

1.白蛇传英文的剧本 台词

话剧版《白蛇传》 人物:白素贞,小青,旁白,许仙,法海,观音 故事梗概:白素贞、小青两人与许仙相约于西湖畔,不巧碰到了法海,一场恶斗,最终是,小青受伤,白素贞也被镇压在雷锋塔下,许仙孤独终老,但他对白素贞的爱情却是矢志不渝 旁白:那是一个月朗星稀的夜晚,白素贞带着妹妹小青,与许仙相约于美丽的西湖。

(It was a clear and scant-started night with his sister, Bai Suzhen green, and Xu Xian meet in the beautiful West Lake. ) (一段音乐:渡情;伴随音乐白素贞与小青上场) 素贞(四处张望,看风景):小青,你看(指向远方)今晚的月色真美啊!可是纵便有千种风情,更与何人说啊?(Xiao, you see ( point to ) the moonlight tonight beautiful! But even if there are thousands of style, but with what people say? ) 小青(淘气、调皮):姐姐,你是想你的心上人了吧!(Sister, you want your sweetheart ) 素贞:你这小蛇妖,又不懂人间的感情,瞎说些什么!(You little demon, also don't understand human feelings, talking about what ) 小青:是,我不知道那些什么情啊,爱啊。不过看来你的那位许大官人今晚是不会来赴约了(yeah,I don't know what those affection, love 。

But that He won't come out .) 素贞:不会的,他一定会来的,也许是在路上堵车了。走,我们去断桥那边看看吧!(No, he will come, maybe in the traffic jam. We go there have a look on Bridge ) (背景音乐:白蛇传背景音乐:笛声,响一会儿,许仙出场) 许仙:素贞,不好意思,我来晚了。

Feel shy, I am late 素贞:没关系,来了就好。公子最近还好吗?Never mind, come. The son also recently okay 许仙:没什么大问题,最近医院病人比较多,我很忙,还有最近有些胃痛。

No big problem, recent hospital patients more, I am very busy, there are some recent stomachache. 素贞:我的小心肝啊,你可要好好保重身体啊!My little girl ah, you can take care of yourself 许仙:(感动)多谢姑娘关心,看着我的眼睛,我有话对你说:(背景音乐:赤道与北极的前奏)素贞,你知道吗?你就像西湖里的水,温柔多情,(动作,指向下面),你又像天边的明月,美丽圣洁(动作,指向天空),I love you !嫁给我吧!(动作:单膝跪地)Thanks for the girl cares ,Look into my eyes ,You like West Lake 's water, gentle and sentimental ,I love you,Please Marry me 小青:(不解)I love you 是什么意思啊?What is the meaning of 素贞:(脸红,轻声耳语)我爱你的意思。(站着动,也不回答,因为害羞)Means I love you 许仙:姑娘,别沉默,给个回复好吗?Girl, don't be silent, to reply to a good 小青:你真是个傻下子,女孩子不说话就表示默认了!You are a stupid moment, girls do not speak that the default. 法海:默认有个屁用!我的地盘我做主,法海在此,大胆妖孽,拿命来!Default a fart ,This is my turf 许仙:这位师傅且慢,这位美女是我女朋友,我们早就认识了,怎么会是妖,我看你是脑子进水了吧!The master wait a minute, this is my girlfriend, we've already met, how is the monster, I see you are out of your mind! 法海:跟你说你也不会懂,你已经色迷心窍了,我要拯救你!!And you said you never know, you have color obsessed fans, I will save you 许仙:如果爱上一个人是错,我愿意一错再错。

If you love a person is wrong, I do not want to be right 小青:让我来对付这秃贼,你们先聊着!Let me deal with the bald thief, you talked about (打斗中,有配乐,小青战败) 小青:姐姐,我快不行了!Sister, I'm going to die. 素贞:你带着许仙,离远点,别伤着他了,法海!你我无冤无仇,为何死追不放,我到底做错了什么?So you brought Xu Xian, stay away, don't hurt him ,You not my enemy, why not put to death after 法海:(愤怒)你是妖便是错,迷惑人间男子便是错上加错!You are the monster is wrong, confuse the man is wrong 素贞:难道爱一人有错吗?Love a person is wrong 法海:你没有资格说爱,阿弥陀佛,苦海无边,回头是岸!You are not qualified to say love, OMITUOFO the endless sea of tribulations, repent and be saved 素贞:少废话!打就打,谁怕谁!!Don't talk nonsense! Hit, who cares (打斗中,有配音) 法海:蛇妖,你看看这是什么?The basilisk, you have a look what is it 素贞:哼!不就是一破钵嘛!有什么了不起!Is not a broken bowl! No big deal 法海:这可不是一般的钵:(指着钵)永盛牌不锈钢钵,抗打击,耐高温,性价比高,最重要的是它可以收妖,看钵!This is not a general ,The most important is that it can collect the monster bowl 素贞:啊。

