzhangxin, appears to be transparent, and gradually, it melted. 10) snow, the first on the small Duo Duo snowflakes, as gently fluttering Xu then the heavier, a while Jinshi a while. 11) snow finally stopped, a vast field of white, buildings, mountains covered by snow. Paragraph: "Snow!" Children of the snow as good news to report. The people will lay down their hands could not live, come to the front of the windows, ornamental nature of the gift - snow. Especially in the South, Snow difficult intake, many families regardless of cold, snow seize the opportunity to shoot in the snow-Carnival, in a Snow Memorial. Children are busy with formation of snowman, pinch snowball, Daxuezhang. Clearly, many people like snow. Compared to people encountered heavy rain killed that day, a succession of squally rang out under the scorching sun at the heart of the suffering, Snow is a joy. Snow early, often雪片little too dense, such as wind Qingpiao Xu, with the wind blowing the fierceness of the attack, under the snow of the more, snow is also growing, such as woven into a white net, the height of the far What is invisible on the [/ b]. Like continuous Curtain,直落onto the ground, a return to the light. Fisher, Gaiman the roof, road, breaking the branches, Subduction various objects appearance, blocked roads and transport, the雪片filled fly to the white world dissolved into one. If you are walking on the streets, and soon, it will become a living snowman. Mountain snow has been blown in, as to encapsulate this Bengshan buried the small rooms like. Xiaojiao trees, snow cover kept to the small rooms down. Chawai a hillside in the trees, inverted folded down. Hanru fear all broken voice flutter like, to retreat to the horizon! Wind increasingly larger. Naduo Xiaoyun become a white Nongyun gradually rise up, expanding, and gradually cover over the sky. Coming from under the snow. Suddenly, down from the large pieces of雪片came. Wu Wu and roar of the wind, the storm came. An instant, the Diablo sky became a fight with Xuehai, the all invisible. Increasingly fierce snowstorm, the cold days, the nose and cheek Dongde more powerful, more frequent cold air bottles to skin jacket, the clothes need to wrap a tighter more. Sled sometimes Guangliuliu Lulu scrolled off the ice surface because the ground snow have been blown away. …… I seem to feel that there is a strong light shining on the white wilderness greatly broaden the horizon, low and black roof suddenly disappeared, only to see in all directions Luoxue Formation of a slash of white. …… In the wilderness, and the wind obdurate to all blowing in one direction. …… Right, left, everywhere failed, the ambiguous gray. I would like to find the eyes of the same things fresh, but no: no signs, not a pile of hay, not一堵fence, and nothing can not be everywhere is a snow. …… Seems to be a change in wind direction; while blowing head, going live from the eyes of snowflakes paste; next moment from the coat collar hate to turn heads, and make a mockery of拿它Fumo of my face; while from behind by What holes whirring and yelling. …… When I wanted to stand up and bodies wrapped some more closely, landed on the collar and hat from the snow on the neck, sliding into the Lengde I tremble. Snow has been charged for a couple of days, just to stop the morning, a strong sense of the infinite frozen solidification of the snow surface. …… In the snow underneath, 240 Village Yan Wozhao mine, it seems has disappeared. …… No fire house, and the stones on the same cold, not melting tiles on the thick layer of snow。

5. 描写雪的诗句 要带翻译













6. 关于雪的英语作文《100字》最好有中文翻译


it began to snow. This is the first winter snow.

From a distance, the snow like small Eun-joo, like drizzle point, such as willow flowers, one after another for us to hang spondee the roof snow white curtain, the rise of the snow through the curtain looked sparse, and that high-rise buildings nearby, faint about about, like clouds, the clouds like in years, is particularly good-looking. Occasionally heard "creak" A snow pressure to cut off the branches。

Snow Grains for many small, as the same as white sugar. They wave in the air, and landed not in a hurry, it seems as if reluctant to leave the sky, and some quietly jumped into the collar of pedestrians, the quietly disappeared. Then, a small piece of snow as light as smoke, such as clean as jade, silver, like white, Durian have triumphantly. Just come down from heaven to kiss the earth




