


The yellow crane tower of old, the fireworks yangzhou in March. The far all the blue sky shadow solitary, but see the Yangtze river flow over the sky.


Shaw niang face difficult wins the tears, peach leaves eyebrows are easy to worry, all three distinct moon light, binary rogue in yangzhou.



Yangzhou, ancient Guangling, Jiangdu, Yangzhou and other, China's first batch of historical and cultural city, is located in the central part of Jiangsu Province, adjacent to the East and Yancheng, Taizhou City; south of Yangtze River, and Zhenjiang City, across the river; Southwest and Nanjing city is connected; in the Northwest and Huaian City and Anhui Province Chuzhou City to pick up soil is Nanjing metropolitan circle close cities and cities in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations. State key engineering project of diverting water from the south to the North East water to.




The long history of the yangzhou gestates ShaoBo town, ShaoBo not only beautiful scenery, there are profound cultural,Mr. Zhu ziqing here spent his childhood .

ShaoBo has many cultural heritage,Many folk song was listed in the cultural heritage,you can go to listen to it, Here teems with lobster, Cooking method also are various,formed the lobster food market now popular feast.

This town, With the passage of time and decline, leaving ShaoBo lake of Folk songs.


Yangzhou, ancient Guangling, Jiangdu, Yangzhou and other, China's first batch of historical and cultural city, is located in the central part of Jiangsu Province, adjacent to the East and Yancheng, Taizhou City; south of Yangtze River, and Zhenjiang City, across the river; Southwest and Nanjing city is connected; in the Northwest and Huaian City and Anhui Province Chuzhou City to pick up soil is Nanjing metropolitan circle close cities and cities in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations. State key engineering project of diverting water from the south to the North East water to. 译文: 扬州,古称广陵、江都、维扬等,中国首批历史文化名城,地处江苏省中部,东与盐城市、泰州市毗邻;南临长江,与镇江市隔江相望;西南部与南京市相连;西北部与淮安市和安徽省滁州市接壤,是南京都市圈紧密圈城市和长三角城市群城市,国家重点工程南水北调东线水源地。




1、In ancient times, Yangzhou was well known to (all over)the world for its beauty already.


Be well know to 为。所熟知

all over the world 全世界

2、In ancient times, Yangzhou was famous for its beauty already, which was well known to (all over) the world.

Be famous for因。而著名


【 Park 】the national point cultural object protect unit.After being located on the Yang state downtown east pass street No.318 residence.It is old address in the life Zhi park at first.The life Zhi park folds a stone, it is rumored is in the early Ching dynasty big painter stone big wave handwriting.The pure Jia celebrates for 23 years(1818) two Huai salt industry total company Huang changes to build to the Yun, plant bamboo more in the park, word because of the bamboo likeness"", park.The empress of 1949 once 4 times carried on to renovate.The park delicately is known for by folding a stone.Rockery inside the park, there is spring, summer, autumn, winter the four seasons the artistic conception of the landscape be connect with each other by the building, set, hall, Xuan and harmoniously unify to together and only have special features.Go into a park, the both sides has the square flower the set, its top tall bamboo is beautifully green, and the stalagmite isn't even in the bamboo cluster.It exact center is a park door, ascend the Qian"park" stone sum.Entering a park door is stone flower terrace in the lake and the time plants laurel.The flower terrace has on all sides hall in front, call laurel blossom hall at first, single summit of hill of Yan Xie, hand over the ㄉ suspicion Xin à thunder ┑ Ban  Shan Xin Qu  Di  rake Sou Gui  to bake Deng?.The hall north contains pond, face water to fold a stone and turns and twists Gao Di Wei Yi is partial to the east near water to contain pure Yi station to the east.The northwest of the hall's hasing lake stone mountain is 1 set.Halfway up a hill Sui the hole be profound, below the hills have bluish green pond to go into hole, there is stone beam in Chih-Shang turns and twists hole in.There is the bottom of the stone inside hole hang, the form is like clock milk, the midsummer go into inside, feels fresh and cool.The summit of hill contains crane station, there is ancient cypress in station side face a rock, verdant like cover.The southwest of the mountain plants the bamboo as wood and the full eyes are beautifully green.Dian in Shandong embraces mountain building with seven Yings long building connect with each other.The east gallery descended Qian Jia to celebrate ago 23 years(1818) Liu2 Feng4 Gao4 Zhuan 《 the park record 》the sculpture carvings was 5 squares.The building has already replied a Huang2 Shi2 Shan whom gallery connects the east of park, Huang2 Shi2 Shan rise straight from the ground, glow of sunset bottom if put on if dye, just like an autumn mountain picture.The mountain north eminence has a square station to kiss cloud.The Deng way in mountain up and down hovers around, the turns and twists Yu return, changeable.One stone house in the central part have the stone Ta horizontal Chen.Next go to first floor, the south hopes a crag to the Song and look upwards to see cloud is a glimmer of for day.Get into stone house, take over a clock milk to hang to hang, win the stone Ta stone table.The outside of the stone house is one square hole day, the on all sides Feng stone Jun Qiao, there is stone bridge soar to the skies, the ancient cypress stand erect and place oneself among them, if face deep mountain secluded valley.The south of valley is a mountain in the department, up have terrace and lately set up the Ge in autumn.The south side has ridges and peaks Tu to rise, next have Sui hole.To south good luck stone path but top can the building Ge of the park southeast, now cluster book building.The southwest of the park's hasing north is 3 toward the hall house and is ventilated to leak a month.The hall south leans on a hospital wall to build a 1 set of Xuan Shi2 Shan toward the north.The mountain stone dish Gen, its color is like snow, the quartz contains to order flickering become bright, far and far see go to, the accumulated snow eliminated.The powder wall up opens Chinese foot Xu3 Yuan2 Dong4's 24 after the mountain and the top and bottom 4 lines of interleaves arrange and breeze roars and shout a voice and have deep winter artistic conception.The mountain west carries a wall to up open up a hole window, park door landscape ambiguously it is thus clear that.The park rockery be the Yang state ancient park to fold the representative work of stone, is Chinese classic one of the parks.إ 【个园】全国重点文物保护单位。