..(惨叫),永别了,相公!别忘了你说的话,我们来生再做夫妻。.Goodbye, mr.! Don't forget what you said, we will still be husband and wife 。

. 小青:君子报仇,十年不晚。法海你跟我等着。

..(小青走了)The gentleman revenges, ten years too late ,Wait for me. 旁白:真实造化弄人啊,一座雷峰塔就把白娘子和许。


"The White Snake" is one of the famous folk legend, Feng Menglong of the Ming Dynasty writer early 28th "- telling" to "Lei Feng Chen Yong white wooden tower" : Song, Shaoxing, Hangzhou, a pharmacy charge, "Xu Xuan" (after the civil read "Xu Xian") snakes appeared in the Xihu practice in the United States approached the Millennium white woman in her movement and the female green mackerel, a total of three parachutes. shelter in the ship together. After Xu Xian put an umbrella lent white wooden ship, the next day take home as some of the white umbrella, they see a gradual love with her feelings. Tea for promoting cooperation, as a couple. In marriage, the White Snake Lady strange behavior, Xu Xian embarrassed. Later, Xu Xian met Jinshan Temple monks sea, the sea of a alms bowl to Xu Xian, Xu Xian religious alms bowl enclosures put snakes in the head. White Snake Lady and green masked alms bowl in the middle, the appeal of the prototype. Leifeng alms bowl Teramae put on by sea, the very structures of stone blocks seven, were it there. One takes leave : "West Lake dry, quack-ridden In it down, snakes out. "Although opera began to surface that has long passed" - telling, "but civil. Since "- telling", is a white wooden Ganoderma Love EMEISHAN bootlegging. Shuimanjinshan belly crabs and sea escape who joined the plot to escape death and so on. Unnamed early snakes, which were later implemented in the "Bai Suzhen" name. "Love" is the stress on the festival day. white wine on them got fed stimulation (fear of snakes wine on them) back into the prototype. Xu Xian credit, his wife was home precision snake was scary. Bai Suzhen who risked his life to save a lot of Xu Xian EMEISHAN placed fungus Love circumstances. "Shuimanjinshan" Xu Xian is the argument put away by the sea Leifeng Jinshan Temple, and his wife Xu Xian not join the White Snake Lady To save Xu Xian. and green, together with the sea battle, at the West Lake Water primers consistent Jinshan Temple. But since pregnant, rivaling not by sea pressure it there. Tea been able to escape and successful practice, return Jinshan, beat sea, the sea nowhere to escape, he was wearing a yellow Sengyi, escapist physically crab belly. Later, Xu Xian couple finally reunited and sea crabs can only stay in the belly. So the belly of crabs and crab paste is the "White Snake" is a Chinese opera plays. Initial Ming Feng Menglong a story "- telling" (volume 28) "White Snake Lady town it there forever". Ming, Chen Lung published "Leifeng Pagoda Legend". Ching author of the "justice demons Biography" Tanci. Almost all the drama, and even a puppet show, "Maiden's Prayer" has opera performances. With the civilian and military -- and so both the Opera singing "The White Snake" are unique. EMEISHAN storyline : the green and white snake two precision, the envy of human life, the embodiment girls Xiaoqing, Bai Suzhen, to play West Lake. Bai Suzhen meet with the student to Xu Xian, disagree love, get married auspices of the Group. Monks sea Jinshan allowed to undermine white marriage, using words cup flu Xu Xian, Xu Xian listens to rumors, abandoned the family Jinshan. Bai Suzhen to Jinshan Idrisov, suffered a struggle occurred with the sea bridge. Xu Xian consciousness with Bai Suzhen healed, but powerful sea, the couple split up. Bai Suzhen pressure it there. The Group will be invited to God, and burned it there, Bai Suzhen rescued. The first "White Snake", the first Pack game called "Two snakes struggle," is Beijing, Taiwan Kunqu performed with the "wind stirred Ice" performers. Green-white female. Married with a green snake snakes, no snakes, snake-wrestling snakes finally overcoming years, the green snake willingly into maid, sisters match Later down. The drama is actor Yuyuqin end of the Qing Dynasty (decorated snakes), Li Shunde (decorated green snake) champions. A game of the Twin follow spin elements, such as large-scale fighting skills, but also keeps the makeup, and the allocation of fire and, now on the show lost. Will regular exercise under the Kunqu Opera "The White Snake" is Tian, the Beijing-fisted adaptation. Originally adapted in 1947 when the "alms bowl mind," liberation has revised officially named the "White Snake". From snakes, green snake down YOU Lake, to the green snake destroyed towers, Xu reunion only white, middle - including marriage, liquor changed, a lot of grass, the mountains and Pelton. bridge, with legacy, etc.. When translating in front of a green snake neglected 。