7. 描写雪的英语的优美句子

Descriptionsnowgoodsentence: 1)snow,thesnowlikeXugeneral,asgeneralLuhuasnow,thesnowlikedandeliongeneraldanceintheair,blownbythewind. 2)theair,theglisteningsnow-likelightweightbutterflyinDance. 3)overnightsnow,theroofofcityplothasathicknessofsnow,stoodontheflat-toppedtowerWangchuqu,likerollingsnow-cappedmountains. 4)alonghighways,sidewalkssnowhasmelted,onlytheroofsofback-alsoleftCanxue,likewearingasmallwhitetophat. 5)Airwasshowingaflutteringsnowflakes,smallwhitefeathers,likethepearChuilapetals,in-yo. 6)Smallsnowflakesflutteringinthegentlesoundsofthelongleftbehind.Gradually,thesmallsnowflakeschangedinabigway,thickening,andcrowded. 7)around,afallChuochuotheXuefei,likecountlessChesuiacottonballrollingdownfromthesky. 8)windowwithsnowflakesdancinginthesky,justlikehundredsofbutterfliesliketowardthewindowpanes,glassandhitsomemischievous,Pianpianflyingtowardtheside. 9)glisteningsnowWhisperinginmyShouzhangxin,appearstobetransparent,andgradually,itmelted. 10)snow,thefirstonthesmallDuoDuosnowflakes,asgentlyflutteringXuthentheheavier,awhileJinshiawhile. 11)snowfinallystopped,avastfieldofwhite,buildings,mountainscoveredbysnow. Paragraph: "Snow!"Childrenofthesnowasgoodnewstoreport.Thepeoplewilllaydowntheirhandscouldnotlive,cometothefrontofthewindows,ornamentalnatureofthegift-snow.EspeciallyintheSouth,Snowdifficultintake,manyfamiliesregardlessofcold,snowseizetheopportunitytoshootinthesnow-Carnival,inaSnowMemorial.Childrenarebusywithformationofsnowman,pinchsnowball,Daxuezhang.Clearly,manypeoplelikesnow.Comparedtopeopleencounteredheavyrainkilledthatday,asuccessionofsquallyrangoutunderthescorchingsunattheheartofthesuffering,Snowisajoy. Snowearly,often雪片littletoodense,suchaswindQingpiaoXu,withthewindblowingthefiercenessoftheattack,underthesnowofthemore,snowisalsogrowing,suchaswovenintoawhitenet,theheightofthefarWhatisinvisibleonthe[/b].LikecontinuousCurtain,直落ontotheground,areturntothelight.Fisher,Gaimantheroof,road,breakingthebranches,Subductionvariousobjectsappearance,blockedroadsandtransport,the雪片filledflytothewhiteworlddissolvedintoone.Ifyouarewalkingonthestreets,andsoon,itwillbecomealivingsnowman. Mountainsnowhasbeenblownin,astoencapsulatethisBengshanburiedthesmallroomslike.Xiaojiaotrees,snowcoverkepttothesmallroomsdown.Chawaiahillsideinthetrees,invertedfoldeddown.Hanrufearallbrokenvoiceflutterlike,toretreattothehorizon! Windincreasinglylarger.NaduoXiaoyunbecomeawhiteNongyungraduallyriseup,expanding,andgraduallycoveroverthesky.Comingfromunderthesnow.Suddenly,downfromthelargepiecesof雪片came.WuWuandroarofthewind,thestormcame.Aninstant,theDiabloskybecameafightwithXuehai,theallinvisible. Increasinglyfiercesnowstorm,thecolddays,thenoseandcheekDongdemorepowerful,morefrequentcoldairbottlestoskinjacket,theclothesneedtowrapatightermore.SledsometimesGuangliuliuLuluscrolledofftheicesurfacebecausethegroundsnowhavebeenblownaway.……Iseemtofeelthatthereisastronglightshiningonthewhitewildernessgreatlybroadenthehorizon,lowandblackroofsuddenlydisappeared,onlytoseeinalldirectionsLuoxueFormationofaslashofwhite.……Inthewilderness,andthewindobduratetoallblowinginonedirection.……Right,left,everywherefailed,theambiguousgray.Iwouldliketofindtheeyesofthesamethingsfresh,butno:nosigns,notapileofhay,not一堵fence,andnothingcannotbeeverywhereisasnow.……Seemstobeachangeinwinddirection;whileblowinghead,goinglivefromtheeyesofsnowflakespaste;nextmomentfromthecoatcollarhatetoturnheads,andmakeamockeryof拿它Fumoofmyface;whilefrombehindbyWhatholeswhirringandyelling.……WhenIwantedtostandupandbodieswrappedsomemoreclosely,landedonthecollarandhatfromthesnowontheneck,slidingintotheLengdeItremble. Snowhasbeenchargedforacoupleofdays,justtostopthemorning,astrongsenseoftheinfinitefrozensolidificationofthesnowsurface.……Inthesnowunderneath,240VillageYanWozhaomine,itseemshasdisappeared.……Nofirehouse,andthestonesonthesamecold,notmeltingtilesonthethicklayerofsnow.Whiteplains,itisonlyapileoforeseemslikedeadvillages,castitsmortuarybodycloth. Snowhasbeenmadeaweekago.Wecansaythattotheendoftheworldis.Plainoccasionallytosee,itmakesourheartshaveathoroughunderstandingofice,thenthewholeplaceafailed,alliswhite,frozen,andthesameasinluminouspaint.WecansaythatGodisgoodpacketsoftheearth,senditpreparedtogobacktoPrehistoricWorld.Letmetellyou:Thatscenarioisreallybleak.采纳哦。

8. 关于雪花的英语句子


As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do for you. When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody's shoulder, I will stand before you immediately. I feel so lonely under the sky full of stars and clouds. I expect your love will give me something sweet on a snowing day.


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