扬州是一个很美丽的城市.扬州是座古城,人们都称古城扬州.这几年来扬州发生了巨大的变化水更清了,树更密了小花小草也更旺盛了.马路变宽了,铁路也修好了现在我们扬州有火车了去哪旅游都方便了.扬州的润扬大桥最为壮观,是亚洲第1,世界第3长 杭州有西湖,我们扬州有瘦西湖.我们扬州的瘦西湖可不比杭州的西湖差到哪哦,瘦西湖一进门就是杨堤春柳可美了.

古城扬州,以迷人的胜迹,奇妙的园林,众多的传说引人入胜。可是,还一个地方,似迷宫,非迷宫,却也有它的雅兴,这是哪里呢?猜不出来吧!那我就告诉你们,这个地方就是扬州颇有古色的巷子。 扬州的街巷,长巷接短巷,大巷套小巷,最窄的宽还不足一米,有些街巷的尽头,还会有一扇门,这就是住着的人家的小门。不过别小看了这些巷子,路面都是高低不平的老路面,很少有用石条铺的,一般都用水泥板铺路,干干净净,平平整整,让人感到心旷神怡,不觉感到了古色古香的韵味。


扬州巷子的名字也很古怪。要么平淡无奇,什么头巷,二巷至十多巷;要么如其外观,弯曲的鹅项巷,狭窄的蛇尾巷,三角相交的犁头街;要么文雅别致,什么紫气东来巷,敏贤街。。有些还运用了桥名历史故事名,让人们好似走近了怀古的时代,细看历史,感受着怀古之乐趣;吸一口气,感受自然的芬芳。给本来已经成为古城的扬州,增添了一份“古”的色彩与情趣。 扬州的历史悠久,景色优美,既有大名寺等千年古迹,又有瘦西湖的旖旎风光。那里的特产也特别多,如闻名遐迩的玉石漆器……但我最喜欢的是扬州小吃——富春包。



8.描述扬州的英语作文 150字左右 本人学渣 勿太高大上

My hometown is Yangzhou, a beautiful city. Here are the people from other place tourists are very friendly. Most of thetourists come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery. I think they want to see the first point must be the garden of Suzhou, which can be seen as a sign of my hometown. Here life is to enjoy every. Every day you can see people drink tea, chatting with some good friends like. If you want to know more about her, please come to my hometown.



转载请注明出处短句子网 » 扬州瘦西湖的诗句英文翻译




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