回答和翻译如下 :

《新白娘子传奇》是由夏祖辉、何麒执导,赵雅芝、叶童、陈美琪等主演的古装神话剧[1] 。

该剧以玉山主人的《雷峰塔传奇》和梦花馆主的《白蛇全传》为蓝本改编,讲述了白素贞与许仙之间的爱情故事[2] 。


"The Legend Of White Snake" is directed by Xia Zuhui, He Qi, Angie Chiu, Cecilia Yip, Maggie Chan starred in the drama [1] costume myth. In the play, Yushan master's "Leifeng Pagoda legend" dream flower and the main hall of the "white snake biography" based on the adaptation, tells the story between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian love story [2]. The play premiered on November 15, 1992 in Taiwan, taiwan.

4.白蛇传 简介的翻译成英文

The fields such as Hangzhou , Suzhou and Zhen Jiang City during the period of the Song dynasty happened in legend. Bai Su Zhen is the snake evil spirit trying to make pills of immortality and cultivating vital energy in 1000 , melt the conduct shape being just going to pay a debt of gratitude , the queen is come across for grace of repaying scholar Xu Xian previous existence saving life, young snake spirit is for a short time green , two people goes togethet. And Bai Su Zhen puts supernatural power , the fortuitous Shi excellent plan to good use and Xu Xian is acquainted for, marry with him. After marriage Jin Shan temple and Shangfahai tell Xu Xian Bai Su Zhen being indeed that snake evil spirit , Xu Xian are dubious of. The Xu Xian on-the-point pressing sea way liquor let Bai Su Zhen drink time with a realgar in the Dragon Boat Festival , Bai Su Zhen have to afterwards be revealed for what one is , Xu Xian is scared to death but. Bai Su Zhen goes up to the sky the court embezzles immortal grass that Xu Xian is brought back to life. The law sea swindles Xu Xian to Jin Shan temple and house arrest , Bai Su Zhen fights against law , Flooding the Golden Mountain Temple together with small green grass with the law sea, but therefore hurt other the people. Bai Su Zhen is violated the laws of God in heaven , is followed sea invisible income bowl inner after giving birth to a child, under putting down the Yu Lei Feng tower. Son of queen Bai Su Zhen grows up such that being hit by the very best , the whole family reunites to holding a memorial ceremony for mother , mother being saved in the tower front. Still have small lovable green grass having also found form of address for self's husband.。


简略版 It was said that there was a white snake,which was called Bai Suzhen. She was willing to repay Xu Xian for saving her life before 500 years ago. Then she descended to the world and married him,living together happily.But the Monk Fa Hai,who was from the temple Jin Shan,kept making Bai Suzhen die. What he did made them part and the couple had no chance to meet. It was the story of "ghost "made by China. 译文: 传说白蛇白素贞,为了报答许仙的500年前的救命之恩,落入繁间与许仙结为夫妻,过着美好的生活。

但金山寺的法海和尚却一直要把白素珍置于死地,使他们不能相见,是一部中国版的《人鬼情未了》。 详细版 白蛇传的故事 There is a very famous traditional Chinese story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival. Once upon a time on E-Mei mountain there lived two snake spirits, White Snake and Green Snake. These snakes, being magical, turned themselves into beautiful maidens and set off on a journey to the West Lake of Hang Zhou. 另一个与端午节息息相关的中国传统故事是“白蛇传”。


When they arrived at West Lake they met a man named Xu Xian. White Snake quickly fell in love with Xu Xian and they were soon married. A Buddhist monk, named Fa Hai, warned Xu Xian of his wife's deceptive appearance and suggested to him a plan. 当她们在西湖游玩时,遇到一位名叫许仙的男子,白蛇与许仙很快的相恋并且随即结婚。当时一位名叫法海的和尚,曾经警告许仙注意他妻子惑人的外表,并建议他一个揭开真相的计划。

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival White Snake wished to stay home so as to avoid the Ay Tsao, used for protection from spirits, hanging on the doors of people's houses. Her husband prepared, according to Fa Hai's instruction, some realgarwine, as this was a tradition during the Dragon boat festival. White Snake, thinking her magic would protect her from the effects of the realgar wine accepted a cup. After she drank the wine she became very ill and was barely able to get to her bed.When her husband came to her side, he found not his wife but a huge white snake. So great was Xu Xian's shock that he fell to the floor dead. 端午节当天,白蛇待加家里以避开人们挂在门上驱邪的艾草,而许仙则依照法海的建议准备了大家在端午节时都会喝的雄黄酒。白蛇自认魔力可以抵挡雄黄酒对她的影响,因此喝了一杯。

但是在她喝下那杯酒之后,她却变得精疲力竭,几乎走不到床上。当许仙回到白蛇身边,看到的不是自己美丽的妻子, 而是一只巨大的白蛇,许仙震惊不已,从楼梯上摔死了。

After recovering from the realgar wine and regaining her human form, White Snake was grief-stricken to find her husband dead. She set off on a journey to obtain a potent medicinal herb, which could revive her husband. After returning and reviving her husband with the medicine, she explained to Xu Xian that the white snake he saw was actually a dragon and that this vision was indeed a very good omen. Xu Xain's fears were put to rest for the moment by his wife's fancifulstory… 当白蛇恢复精力及人形时,她才发现自己丈夫已经身亡,因此白蛇外出寻找能使许仙起死回生的强效药草。许仙在服用药草,并起死回生之后,白蛇告诉许仙他看到的那条白蛇,其实是一只代表吉相的龙。

而在那时,许仙也在白蛇引人入胜的故事中将恐惧抛诸脑后…… Story of White Snake/Vocabulary magical 魔术般的(形容词) The eight immortals in the Taoist legends have magical powers. 道教中的的八仙有魔力。 maiden少女(名词) The prince rescued the beautiful maiden from the monster. 王子由怪兽手中救出美丽的少女。

journey旅行(名词) Would you like to join us on our journey? 你想参与我们的旅行吗? buddhist佛教的(形容词) Many people go to that Buddhist temple on the weekends.许多人在周末到佛教的寺院去。 monk僧侣(名词) That monk lives a very quiet and peaceful life. 那位僧侣过著平静的生活。

deceptive迷惑的、骗人的(形容词) I believe that the advertising is a little deceptive. 我相信广告总是有一些骗人。 grief-stricken极度悲伤的(形容词) He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident. 当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤。

potent强力的(形容词) The poison of the snake is a very potent. 那只蛇的毒很强。 omen兆头(名词) Ancient people thought a lunar eclipse was a bad omen. 古代的人们相信月蚀是一种坏的预兆。





It was said that there was a white snake,which was called Bai Suzhen. She was willing to repay Xu Xian for saving her life before 500 years ago. Then she descended to the world and married him,living together happily.But the Monk Fa Hai,who was from the temple Jin Shan,kept making Bai Suzhen die. What he did made them part and the couple had no chance to meet. It was the story of "ghost "made by China.




人物:白素贞,小青,旁白,许仙,法海,观音 故事梗概:白素贞、小青两人与许仙相约于西湖畔,不巧碰到了法海,一场恶斗,最终是,小青受伤,白素贞也被镇压在雷锋塔下,许仙孤独终老,但他对白素贞的爱情却是矢志不渝 旁白:那是一个月朗星稀的夜晚,白素贞带着妹妹小青,与许仙相约于美丽的西湖。

(It was a clear and scant-started night with his sister, Bai Suzhen green, and Xu Xian meet in the beautiful West Lake. )(一段音乐:渡情;伴随音乐白素贞与小青上场)素贞(四处张望,看风景):小青,你看(指向远方)今晚的月色真美啊!可是纵便有千种风情,更与何人说啊?(Xiao, you see ( point to ) the moonlight tonight beautiful! But even if there are thousands of style, but with what people say? ) 小青(淘气、调皮):姐姐,你是想你的心上人了吧!(Sister, you want your sweetheart ) 素贞:你这小蛇妖,又不懂人间的感情,瞎说些什么!(You little demon, also don't understand human feelings, talking about what ) 小青:是,我不知道那些什么情啊,爱啊。不过看来你的那位许大官人今晚是不会来赴约了(yeah,I don't know what those affection, love 。

But that He won't come out .) 素贞:不会的,他一定会来的,也许是在路上堵车了。走,我们去断桥那边看看吧!(No, he will come, maybe in the traffic jam. We go there have a look on Bridge ) (背景音乐:白蛇传背景音乐:笛声,响一会儿,许仙出场) 许仙:素贞,不好意思,我来晚了。

Feel shy, I am late 素贞:没关系,来了就好。公子最近还好吗?Never mind, come. The son also recently okay 许仙:没什么大问题,最近医院病人比较多,我很忙,还有最近有些胃痛。

No big problem, recent hospital patients more, I am very busy, there are some recent stomachache. 素贞:我的小心肝啊,你可要好好保重身体啊!My little girl ah, you can take care of yourself 许仙:(感动)多谢姑娘关心,看着我的眼睛,我有话对你说:(背景音乐:赤道与北极的前奏)素贞,你知道吗?你就像西湖里的水,温柔多情,(动作,指向下面),你又像天边的明月,美丽圣洁(动作,指向天空),I love you !嫁给我吧!(动作:单膝跪地)Thanks for the girl cares ,Look into my eyes ,You like West Lake 's water, gentle and sentimental ,I love you,Please Marry me 小青:(不解)I love you 是什么意思啊?What is the meaning of 素贞:(脸红,轻声耳语)我爱你的意思。(站着动,也不回答,因为害羞)Means I love you 许仙:姑娘,别沉默,给个回复好吗?Girl, don't be silent, to reply to a good 小青:你真是个傻下子,女孩子不说话就表示默认了!You are a stupid moment, girls do not speak that the default. 法海:默认有个屁用!我的地盘我做主,法海在此,大胆妖孽,拿命来!Default a fart ,This is my turf 许仙:这位师傅且慢,这位美女是我女朋友,我们早就认识了,怎么会是妖,我看你是脑子进水了吧!The master wait a minute, this is my girlfriend, we've already met, how is the monster, I see you are out of your mind! 法海:跟你说你也不会懂,你已经色迷心窍了,我要拯救你!!And you said you never know, you have color obsessed fans, I will save you 许仙:如果爱上一个人是错,我愿意一错再错。

If you love a person is wrong, I do not want to be right 小青:让我来对付这秃贼,你们先聊着!Let me deal with the bald thief, you talked about (打斗中,有配乐,小青战败) 小青:姐姐,我快不行了!Sister, I'm going to die. 素贞:你带着许仙,离远点,别伤着他了,法海!你我无冤无仇,为何死追不放,我到底做错了什么?So you brought Xu Xian, stay away, don't hurt him ,You not my enemy, why not put to death after 法海:(愤怒)你是妖便是错,迷惑人间男子便是错上加错!You are the monster is wrong, confuse the man is wrong 素贞:难道爱一人有错吗?Love a person is wrong 法海:你没有资格说爱,阿弥陀佛,苦海无边,回头是岸!You are not qualified to say love, OMITUOFO the endless sea of tribulations, repent and be saved 素贞:少废话!打就打,谁怕谁!!Don't talk nonsense! Hit, who cares (打斗中,有配音) 法海:蛇妖,你看看这是什么?The basilisk, you have a look what is it 素贞:哼!不就是一破钵嘛!有什么了不起!Is not a broken bowl! No big deal 法海:这可不是一般的钵:(指着钵)永盛牌不锈钢钵,抗打击,耐高温,性价比高,最重要的是它可以收妖,看钵!This is not a general ,The most important is that it can collect the monster bowl 素贞:啊。

..(惨叫),永别了,相公!别忘了你说的话,我们来生再做夫妻。.Goodbye, mr.! Don't forget what you said, we will still be husband and wife 。

. 小青:君子报仇,十年不晚。法海你跟我等着。

..(小青走了)The gentleman revenges, ten years too late ,Wait for me. 旁白:真实造化弄人啊,一座雷峰塔就把白娘子和许仙隔在了两个世界。 Real 。











9.白蛇传(新白娘子传奇)故事概要 英文版

Bai suzhen and xiaoqing, the snake demon for thousands of years in emei mountain, came to the world as soon as possible.

(峨眉山千年蛇妖白素贞和小青为早日成仙来到人间, 路遇在西湖断桥躲雨的书生许仙,互生情愫。)

fa hai in the name of behead demon, vowed to behead bai suzhen.


He made bai suzhen appear for ten days and scared xu xian to death.


Bai suzhen knew pharmacology well. She risked her life by stealing xiancao to rescue xu xian.


Bai suzhen anger, casting water diffuse jinshan temple.


Xu xian woke up, regardless of whether bai suzhen was a demon or not.


Eager for quick success and instant benefit, fa hai wanted to become a Buddha.


But was trapped by the evil heart, into the head of madness.


Once bai suzhen was pregnant in October, she gave birth to xu xian.


haofang haofi tricks again, he will cheat bai suzhen pressure in leifeng tower.


Before farewell, bai suzhen shed her life's first and last drop of tears.









转载请注明出处短句子网 » 白蛇传的英文怎么写




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